Morning Everyone,
I have been tolerating "safe drug sites" in my community now for well over 2 years. If you don't live in Canada then I will give you a quick education. They are sites, sponsored by local, provincial and federal governments where drug addicts can safely take drugs, it is a site where they can get clean needles. All this to stop them from overdosing. WOW!
"The recent study [14] by the government of Alberta reports that the average cost per visit for drug consumption is $52."
Let's do some math shall we!
52 x 7 days a week = $364. 364 x 100people = $36,400!!!
THIS MAINTAINS a drug users habit and life style to continue to be an unproductive member of society.
Oh and it gets better...
"The transport cost of utilizing an ambulance is $385 [18] per use. "
"The cost for an emergency department visit for residents of Alberta, Canada, for overdose treatment is $ 1061."
"The cost of physician fees per emergency visit lasting 45 min is $176 "
"We recognize that additional costs would be incurred if clients needed admission to hospital or critical care. The frequency of these admissions was not available as population level data and, thus, was beyond the scope of this study."
So to transport, doctor fee and emergency care comes to $1622.
I guess my question is...based on my 100 person estimate are we really treating 100 people daily in ERs for this?
So if Canada cares so much about drug overdose issues, why are they not spending the money to promote rehab instead of enabling a habit that will be never-ending for a person's lifetime?
Thank-you Canada for recognizing there is a problem, but this wound is TOO BIG for such a small bandaid you want to provide.
And the last time I checked, most of these drugs are still illegal in our justice system.
That is the biggest oxymoron ever.
Time to wake up people! Write your MP and start asking why your taxes are going to programs like this. Times are tough and I do not wish to spend my tax dollars for this.
Enough said...