Friday, October 15, 2010

Quebec Sovereignty???? selling abroad.

Good Afternoon,
and what a wonderful day it is...the sun is shining, the sky is blue and Quebecer separatist Gilles Duceppe is stirring again about WHEN Quebec becomes its own country.

Go Gilles Go!!!! the faster you leave, the happier Canada will be!!!!
there are many benefits to Quebec leaving.....

1. no more forced french!!!! we won't have to have it any longer...on our packaging, on TV, in our government or schools.
2. we can finally make french schools that wish to exist turn into private schools and save the extra cash for public ones.
3. the money Quebec owes as their portion of the debt can go to the deficit. (that would make Harper happy...his bacon would be saved a bit.)
4. the cost of making money at the Canadian Mint would be less after all that Canadian currency is handed back.
5. any money given to Quebec to boost their economy would then go to provinces that need it!!!!
6. we would have 3 countries that hosted NHL games.
7. Canada would gain back its reputation for being nice, since all the quebec tourists would no longer represent us abroad.
8. We don't need their MAPLE SYRUP....ontario has lots.
9. Quebec leaving would finally force the federal government into coming up with alternative energies.

it will be interesting to see how the Americans react to this drum-beating. i am sure that they may find it a bit disturbing and wonder about the stability of a new country and the services it says it can promise. will the Americans find it a good idea and manipulate Quebec to lower the cost of their business? Will there be stability since there is not Canadian Federal Government to aid them?
or is all this chin-wagging hot air because people are scared to step away from Canada to venture out into a brave new "heavily taxed" world.

if the people of Quebec think that their taxes won't increase they are dreaming.
Who exactly do they think will have to support all the new infrastructures that the new independent government will put into place. who will pay for things currency, new laws, new documents and papers and all the other things that will have to be started fresh......WITH NEW Q-DOLLARS

the city of Montreal could not pay for the Olympics!!!? how on earth will they pay for all this new STUFF???!!!!


p.s. start thinking of a new NATIONAL ANTHEM!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Chip Bags Are Noisy???....landfills

Evening All,

well chalk it up to the american people for complaining to chip giant Frito-Lay saying the bags are too noisy! YOU HEARD THAT RIGHT....TOO NOISY!!!

a short time ago Frito-Lay decide to do their part to help reduce landfill, they designed a biodegradable bag that would not harm the environment.
WHAT A GREAT IDEA!!!!! REALLY!!!!! it was finally nice to see companies that are the largest generators of trash step up and pitch in here's the problem......
people began to email and write to Frito-Lay about (here it comes now) how noisy the bags were when they were crumpled up!!!! WHAT THE HELL????
YO...joe's a complicated solution to the problem...DON'T CRUMPLE THE DAMNED BAG YOU IDIOT.
so in light of these complaints...what does the chip company do....they are switching out all biodegradable bags on all their Sunchips but one.
SHAME ON YOU FRITO-LAY for giving in to idiots. consummers they may be, but earth caring environmentalists they are not!
SHAME ON YOU JOE PUBLIC for not realizing that we have garbage coming out the wazoo and no place to store it anymore. but would have to have a brain for that one!!!!

so let me stay on the landfill theme are some interesting facts about other things that should not be in landfill sites.
pay attention....your world may depend on it eventually.

-Plastic bottles take 700 years to begin composting. the chemicals from the plastic leech into our water tables and could have horrific affects on us physically.

-90% of the cost of bottled water is due to the bottle itself. to melt down and product another plastic product or plastic bottle for our PLASTIC WORLD isn't cheap. for every bottle of water that is about $1.50, it costs about $1.11 for the plastic.

-80% of plastic bottles are not recycled. this is just sheer laziness or not caring about the environment. would this number go DOWN if we started fining people for misuse??? YOU BET YOUR ASS IT WOULD.

-38 million plastic bottles go to the dump per year in CANADA from bottled water (not including soda) what else can i say but....SAD

-24 million gallons of oil are needed to produce a billion plastic bottles. so all you idiots that throw away your plastic drinking bottles cuz ya don't give a chit...STOP WHINING ABOUT THE PRICE OF GAS.

-The average CANADIAN consumes 167 bottles of water a year. DRINK FROM THE TAP....its the same damned liquid as in your bottled water.

-Bottling and shipping water is the least energy efficient method ever used to supply water.

-Bottled water is the second most popular beverage in CANADA.
the first is COFFEE....and that doesn't come in plastic.

- Over 46,000 pieces of plastic debris float on every square mile of ocean.
SAVE THE WHALES and dolphins and sharks and seals and all the other creatures.

SO...what is good plastic and what is bad????
not an easy thing to know.
in recent years hard plastic which is used in hard water bottles, baby bottles and other hard plastic liquid containers are UNSAFE.
yes i typed UNSAFE.
plastics made from polycarbonate resin can leach bisphenol-A (BPA), a potent hormone disruptor. BPA, a chemical found in epoxy resin and polycarbonate plastics, may impair the reproductive organs and have adverse effects on tumors, breast tissue development and prostate development by reducing sperm count. DID YA HERE THAT GUYS....YOU MAY LOSE SOME OF YOUR SWIMMERS!!!!
BPA can be leached into the water bottles contents through normal wear and tear, exposure to heat and cleaning agents. This includes leaving your plastic water bottle in your car during errands, in your back pack during hikes and running it through your dishwasher and using harsh detergents. OH AND ANOTHER HELPFUL HINT...don't heat your food in plastic either.

know what i say......WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH GLASS???? its made of natural ingredients and is safe.

quote of the day.......

"the death of Coke for me was when they introduced it to PLASTIC! it ain't 'the real thing' anymore."
quote by me!