Friday, October 28, 2011

Trash Isn't Trash Anymore...Its Choking Our World

Have ya walked down your street on garbage day lately??? It is one of the most disturbing sights our city has. The consumerism of the North American Culture is out of control. We buy not because we need, but rather because we see! We have been trained that way....we buy carelessly with no regard for where it goes after its life with us. we buy items that are packages in packages and we toss it out like it will miraculously dissolve HARMLESSLY INTO THE ENVIRONMENT!


I live in a university town and it is worse. Students, who are the future of this country, have no regard for the state of the land and what is happening to it. Fast food containers are tossed to the ground before getting on a bus like leaves falling off a tree.
So let's talk trash....shall we?
The largest landfill site in the world is officially closes. Not due to environmental issues or the degradation of a sanctuary that surrounds no. It's due to the fact that the state that it is in says it cannot allocate any extra land. The dump i am speaking of was the Staten Island landfill that stretches some 2,200 acres.
We, in North America, consume 5X as much as Mexicans, 10X as much as Chinese and 30X as much as Indians. NO WONDER our society is obese.
Trash is nasty....but the worst offenders are the plastic people. You know who I am talking about....the ones that drink water from a bottle.
Here's a STARTLING REVELATION FOR YOU....ever piece of plastic ever made still exists on earth today! PLASTIC and the breakdown of it is killing our animals (and us), destroying the environment with foreign chemicals and damaging the atmosphere we breathe in.
The largest accumulation of this damage is happening in our oceans. (Mother Nature says...."don't mess with the oceans, they are the blood and veins of the earth." so here are some fun facts.
* for every square mile of ocean there are 46,000 pieces of plastic floating in it.
* there are two 'plastic islands' floating around the oceans. one in the Atlantic and one in the Pacific.
* the "plastic soup", as it is called by environmentalists, combined is bigger than the plankton population in the oceans.
* combined, the two are equivalent to a surface 3X the size of Texas.
CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?!!!! Yes you can.
SO....the next time you go to the supermarket, have a look at all the excess packaging that your food comes in. Remind yourself of the harmful chemicals that plastic can break down into. And tell yourself, NO, I WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE TO THIS!
AND FOR ALL YOU PLASTIC WATER BOTTLE PEOPLE THAT THINK DRINKING BOTTLED WATER IS SAFE....think again. The only safe container to drink out of is GLASS. It is a natural product that recycles well and breaks down safer within the environment.
I hear you..."ya ya ya" you say. "Our plastic is recyclable." WRONG. The logo you see on the bottle means that it is MADE of recycled plastic. And ya can only make so may other plastic items out of it until it is no longer reusable.
Enough said...........
"The plastic of yesterday is the plastic of today and tomorrow. People say the only thing that lasts are death and taxes....well let's add PLASTIC to that list."

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