I have been listening to a lot of the speeches from these 2 candidates lately and noticed a huge difference in each of their messages. One party is promoting the "Move Forward" campaign while the other is, well to be honest promoting a WASP AGENDA.
It's funny that the Republicans don't seem to have any inclusion of other races. And strangely the US ONCE WAS THE GREAT MELTING POT. "Give us your tired, your poor" speech doesn't seem to be resonating here anymore.
I just finished watching a YouTube interview with a Trump backer saying that she would elect Putin over Biden any day and another said that he would not vote for a person that would force men to have a vasectomy before marriage because they should have the only say over their body but abortion is wrong.
The average person with average intelligence should clearly see what's going on here. But, are they just that? Average Americans with average intelligence?
People need to stop worrying about what others should be doing. To put it simply, if I don't like cooked liver should I be made to eat it if someone else says I should? Sadly this is the exact thought process and avenue that the Republicans are taking.
I have been listening carefully to Trump speeches. I mean their content. He has little to say about anything as an election platform. Nothing about economics, nothing about healthcare....NOTHING.
There was a person in the 1930s that said something that still rings true today
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it "
Adolf Hitler
Religion has no place in government. That's was established by the founding fathers. Look at the history of religious monarchy in Europe and you would change your mind quickly.
There are not millions of Mexicans rushing the border. If there were Mexico would be empty. This is a racist tool to promote white supremacy.
Everyone should have the right to medical care without fear of losing everything they have. It should be a 'human right'. This includes the choices we make for ourselves. Why should you have the right to dictate what a rape victim should do with her body.
The Republicans are move back to when white men made decisions and every one else just nodded and accepted it. BACKWARDS!
This is just a dumbing down of populace to make them controllable.
It's only September and already Trump is speaking garbage about election fraud. It's the seeds of anarchy being promoted before it happens.
PSYCHOPATH: a person with an egocentric or antisocial personality marked by lack of remorse for one's actions; an absences of empathy for others and often criminal tendencies.
Enough said!