Friday, October 28, 2011

Trash Isn't Trash Anymore...Its Choking Our World

Have ya walked down your street on garbage day lately??? It is one of the most disturbing sights our city has. The consumerism of the North American Culture is out of control. We buy not because we need, but rather because we see! We have been trained that way....we buy carelessly with no regard for where it goes after its life with us. we buy items that are packages in packages and we toss it out like it will miraculously dissolve HARMLESSLY INTO THE ENVIRONMENT!


I live in a university town and it is worse. Students, who are the future of this country, have no regard for the state of the land and what is happening to it. Fast food containers are tossed to the ground before getting on a bus like leaves falling off a tree.
So let's talk trash....shall we?
The largest landfill site in the world is officially closes. Not due to environmental issues or the degradation of a sanctuary that surrounds no. It's due to the fact that the state that it is in says it cannot allocate any extra land. The dump i am speaking of was the Staten Island landfill that stretches some 2,200 acres.
We, in North America, consume 5X as much as Mexicans, 10X as much as Chinese and 30X as much as Indians. NO WONDER our society is obese.
Trash is nasty....but the worst offenders are the plastic people. You know who I am talking about....the ones that drink water from a bottle.
Here's a STARTLING REVELATION FOR YOU....ever piece of plastic ever made still exists on earth today! PLASTIC and the breakdown of it is killing our animals (and us), destroying the environment with foreign chemicals and damaging the atmosphere we breathe in.
The largest accumulation of this damage is happening in our oceans. (Mother Nature says...."don't mess with the oceans, they are the blood and veins of the earth." so here are some fun facts.
* for every square mile of ocean there are 46,000 pieces of plastic floating in it.
* there are two 'plastic islands' floating around the oceans. one in the Atlantic and one in the Pacific.
* the "plastic soup", as it is called by environmentalists, combined is bigger than the plankton population in the oceans.
* combined, the two are equivalent to a surface 3X the size of Texas.
CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?!!!! Yes you can.
SO....the next time you go to the supermarket, have a look at all the excess packaging that your food comes in. Remind yourself of the harmful chemicals that plastic can break down into. And tell yourself, NO, I WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE TO THIS!
AND FOR ALL YOU PLASTIC WATER BOTTLE PEOPLE THAT THINK DRINKING BOTTLED WATER IS SAFE....think again. The only safe container to drink out of is GLASS. It is a natural product that recycles well and breaks down safer within the environment.
I hear you..."ya ya ya" you say. "Our plastic is recyclable." WRONG. The logo you see on the bottle means that it is MADE of recycled plastic. And ya can only make so may other plastic items out of it until it is no longer reusable.
Enough said...........
"The plastic of yesterday is the plastic of today and tomorrow. People say the only thing that lasts are death and taxes....well let's add PLASTIC to that list."

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Beavers, Seats and Protesters....What Do They Have In Common...MY ANGER!


so ya voted for the same idiot to get back into power this last election as ya did the last time. this time the idiot got a majority.
KNOW WHAT I SAY....ya get what ya vote for?!!

with this wonderful majority government, our PM say we can do great things. we can help Canadians through the rough times ahead.
SO HOW ARE THEY HELPING......???? the best way they know how.
By spending money the most ridiculous and frivolous way they can.
Lets see what they're up to shall we....

Kiss My Beaver.....
Let's replace the Beaver with the Polar Bear.
"A Conservative senator says it's time Canada was symbolized by something more majestic than a buck-toothed rodent. She says the polar bear is Canada's "most majestic and splendid mammal," and a powerful symbol in the lives of aboriginal peoples in the North." this conservative senator has a name....Nicole Eaton. (ya think she's trying to shed her ugly heritage? The Eatons made big money off the fur trade. she should be thankful)
maybe Eaton and the conservatives need to realize that the North American Indian also holds the beaver in great respect. and that to have our emblem changed means that we would have to change our currency. how rich does Eaton think Canada is?

Let's Add More Fuel To The Fire......
Yip here's the next one....another thing that the Conservatives think you need and will push through with a MAJORITY.
the population in some areas has jumped dramatically, so whats the solution to this growing problem of space, food and cost of living....ADD MORE REPRESENTATIVES OF COURSE.
"Expanding Commons comes at a cost:
He acknowledged that expanding the number of seats in Parliament will come at a cost — $11.5 million for each election and $14.8 million in operations costs for the House of Commons. He didn't elaborate on what expenses he was including in that figure. " EXPENSES????? YOU MEAN the expense accounts that the government can't control now???
I DON'T REMEMBER ASKING FOR MORE fact, I asked for representation to do what they were elected to do and REPRESENT WHAT I WANT IN THE HALLS OF GOVERNMENT. NOT what the 'big business conservative cronies want!
There are a mere 31,752,842 Canucks in this country!! if I was a child and started at birth paying, by the time i am 80 yrs old and see 20 elections that would cost me $579. that's just for elections. add on another $35 to that for annual maintanence in Ottawa. and another $2 for expense accounts. that is a total of $616 out of my pocket and yours.(AND EVERY OTHER CANADIAN HERE that would be $19,559,750,672!!!! FOR they can make decisions for me that i don't agree with?? (and that does not include their pension)
KNOW WHAT I SAY....they want more politicians.....????? THEY CAN LOWER THEIR OWN SALARIES AND USE THAT MONEY TO PAY FOR THEIR OWN ADDED SEATS!!!!! (no thanks, I'm not buying today)

Protesters Unite And Disrupt.......
NOW....on to other things...HAVE YA NOTICED that people are protesting big finance in cities across Canada? WELL I AM GLAD OF IT!!! its been too long since we got our arses away from our 250 channel TV sets and started to see what is going on. people in cities across Canada are getting ready for the winter to protest. local officials in Toronto are worried that the protesters may cause disruption.
"Margaret Dougherty, a City of Toronto senior communications adviser, told CBC News that although the city hasn’t granted permission to protesters to occupy St. James Park, and there have been a handful of complaints from residents about noise and being able to access the park, the city is trying to "respect the rights of a peaceful protest."
BIG BUSINESS is sucking the life out of your "i need more" life and paycheck and all you can do is worry about people noise and using the park???!!!!! WOW! that is one of the most shallow things i have ever read.
wake stunned Torontonians and start by helping out the cause. make a pot of coffee and bring it over to them. ask what they are doing. maybe you will realize that....they are doing it for you too.
Enough said.....
QUOTE OF THE DAY................
"For in reason, all government without the consent of those governed, is the very definition of slavery."
Jonathan Swift

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Speech : Economic/ Self Destruction

So much of what we do to each other must have the rest of creation shaking their heads in disbelief. It is a fact is that someone born here is no more special than someone from Mexico. Someone born in New York is no more special than someone who lives in Havana. Someone who is black is no more special than someone who is white, the body is just a vehicle for the consciousness to experience. If you go down to the sea shore and pick up a droplet of water in your hand, how can you believe that that droplet is any more special than all the rest of the droplets in the ocean in front of you.
So when i began to understand all this and appreciate this other explanation to dogmatic religion and "this world is all there is" science. I began to ask a question. How come this explanation does not seem as credible as the other two? How come the other two get all the "air time", no questions asked? And the alternative to both of them is condemned by reflex action. (changing the way we do and think)
The answer that I came up with was clearly, some people don't want us to have access to this information. but who and whay? I began to ask other questions. I can't recall any one who wanted wars, who had any interest in war, who felt that war was horrific and avoidable. So i thought, how come the world has been awash with wars then? why? Then i kinda looked at this economic system that controls the world. A system that is SO SANE (in the eyes of the ones driving it) that the more successful it is, the quicker it destroys the planet. It's the perfect environmental and human assessing. It insists that we take even more things, make even more things, consume even more things and throw away even more things to worship the real god of the modern world, economic growth. It insists that 20% of the population can consume 80% of the resources and leaving the other 80% to get by on the other 20%.IT'S CRAZY... of course it is!!! But it is the economic system now that controls your life and mine and 6 billion others.
So I thought, what's behind this self destruction, who and why? I started to look at some of the other conventional wisdom that we pass on from generation to generation as the only way to do things in this world. The system that i just described is dismantling this planet, you ask any politician what we do to get out of this mess we have created and they will say we must have more growth to raise money to spend on the environment. If I said to you the best way to put out a fire was to pour gasoline on it, you would say i was out of my mind, but that's what the politicians are doing when they say more growth to sort out the environment.
It's conventional wisdom to make animals into a commodity, to be made as fat as possible, as quickly as possible with less food to feed them with. To condemn animals to a life time of pain, fear and suffering in the name of economics.
You are considered SANE if you judge your success in health care not by how many people are healthy....but by the number of diseases you can treat. Why? WE ARE TREATING MORE PEOPLE THAN EVER BEFORE....why? Why are so many people so ill?
It's conventional wisdom that rising housing prices are a sign of our economic success when hundreds of thousands are homeless because they cannot afford to buy a home.
You are SANE finally if you think its fine to support a system that is so successful that every year there is more suicides, alcoholism, drug addiction, pain, suffering, fear and homelessness than the year before. WE'D BE IN REAL TROUBLE IF THIS SYSTEM WASN'T WORKING WOULDN'T WE?
That is our SANITY, but its the ultimate who's behind it and why?
I began to realize too, that against the background of this utter self destruction on this planet is stunning wisdom. And I see the difference between cleverness and wisdom. They are not the same thing. This system is very clever but its not very wise and its the lack of wisdom that is the problem and has created our crisis.
I began to see that what we call wisdom is not found in the " in this state of the art...letters after their name system", but rather in the native peoples that the the SYSTEM would see as backward. A piece of Native American wisdom for you...." when you have cut down the last tree and poisoned the last river you will then know that you cannot EAT money." THAT'S WISDOM!
In 1854, the United States made an offer for a piece of native land. And under the system I have been talking about and under the values that have been indoctrinated into us... what should have happened was the Chief would have thought ' I have a good one here, I am in the drivers seat. What I will do is duck and weave, put up the price and just when I think they will pull out, I will put out my hand and say YA GOT A DEAL.' And people would think, what a great businessman he is, that Chief is a player.
But there is another Value System on this planet also, a value system that said this in terms of this Chief. "How can you buy and sell the sky? We do not own the freshness of the air or the sparkle on the water. How then can you buy them from us? Every part of the earth is sacred to my people, holy in the memory of their experience. We know that the white man does not understand our ways. He is a stranger that comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs. The earth is not his friend, but his enemy. And when he has conquered it, he moves on. He kidnaps the earth from his children. His appetite will devour the earth and leave nothing but a wasteland. If the beast were gone we would die of a great loneliness of the spirit, for what ever befalls the earth, befalls the children of the earth." It is SO GREAT TO THINK that these words were spoken in 1854 when you look at what has happened since. It is SO SAD TO THINK that they were never heeded.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pill ME .....

Hi All,
The summer was great! Been busy but I'm back!!!

I watched a docu recently that really disturbed me. It was about the Pharmacutical Companies and how they have taken over the airwaves without any medical knowledge.
Shocking really!!! The power of the advertising dollar is incredible.

So here it is!! THE FACTS OF THE MATTER....
1. ADVERTISED DRUGS have been related to over 100,000 deaths in the USA alone.
2. Over 1 MILLION people have been hospitalized because of them.
3. Drug Companies spend more money on advertisement than Pepsi and Budwiser. In 1994 alone they spent 265 million 2004 they spent that in the first 5 months.
NOW lets get a little deeper shall we??!!!

4. Most new drugs replacing old drugs for the same thing, (allergy medication) have shown to be no more affective or better than the old one. only 14% of the "NEW DRUGS" had proved to be more affective. GOOD EXAMPLE...PROZAC's name has been changed to SARAFEM to now treat PRE-MENSTRAL DISORDER. aka...period cramps.
5. Old drugs are spun as new ones with a slight chemical change to avoid losing the patent.
6.New drugs to replace old ones on the market are marked up 3X the price.
NOW for some really aweful stuff.....

7. The media uses ever changing health guidelines to scare consumers into looking into the "new pill cure".
8. Drug companies advertise HUGELY on network television.

9. Drug companies are inventing new syndromes or diseases to pedal their stuff. "Generalized Anxiety Disorder" (shyness) or "Adult ADD" (stress and over worked). LAST TIME I CHECKED....SHYNESS WAS NOT A DISORDER.
10. Child suicide rate has increased 3Xs in 10 yrs.
....its a brainwash! ASK YOUR DOCTOR.

11. Doctors and hospitals are bombarded by over 100,000 "Drug Representatives" annually.
12. It is ILLEGAL to accept gifts from drug companies, but the drug companies provide dinners, trips and other things and drop the cost under their "EDUCATIONAL BUDGET". This allows the payolla to be bypassed.
13. FREE DRUG SAMPLES.... yes all those Name Brand samples and gadgets in your doctor's office are courtesy of the Company that pedal their stuff.(your next visit, ask your doctor if you can see his pen?)

easy.....have a good look at the adds on tv! no one looks sick, in fact, they look wonderful with the world. The people in the adds are middle to upper class. They are happy! WHAT YOU DON'T NOTICE IS....the quickly spoken side affects of the drug.
They promote a new found syndrome they create and push the idea that "you may be someone who feels like this, ask your doctor."
SO, now you go to the doctor with the preconceived idea and ask your doctor about the drug. HE SAYS...YA I have heard of it! in fact, i have a free sample here for you to try! (courtesy of the drug company) TA DA!!!!! GOT YA.

SO NOW FOR A FEW DID YOU KNOWS.....did you know that most of these new syndromes are driven by the drug companies to get you to buy. shaking leg syndrome.
did you know that most of the people that seek these drugs could do other things to fix their problems through DIET, EXERCISE OR ENVIRONMENT???!!!! WOW!!! WHAT A CONCEPT.
So WHY DON'T THEY.....??? cause its too easy to just PILL ME!

well I am done......

"Drugs are a crutch for people that can't cope with reality."

its all mine people!