Sunday, January 13, 2013

Flu Shot or NOT to Flu Shot....That is the question?

Hi Everyone,
I was reading an article about health care workers in the US that have been fired for refusing to take the flu shot. I SUPPORT YOU!!!
I don't feel there is enough evidence yet to support this. There are no definitive studies that categorically state that the flu shot prevents the flu. That being said, what is in this SHOT anyway?
Workers in some hospitals that are not forced to have the shot are asked to wear masks and tell who they are treating that it is for "their" protection. I don't believe this is right either.
It is currently not mandatory for the general populace to have a flu shot, why then are health care people not considered the general populace. I believe they pay taxes just like anyone else.
I don't think ANY GOVERNMENT  has the right to tell you what you can do with or to your body.
Case in point. Many years ago I had an employee that had chronic attendance due to illness from cold and flu. She was afraid of getting the shot that was offered free by my company. At the time, (I was naive in my thoughts that the government had the best intentions for us) I encouraged her to have this shot. To demonstrate that the needle was not as bad as she imagined, I agreed to have the shot first in front of her. She did take the shot after me. I, however, was sick and off work for a week and ill for at least 2 more weeks after this shot. TELL ME AGAIN THAT ITS SAFE AND WILL HELP.
Your governments thinks that by governing your personal life, it can control nature.
HERE'S A NEWS FLASH FOR one can control nature.
Governments, over the years, have dumbed us down, taken away our "natural sense", encouraged us to overwork, pushed our youth to the point that they are suicidal if their grade point average is lower than expected. They have turned us into "DEPENDANTS". Since then, they have tried to scare us into doing and taking things that we should not, if we only stopped and thought about it. AND THERE IT IS IN A NUT SHELL PEOPLE...they have taught us how not to THINK.
Since then, they have begun to tell us what is good for us. Government is there to protect my rights, NOT TAKE THEM AWAY.
The media is not helping matters. The are scaring the public into believing that there is a pandemic of flu. That it is serious and it is causing death.
Guns in the US are causing death, is the government forcing people to turn in their guns???? More people die in the US from gun related deaths than flu. TAKE THE GUNS AWAY.... "we are only doing what is good for you!"
One quote in the article was from a person that said that if you don't want the flu shot then you should not be working in the health care profession.
Here's some interesting info for you....
If we look at “safe” and “un-safe” levels of mercury, per the FDA, we find this:
"2 ppb is the maximum amount of mercury that deems water “safe” for drinking

Anything over 200 ppb mercury is considered TOXIC [source - EPA]

After doing some math [you can check my math in the article: Vaccine Ingredients – A Comprehensive Guide], we find this:
There is up to 300 ppb mercury is in the “thimerosal-free” flu vaccine.
There is 25,000 ppb mercury given in the flu shot containing 25 mcg of thimerosal as a preservative."

"Many people, after experiencing a rough weekend of throwing up and diarrhea, come back to work and say they had an awful flu.  This is a common misconception.  The “stomach flu” is different from “the flu” that we vaccinate for.  The flu shot is ineffective against “stomach flu."
The following is a list of different years and the number of flu associated deaths in children reported to the CDC:

•1999-2000 -36 deaths [source]

•2000-2001 -30 deaths [source] 17% decrease

•2001-2002 – 25 deaths [source] 17% decrease

•2002-2003 – 29 deaths [source] 16% increase (This is the last year that the flu vaccine was considered “unsafe” by the CDC for children under 5 – now let’s watch the increase of deaths after the CDC recommends all children age 6 months to 5 years be vaccinated for Influenza.)

•2003-2004 – 153 [source] 427% increase

•2004-2005 — 47 deaths [source] 69% decrease

•2005-2006 – 46 deaths [source] 3% decrease

•2006-2007 – 68 deaths [source] 48% increase

•2007-2008 – 88 deaths [source] 29% increase

•2008-2009 – 133 deaths [source] 51% increase

•2009-2010 – 282 deaths [source] 112% increase

•2010-2011 – 115 deaths [source] 59% decrease


"Studies have shown that adequate amounts of Vitamin D during the flu months (when Vitamin D levels are at their lowest) can prevent people from contracting influenza up to 100% of the time!! And even if your Vitamin D levels aren’t as high as they need to be to completely prevent the flu, even higher than average levels of Vitamin D can greatly minimize the symptoms of the flu if you catch it. This is one of the only safe and natural ways to prevent the flu or lessen flu symptoms."
 [source][source] [source] [source University of Cambridge Medical Journals]

Quote of the Day....
The only person that can decide 100% what is right for you is you! BE INFORMED.....don't let yourself be lead without THINKING FIRST.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hockey Is Back!!!...Who Cares

Hi Everyone,
Early this morning the NHLPA and the NHL reached some kind of tentative agreement to save the hockey!
KNOW WHAT I what! All this nonsense so players and the league can have better benefits, save some money and feel better.
MY QUESTION anyone really worth the money that these people make? Are team owners really suffering? NO & NO they are not.

"Players were losing $30,000 US in salary on average per cancelled game, with owners taking an even bigger hit to their wallets."

A majority of the people that cheer and support these organizations DON'T MAKE $30,000 a year. What have you done for your LOYAL FANS Players and NHL???? NOTHING. In fact, I can bet my next pay cheque that the price of tickets will rise SHARPLY because of it. So in the end, it's the poor pathetic fan that pays for this mess so the league and the players can shake hands and step back on the ice. How sad.

What a sad quote, better yet what a sheepish attempt to make the public feel sorry for these GREEDY BASTARDS. I have no sympathy what so ever for a player who is losing that kind of money each game missed when he is making millions a year. Do you really think that this strike put a dent in Sidney Crosby's wallet. I think it is pretty safe to say IT DID NOT.
So I am sure you can assume from my comments that for me, HOCKEY IS NO LONGER MY FAVORITE CANADIAN SPORT. (kind of like the way baseball did when it decided to strike)
The people that rely on that form of entertainment can attest to that. Some sport suppliers are in hock because of this.

HERE'S WHAT I SAY....let your kid watch soccer instead!
Enough Said....

"Not everything you want is everything you really need.
The standard of society is motivated by greed."