Hi Everyone,
I want to talk about the earthquake in Oaxaca, Mexico on March 20th. It was 7.6. The north of Japan experienced a quake of 6.1 just days before. I don't think that it's over yet. Possibly there may be another in the next 2 days.
I said at the begining of the year that this would be "the year of the earthquake". So far I am right!
There seems to be a pattern emerging here...so here it is.
I AM GOING TO PREDICT A MAJOR EARTHQUAKE IN SEPTEMBER. In fact, I am going to predict it to happen sometime between September 25 to the 29. It will be massive 7.0+ and with it....a shift in the pole.
I don't know if the pole shift is the cause of the quakes or the quakes are causing the pole shifts. What I figured out is that one seems to accompany the other.
Good Luck World....peace be with You.