Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's Day

Was there ever a time that you just looked at your Mom and began to think about all the little things that she has done or taught to you?
Mother's are not just nurturers, but also teachers, mentors and friends. And in each of the roles she may have assumed with you, she has shown you the world....or a small piece of it.

My Mom taught me how to tie my shoe laces. For a left-handed child that did everything backwards, this felt like a huge and frustrating challenge when I was 4 yrs old. My Mom, thank goodness was also left-handed and by the end of an afternoon I had succeeded in this right of passage. My Mom showed great patience and even put coloured tape on the tips of the laces so I would not get confused.

She did many other things through my life, kissing scrapes and bandaging them, holding my hand and being there after a difficult surgery and being very honest with me, never sugar coating things. But she always ended this honesty with the phrase... "Everything will be alright, you'll see."

I learn as I got older that my Mom wasn't perfect and she made mistakes too. But even in this, I was still learning from her. That my convictions about myself and my life were just as important as the expectations she had of me. It pushed me to be confident in who and what I was, no matter the opinion.

We loved and we lived through heartache with each other, but in the end I don't think I would change a thing because she gave me the most important gift a mother can
If it was not for her, I would not be here writing to you.

So no matter what type of relationship you have with your mother, you should stop and reflect this day about what she did to get you through life, the good and the bad.
Oh and one last thing..... thank her for it!