i was just reading an article on line about a minister in Hobokin-nowhere Florida who says he will burn a Qu'ran in honour of the anniversary of 9-11. this man is a complete IDIOT!!! you know the kind, there's no god but my god kind of idiot. this man is trying to introduce and incite people to anger using religion as the match stick.
people from around the world are answering his call to protest his action. even his own government has asked that he not do that in the event that it will ignite or incite violence in other parts of the world towards American troops.
WHAT EXACTLY DOES THIS IDIOT....and i am calling this one correctly, THINK HE WILL ACCOMPLISH BY BURNING A BOOK? would he be upset and ready to burn down an embassy of a foreign nation if they burnt a bible???
THIS IS UTTER NONSENSE and a way to get attention at the expense of others. Rev. Jones needs to read his own book first.....LIKE 'turn the other cheek.' 'forgive those that persecute you.'.....OH HERE'S ANOTHER GOOD ONE FOR YOU REV. TERRY....'LOVE THEY NEIGHBOUR AS THY SELF.'
KNOW WHAT I SAY......don't be an idiot the world thinks you are Terry! and don't allow the world to think all Americans are like you!
not only does Terry stand to incite riots on American Embassys and troops, but he may also be breaking a law. i am sure George Bush managed to slip some law in there about this before he departed. a word to the wise Terry, you may be charged with some criminal offense....THEN WHAT??? you could end up in jail for something that was your 'god given right to do.'
i will quote one of the most intelligent statements that i read in all the articles that i searched on this....
"this is contrary to the respect owed to all religions."
rev. Jones....go away quietly before you are put away screaming.
it is time to let wounds heal and forgive....ISN'T THAT WHAT BEING A CHRISTIAN IS ALL ABOUT?!!!
...IF you can't do that Terry, well just turn in your bible.
"If we say that monsters [people who do terrible evil] are beyond forgiving, we give them a power they should never have...they are given the power to keep their evil alive in the hearts of those who suffered most. We give them power to condemn their victims to live forever with the hurting memory of their painful pasts. We give the monsters the last word."
Lewis B. Smedes - Forgive & Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don't Deserve
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