Friday, November 5, 2010

Gas Gas.....Oh The Price Of Gas!!

Good Evening,
it seems i have take up of late writing in the evening hour. oh well, better that than never my friends.

so.....i drove by a gas station today and rolled down my window to curse. YES, you read that right....I CURSED AT THE STATION. the price of gas hit a high today of $1.05. this really erks me.(putting it politely)
the American dollar slides, ours rises and so does the price at the pumps. WHY?
well i can't explain the backward connections of global political and economic chaos, but i can add some very interesting facts that will make you wonder why we are being bled at the PUMPS.

1. CANADA is the 7th largest oil producer in the world at 3.1 million barrels per day produced.

2. CANADA comes in 2nd when it comes to the largest oil reserves. a whopping 179 billion barrels. the only one larger is Saudi Arabia.

3. the estimate for untaped oil in Alberta could be 2 trillion barrels or even higher.

4. for every barrel of crude taken out of the ground, 20 gallons (80 litres) of gasoline is produced plus 7 gallons (28 litres) of diesel.

5. China and the United States are 1 and 2 when it comes to consuming oil on the planet.

6. if you look at any geography map you will see that in the middle east, the USA has more military installations on oil rich countries then any other place in the world with the exception of their own country.

7. one of the reasons for invading Afganistan was to secure a foothold in the middle east and begin building a pipeline that would run to the nearest sea port....The Persian Gulf.

8. who would be the largest beneficiary of this pipeline.....CHINA.

9. China has the 2nd largest export economy in the world and is forecast to soon overtake the USA for top spot.

10. there are 12 nations that make up OPEC. CANADA IS NOT ONE OF THEM. these 12 nations control 40% of the world's oil.

11. if CANADA is not part of OPEC, then why are we adhering to the price of gas set by OPEC?

12. CANADA should be able to sustain its own country with oil and still have some left over to sell.

SO with all this information, what can we conclude about the price of gas in our cities and towns?

- the government is making a hefty sum in taxes by allowing the OPEC cartel to set gas prices rather than provide reasonable prices for our own country.
- the large consumers of the world, China and USA are the largest exporters of goods and someone has to keep them happy.
- the Americans militarily control the middle east and so have a say in who gets what with regards to oil.
- China is the biggest consumer and will soon be the largest exporter of goods. their number one customer got it....the good old USA. so they get the pipeline.

SO WHAT EXACTLY ARE WE GETTING????? we are getting it up the wazooooooooo!!!!!
in the future, the USA will be looking north to get their hands on CANADA's oil because of the potential trillions of barrels still sitting there untouched.

THE ONLY ONE REALLY LOSING IS little us. we are stuck filling the coffers of governments and oil cartels with money. when in reality we could be paying for cheap gas with the reserves from our own back yard.

in Venezuela, the government subsidizes the price of gas for the people because they have it...... HERE'S A NEWS FLASH.... WE HAVE OIL TOO.....WHY ARE WE NOT SUBSIDIZED???? G R E E D....plain and simple.

so i just found it!
it explains our oil consumption in a simplified way.

"The structure of the Canadian oil market is a dual one. Oil is produced and exported from Western Canada and Newfoundland, while the refining industry in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and part of Ontario relies upon imported crude oil for feedstocks. This is because there is no transportation cost advantage in shipping crude oil from Western Canada to those refineries in Eastern Canada, which have relatively easy access to offshore crudes. Instead, the surplus Canadian crude oil production is exported to U.S. refineries that are relatively closer to the source of production. The east coast Canadian refineries, which rely on imported crude oil, export their surplus production to the United States. This ensures that Canada derives the maximum benefit from the development of its resources in terms of investment, employment and economic growth."

SOUND SIMPLE TO YOU?????....about as simple as quantum physics to a 3 year old. this is just double talk nonsense.

WAKE UP CANADA.....why don't you just get your shit together and build the refineries you need to turn crude into gas and look after yourself for a change. The Americans invaded the middle east to get oil....let them have it and the OPEC prices too.

......fix it at home first and help the people of your country THEN worry who else needs OUR oil.

quote of the day......

Man is the animal that intends to shoot himself out into interplanetary space, after having given up on the problem of an efficient way to get himself five miles to work and back each day.

Bill Vaughan

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cell Phone Warning Labels....

Good Evening My Viewers,

so i have found my voice an article that i have just read about Ontario refusing to put warning labels for health risks on cell phones? they say the manufacturers already label the phones in the information package inside.

tell me something people....why on earth would they not? studies have shown the increase of health risk due to usage of cell phones that are linked to cancer. Ya know...the disease that Terry Fox died from!!!
if this is a potential health risk....a valid one, why the hell are they not making all phone manufacturers do it????

so let's be clear on what the government does force a label on.....

- cigarettes. these are the number one bad habit of Canadians. the government forces the industry to put warnings on the packaging as a....(here it is now)HEALTH RISK. they have gone as far as making the manufacturers put disgusting pictures on the front that seem only to disturb the non-smokers! and force the store owners to hide them behind doors so the youth can't see them....WOW WHAT A DETERENT THAT IS??? the manufacturers of cigarettes for years had warning labels on their packs in Canada....why add the graphics?

why.....cause the government has to LOOK PIOUS as they make a hefty profit from the tax on SMOKES and to loose that revenue would cost a huge increase in taxes for all the non-smokers. thats right all you non-smokers...kiss a smoker, they are paying your tax increase for you. i often wish one morning i would wake to find that Canada has gone smoke free...i will open my window to listen to all the non-smokers begin to cry about why THEIR TAXES HAVE GONE WAAAAAAAAAAY UP. (smiling here!)

- liquor. there is another product the government shows no mercy for when it comes to advertising. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE. DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE KILLS.... we have all seen the ads on tv. why such a huge campaign for this product. the government is also making tax dollars off the drinkers. imagine if you drink and smoke, the tax is staggering....kiss them too you non-smoker/drinkers. they keep your taxes low also. commercials on television for beer and liquor tell the viewer to DRINK RESPONSIBLY. isn't that enough?

the provincial government can ban texting and making calls while you drive??? HELL its a criminal law.....(that doesn't get enforced much by the way)
so why Mr. McGinty, can't you go the extra step and put the warning label on the damn phones??

I HAVE YET TO SEE A PHONE MANUFACTURER AD say....monitor your usage it may contribute to cancer???!!!!!

THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD STAY THE HELL OUT OF AD CAMPAIGNS FOR HEALTH REASONING. IF THEY WANT THE PUBLIC TO BE AWARE OF A DANGER, allow the manufacturers to place the warning the phone company manufacturers did.
oh and another reason.....stop treating us like we are helpless children that need your guidance and interruption in our private lives. IF I WANT TO SMOKE, I WILL! IF I WANT TO DRINK, I WILL! at least extend me the courtesy of having some intelligence and allow me to make my own decisions about my life and health.
those that can't....well they deserve the laws in place to prosecute if death is caused.
so then, can we pass laws to try in a court of law manufacturers who's product causes the death of an individual??? can a cigarette company CEO go to jail because i die of a cancer? can a company that makes alcohol be imprisoned for a drunk driver victim? does any of this become their responsibility? if so, nothing would get made and we could have no pleasure beyond the everyday humdrum.

smooth move Ontario.....this is one more reason you should be voted out in the next election.