Every day I read something about American politics in the news and every day I get more and more disgusted by the name calling, insignificant hype and circus nonsense of it all. In the last few weeks I have heard very little about policy and change for that country and more about smear. If I was American, I think I would be very afraid of the direction the US is heading. It is the fall of another Roman Empire fueled by internal power struggle that will ultimately be it's downfall.
Sadly, the choices American voters have is rather bad. Aging democratic that should stand aside to let fresh blood and ideas grown or a senile dictator that wants you to prove you are white Anglo Saxon that fears God to be eligible to vote.
The sense and senseless lines are drawn. Marjorie Greene, a Trump a** kisser who is jonesing for a prime spot in Trumpdom if he wins. By the way...Paul Revere signed the Declaration of Independence??? I AM FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY and I know that is wrong!!
Elon Musk with his over-self-important ego suggesting we execute people who don't agree with a new voting bill. WHY DONT YOU PAY FOR THE WALL THEN ELON???
Christian Fundamentalist groups taking their shot to politically flex their Jesus muscles and set back society to the 1800s when people were ignorant and religion took advantage of it.
Where is the talk of JOBS, HEALTH CARE and SECURITY??
Nothing is being said. It's all about who's side you are on in case they win.
America barely survived 4 years with this clown... Can they really afford 4 or 8 more.
Internationally, his administration was laughable. Foreign Leaders would roll their eyes knowing he was coming to visit.
The other Elephant in the Room is one that makes me laugh the most.
Trump wants to keep out illegals saying it's a crime against hard working Americans. A CRIME you say...how to punish these criminals ? Deport them, jail them. Trump is a convicted criminal! Shall you deport him or jail him.
This is a double standard? Who then is above the law. No one is suppose to be. According to the Catholics, only the Pope. So who do laws really apply to? Poor people. The IRS has no problem turning your world upside down for a few grand you did not claim. Do you get leniency?
A true Leader helps create fair laws, enforces them and is not above them.
Rome wasn't built in a day, but it sure may have the fastest fall ever. Good luck America!
Oh and in case you are wondering, Canada and Mexico will be closed for illegal US immigrants come November. We are starting our own border policies.
Enough said ...