Saturday, August 31, 2024

Election Road in America

 I have been listening to a lot of the speeches from these 2 candidates lately and noticed a huge difference in each of their messages. One party is promoting the "Move Forward" campaign while the other is, well to be honest promoting a WASP AGENDA. 

It's funny that the Republicans don't seem to have any inclusion of other races. And strangely the US ONCE WAS THE GREAT MELTING POT. "Give us your tired, your poor" speech doesn't seem to be resonating here anymore. 

I just finished watching a YouTube interview with a Trump backer saying that she would elect Putin over Biden any day and another said that he would not vote for a person that would force men to have a vasectomy before marriage because they should have the only say over their body but abortion is wrong.

The average person with average intelligence should clearly see what's going on here. But, are they just that? Average Americans with average intelligence?

People need to stop worrying about what others should be doing. To put it simply, if I don't like cooked liver should I be made to eat it if someone else says I should?  Sadly this is the exact thought process and avenue that the Republicans are taking.

I have been listening carefully to Trump speeches. I mean their content. He has little to say about anything as an election platform. Nothing about economics, nothing about healthcare....NOTHING. 

There was a person in the 1930s that said something that still rings true today 

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it "

Adolf Hitler

Religion has no place in government. That's was established by the founding fathers. Look at the history of religious monarchy in Europe and you would change your mind quickly.

There are not millions of Mexicans rushing the border. If there were Mexico would be empty. This is a racist tool to promote white supremacy.

Everyone should have the right to medical care without fear of losing everything they have. It should be a 'human right'. This includes the choices we make for ourselves. Why should you have the right to dictate what a rape victim should do with her body.

The Republicans are move back to when white men made decisions and every one else just nodded and accepted it. BACKWARDS!

This is just a dumbing down of populace to make them controllable.

It's only September and already Trump is speaking garbage about election fraud. It's the seeds of anarchy being promoted before it happens.

PSYCHOPATH: a person with an egocentric or antisocial personality marked by lack of remorse for one's actions; an absences of empathy for others and often criminal tendencies.



Enough said!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Elections USA

 Every day I read something about American politics in the news and every day I get more and more disgusted by the name calling, insignificant hype and circus nonsense of it all. In the last few weeks I have heard very little about policy and change for that country and more about smear. If I was American, I think I would be very afraid of the direction the US is heading. It is the fall of another Roman Empire fueled by internal power struggle that will ultimately be it's downfall. 

Sadly,  the choices American voters have is rather bad. Aging democratic that should stand aside to let fresh blood and ideas grown or a senile dictator that wants you to prove you are white Anglo Saxon that fears God to be eligible to vote.

The sense and senseless lines are drawn. Marjorie Greene, a Trump a** kisser who is jonesing for a prime spot in Trumpdom if he wins. By the way...Paul Revere signed the Declaration of Independence??? I AM FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY and I know that is wrong!!

 Elon Musk with his over-self-important ego suggesting we execute people who don't agree with a new voting bill. WHY DONT YOU PAY FOR THE WALL THEN ELON???

Christian Fundamentalist groups taking their shot to politically flex their Jesus muscles and set back society to the 1800s when people were ignorant and religion took advantage of it.

Where is the talk of JOBS, HEALTH CARE and SECURITY?? 

Nothing is being said. It's all about who's side you are on in case they win.

America barely survived 4 years with this clown... Can they really afford 4 or 8 more. 

Internationally, his administration was laughable. Foreign Leaders would roll their eyes knowing he was coming to visit.

The other Elephant in the Room is one that makes me laugh the most.

Trump wants to keep out illegals saying it's a crime against hard working Americans. A CRIME you to punish these criminals ? Deport them, jail them. Trump is a convicted criminal! Shall you deport him or jail him.

This is a double standard? Who then is above the law. No one is suppose to be. According to the Catholics, only the Pope. So who do laws really apply to? Poor people. The IRS has no problem turning your world upside down for a few grand you did not claim. Do you get leniency? 

A true Leader helps create fair laws, enforces them and is not above them.

Rome wasn't built in a day, but it sure may have the fastest fall ever. Good luck America!

Oh and in case you are wondering, Canada and Mexico will be closed for illegal US immigrants come November. We are starting our own border policies.

Enough said ...

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Safe Sights To Shoot

 Morning Everyone,

I have been tolerating "safe drug sites" in my community now for well over 2 years. If you don't live in Canada then I will give you a quick education. They are sites, sponsored by local, provincial and federal governments where drug addicts can safely take drugs, it is a site where they can get clean needles. All this to stop them from overdosing. WOW!


"The recent study [14] by the government of Alberta reports that the average cost per visit for drug consumption is $52."

Let's do some math shall we!

52 x 7 days a week = $364. 364 x 100people = $36,400!!! 

THIS MAINTAINS a drug users habit and life style to continue to be an unproductive member of society.

Oh and it gets better...

"The transport cost of utilizing an ambulance is $385 [18] per use. "

"The cost for an emergency department visit for residents of Alberta, Canada, for overdose treatment is $ 1061."

"The cost of physician fees per emergency visit lasting 45 min is $176 "

"We recognize that additional costs would be incurred if clients needed admission to hospital or critical care. The frequency of these admissions was not available as population level data and, thus, was beyond the scope of this study."

So to transport, doctor fee and emergency care comes to $1622.

I guess my question is...based on my 100 person estimate are we really treating 100 people daily in ERs for this?

So if Canada cares so much about drug overdose issues, why are they not spending the money to promote rehab instead of enabling a habit that will be never-ending for a person's lifetime?

Thank-you Canada for recognizing there is a problem, but this wound is TOO BIG for such a small bandaid you want to provide.

And the last time I checked, most of these drugs are still illegal in our justice system.

That is the biggest oxymoron ever.

Time to wake up people! Write your MP and start asking why your taxes are going to programs like this. Times are tough and I do not wish to spend my tax dollars for this.

Enough said...

Sunday, April 21, 2024



It's been a while since we chatted. Life gets in the way sometimes, but I am happy to say that there is something worth talking about today.

I have been carefully following the news to the south and I am wondering how crazy things will become politically in the US. I do believe American politics has become unhinged. How, do you ask?

Let's start with Mr. Trump shall we. I don't believe that any President since Nixon has been in so much hot water. Storming the capitol, misuse of election funds, bribery and this whole pony song and dance about election fraud.

The bullsh*t and bickering going on is laughable to the world. 

You have election winners crying because they lost a second time. You have rogue representatives shooting their mouth off for attention. You have reps afraid of another Trump administration and will continue to sit on the fence "just in case". 

But the sadest thing here is that a hand full of idiots in the line light are making American politics a joke in the face of the world.

While you bicker internally, the watches and will take advantage of this vulnerability. 

Russia is using American politics as a tool to further it's land grab and it's working! America is so focused on "who is saying what" that Putin is using this distraction to further his agenda.

Some of the statements the Marjorie Green has been make, not too long ago would have been considered treasonous.

America is slowly turning into the New Roman Empire and will crumble leaving the world to take over 

What of the American people? Are they that naive to what is going on in their country? Are they that blind to the bigger picture?

I noticed that the religious sect is getting their hands in the pie. It's a grab to manoeuvre itself back into politics. Sadly, issues such as gay rights and abortion have been set back severely because of this. This is leaving people frightened that the American way of life of FREEDOM & PROGRESS will regress back to when people really had no rights other than to vote for the present day idiot to elect them.

You are in a sad state America.

I guess the question is will you continue this downward spiral or will you wake up and see what is really going on.

Citzens of the US don't rely on the media for you direction. They are in everyone's pocket.

Until next time people!

Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Problem With Homelessness

 What it is?!

My city introduced a homeless shelter 4 houses down the street from my house recently. Currently we have a major problem with the homeless in the city. The city council has done nothing to control the situation and has left the taxpayer in the dark about their bandaid attempts to solve the issue. As a home owner I have 2 issues. 1. They put the shelter close to a residential area and school. 2. This has attracted no just the homeless but a variety of other vagrants aka drug users 
I have had people trying to set up tents in my yard, people trying to open my door and general noise and vandalism in the area.
The police won't touch them unless they're on the property. When they do respond, the person is gone before they arrive leaving a mess with nothing done. Bylaw will not help saying it is a police issue. This leaves Joe taxpayer footing the bill for these people and let with a mess. 
Well what to do?
I am now seriously thinking of going to the media so possibly shame the city into doing something.
A friend of mine recently told me that it is the occasional habit of the police to pick up the homeless that are causing issues and drop them off in the next city so they don't have to do paperwork! WOW! TAX DOLLARS AT WORK!
I get it, it's not an easy issue, but bandaid solutions and phone conversations saying "come winter they won't be there" is not the answer.
I forgot to tell you, the city has also opened up "clean needle injection sites!!" Isn't the point to get them off drugs and become societal member. How is aiding an addict fixing the needle/drug issue? 
Why not spend the money for a shelter? Or better yet, focus on getting them established so they can work and PAY TAXES LIKE ME! WOW, there's a thought. 
Right now, I don't feel safe in my neighborhood because I don't know if these homeless people are violent or not. 
The city wants to make the shelter a permanent site. What will happen since it is next to the school?
Oh the dilemma of our society 
Have a Good Day!

What Does War Mean To The Masses Now?

War, for what ever reason throughout history, has always meant one thing...MONEY and Political Position!

North America  was conquered by Europe for many reasons... expansion, gold, political gain and dominance.

South America met the same fate at the hands of the same people.

Countries that are invaded causing big or small wars are often done so for the capital gain, territorial expansion and world dominance. Some simple examples would be Rome trying to conquer the known world, Spanish, English and Dutch taking already occupied land by sheer force for profit in the 1500s. And the more modern version of Rome, the USA with their CIA in every backyard of a foreign country they can profit from.

War generates economics. Before war, there is usually a lull in the world markets, borderline recession and in some cases even depressions. How to get out of the financial mess? Have a War!! 

War drives everything from food to fuel and everything in between. It stimulates economies. Governments love this. It is an opportunity to kick start economies, lower debt and tax everyone more. Why? Cause there is more spent and made by people.

War is a machine that repeats itself over and over again through history. The only difference are the players, some retire, some die, but the game goes on.

Ask anyone in the Ukraine right now about what they think of the current invasion by Russia. I am sure the average Joe would tell you that its not what they want and leave us the hell alone.

The news sounds ominous or great depending on what side of the fence you are standing. But in the end the losers, whether the world climbs out of the recession/depression, will always be the innocent people that were sacrificed in the name of War.

Sadly, their legacy will be "Dead At The Hands Of The Greedy Word"

And so the merry-go-round will continue. Other nations in the future will just put a new spin on and old concept, ignite the ignorant into believing we are fighting evil and many will die.

Why cant we just dismantle banks, financial institutions, profiteers and anyone looking to make big bucks because of WAR! 

I think a dollar should be a dollar no matter where you live. I think what you have as a nation could be traded for what you need.

I think we should leave the destruction of the human race to global warming and asteroid impacts. Mother earth knows how to cull when the she thinks things are getting out of hand. SHE DOES NOT NEED OUR HELP.

So a word to the Putins, Bidens and all the other crazy leaders that are giving corporations leeway to line their pockets through war profits, you were put in place by people who believe in you and need your help. They don't want your "James Bond Villain" I want to dominate the world attitude. 

Because in the end, you as leader, still eat, sleep and shit like the rest of us only you do it in a slightly better bathroom.

Oh the World is crazy.....what can we do?


Want to make a political statement: smile and show the peace sign.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's Day

Was there ever a time that you just looked at your Mom and began to think about all the little things that she has done or taught to you?
Mother's are not just nurturers, but also teachers, mentors and friends. And in each of the roles she may have assumed with you, she has shown you the world....or a small piece of it.

My Mom taught me how to tie my shoe laces. For a left-handed child that did everything backwards, this felt like a huge and frustrating challenge when I was 4 yrs old. My Mom, thank goodness was also left-handed and by the end of an afternoon I had succeeded in this right of passage. My Mom showed great patience and even put coloured tape on the tips of the laces so I would not get confused.

She did many other things through my life, kissing scrapes and bandaging them, holding my hand and being there after a difficult surgery and being very honest with me, never sugar coating things. But she always ended this honesty with the phrase... "Everything will be alright, you'll see."

I learn as I got older that my Mom wasn't perfect and she made mistakes too. But even in this, I was still learning from her. That my convictions about myself and my life were just as important as the expectations she had of me. It pushed me to be confident in who and what I was, no matter the opinion.

We loved and we lived through heartache with each other, but in the end I don't think I would change a thing because she gave me the most important gift a mother can
If it was not for her, I would not be here writing to you.

So no matter what type of relationship you have with your mother, you should stop and reflect this day about what she did to get you through life, the good and the bad.
Oh and one last thing..... thank her for it!

Saturday, April 19, 2014