It's been a while since we chatted. Life gets in the way sometimes, but I am happy to say that there is something worth talking about today.
I have been carefully following the news to the south and I am wondering how crazy things will become politically in the US. I do believe American politics has become unhinged. How, do you ask?
Let's start with Mr. Trump shall we. I don't believe that any President since Nixon has been in so much hot water. Storming the capitol, misuse of election funds, bribery and this whole pony song and dance about election fraud.
The bullsh*t and bickering going on is laughable to the world.
You have election winners crying because they lost a second time. You have rogue representatives shooting their mouth off for attention. You have reps afraid of another Trump administration and will continue to sit on the fence "just in case".
But the sadest thing here is that a hand full of idiots in the line light are making American politics a joke in the face of the world.
While you bicker internally, the watches and will take advantage of this vulnerability.
Russia is using American politics as a tool to further it's land grab and it's working! America is so focused on "who is saying what" that Putin is using this distraction to further his agenda.
Some of the statements the Marjorie Green has been make, not too long ago would have been considered treasonous.
America is slowly turning into the New Roman Empire and will crumble leaving the world to take over
What of the American people? Are they that naive to what is going on in their country? Are they that blind to the bigger picture?
I noticed that the religious sect is getting their hands in the pie. It's a grab to manoeuvre itself back into politics. Sadly, issues such as gay rights and abortion have been set back severely because of this. This is leaving people frightened that the American way of life of FREEDOM & PROGRESS will regress back to when people really had no rights other than to vote for the present day idiot to elect them.
You are in a sad state America.
I guess the question is will you continue this downward spiral or will you wake up and see what is really going on.
Citzens of the US don't rely on the media for you direction. They are in everyone's pocket.
Until next time people!