Thursday, February 23, 2012

In Memory Of My Friend "Evie"

I walked with You today...
we shared memories of what use to make us laugh,
we shared the state of the country, the craziness of the world
and the weather that ruled the day.
we were aging, yet we were fearless
because we believed that we lead ordinary lives
and through our ordinary lives,
we would live a long time.

I walked with You today a long time...
we talked of things that meant a lot to us,
of things we could and could not control
and looked for the solutions to make it all better.
we were satisfied with our discussed victory
and hoped that we were not the only ones to see
the simple solution.
and silently prayed that it would all work out.

I walked with You today a long time in my memory...
I could hear Your quiet laugh
as we shared a joke or funny story.
You talked of a glass of wine,
a barbecue by the pool
and the latest thing your husband decided to renovate.
we spoke of Your eyes and what they meant to You.
we had serious thoughts about our hockey team
and what was needed to fix their dilemma.

I walked with You today a long time in my memory holding on...
today is a special day for You.
You are somewhere beautiful and free.
You are in a place that I cannot follow,
somewhere peaceful that we all strive to go to when we leave.
I am but a mortal still
trying to cope with mortality and Your step beyond it.
today, You are with me,
in my heart,
in my mind
and in my tears.
well tomorrow will be just another day
without You.
I miss You already Evie.

Quote Of The Day.....

“Real dishes break. That's how you know they're real. Real lives end. That's how you know you are mortal."
Martin Rubin

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