Thursday, June 28, 2012

Let Us Reduce Emmissions the Feds Say....HA

Hi Everyone,
It seems that VIA rail will be forced to cut out 2 key runs from Kitchener to Toronto in the fall. The reduced subsides by the Feds will cost this community BIG TIME.
The 6am train and the 10pm return will be cut due to VIA rail's attempts to trim their budget. These two runs are key to commuters who use the service. Not to mention the risk of adding to our carbon footprint/pollution in Southern Ontario.
What I want to know is what happened to the $691.9 million the federal government announced in 2007 for improvements to revitalize rail service in Canada???
"The cuts fly-in-the-face of environmentally-sound choices," said Mayor Carl Zehr of Kitchener . This is the most regressive decision the Harper government has ever made for the citizens of Waterloo Region. IS IT TIME TO WRITE YOUR MP NOW??? HELL YES!
Apparently reducing traffic, accidents, congestion and polllution isn't high on our PM's list.

Roundabouts...Are They Safe??
In the past 3 years the KW and Cambridge area has become the region of roundabouts. Are they safe?? Most drivers are learning that they are ok. I do have one problem though...pedestrians!!!
I do not think that the region has considered carefully enough the ramifications of putting roundabouts in high traffic pedestrian areas. I know first hand what it is like to try and cross the existing ones. Since there is nothing stopping vehicles from their SMOOTH TRANSITION in the circle, it means that they are not aware of a body in the mix. The idea of roundabouts was introduced to save the cities money and upkeep of traffic lights. How do we protect children that have to cross these circles that are trying to get to school? Most motorists barely see people on motorbikes let alone a small child.
Since the introduction of these circles, little education of the public has happened. I spoke to my friend that moved here from Europe and she feels that drivers are not using them properly. In some European cities, there is not stopping before entering the circle and they are much bigger!
Maybe a driver awareness flyer in the mail should be distributed about how traffic should be governed when driving these circles? Maybe the size should have been better thought out when designing these so vehicles like CITY BUSES are not driving over the inner mediums to make the turn? Maybe areas with high pedestrian traffic, like near schools shouls stick with the traffic light? MAYBE IN OUR HURRY TO MOVE FORWARD AND SAVE MONEY IN THE REGION WE HAVE FORGOT THE MOST IMPORTANT!!!

BEWARE!!!!! A seven-foot boa constrictor may have escaped from a residence in Arthur. Police conducted an investigation and finally located and spoke to the owner of the snake who confirmed that the snake was in fact missing. MISSING??!!!! HOW THE HELL DOES SOMETHING 7 FEET LONG GO MISSING??? This snake could easily survive in this weather.
This, my friends, is why EXOTIC ANIMALS should NOT be allowed in the country as pets.
KNOW WHAT I SAY.....get a dog you idiot. You have just endangered your community because of your little/big man syndrome!!! Does the snake give you affection and snuggle with you? Can it fetch a stick? Can it wag its tail with joy? Does it greet you at the door when you come home? NO, NO, NO & NO!!!!!
The government needs to have a hard look at laws about exotic pets. In the Midwest in the USA, a lake has been found to have pirahna! Yes you read that right!!!! And guess what? Studies show that the piranha are capable of sustained life in colder waters!!! HOW'S THAT FOR YOUR FAVORITE SWIMMING HOLE?!
KNOW WHAT I SAY......get a dog! Get off your lazy arse and walk it. 1. it will give you some exercise. 2. it will love you back. 3. it won't eat the neighbour's dog or cat.

It looks like one of the major Christian Groups in the USA has given up on curing "homosexuality." WOW! And its about time! Being gay is not a spiritual is what people are. IDIOTS!
QUOTE...."600 Exodus ministers and followers are gathering for the group's annual conference, held this year in a Minneapolis suburb. The group's president, Alan Chambers, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that the conference would highlight his efforts to dissociate the group from the controversial practice usually called ex-gay, reparative or conversion therapy." Their leader said that the word "CURE" was not the appropriate word to use to for those that struggle with the affiction. AFFLICTION???
Turning someone from Gay to Straight through prayer and meditation is like a doctor trying to cure you of being a Muslim to Christian. It's ridiculous and can't be done. Being Gay is not a choice. People don't just wake up and say.....hmmmmm I think I will become gay today?!
My guess is that their homophobic cure through prayer was about as effective as giving an aspirin to a cancer patient.
The Exodus International group said that their success rate was not good. In fact, they had failed to convert/cure. The failure rate was 99.9%! LMAO. (one giant leap backwards for christianity ruling the world)

5000 Public Servants to lose their jobs! Thanks Harper for making Canada and Canadians your #1 priority!!!
Job losses will hit Human Resources, Skill Development Canada as well as Canada Revenue Agency. INTERESTING...human resource and skill developement...were these not the areas that the government spent tons of money on in advertisements to help drive this sector???
WANNA SAVE SOME CASH HARPER.... slash the limo transportation at the parliment buildings and force MPs and Senators to take the shuttle buses provided already. Stop overspending by all MPs and make them more fiscally responsible by reporting their spendings publicly quarterly.
(in fact, cut out their expense accounts all together. They already get paid for the privilege of serving their country. Ask the Canadian Armed Forces,do they get limos, transport and food expenditures?) Get rid of the Senate...what the hell do they do anyway? This would eliminate wages and pensions. IT'S TIME MR. PRIME MINISTER to show Canadians that if you want us to tighten our belts in this economic downturn then you will do the same. LEAD BY EXAMPLE FOR A CHANGE!
Quote of the Day
In a letter to "Dear Abby" a reader complained that a gay couple was moving in across the street and wanted to know what he could do to improve the quality of the neighborhood. Her suggestion - 'You could move.'
Gotta Love Dear Abby!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What The Heck Is Not Going On In Elliot Lake?

So Friends,

I ask....what the hell is not going on in Elliot Lake.

The roof of a mall collapsed on Friday trapping, to date they think, 12 people. No one seems to know if they are dead or alive.

Rescue workers and miners showed up to volunteer to help in finding people in the rubble. Police have stopped them.

The search was called off Sunday evening due to NO ONE KNOWING WHAT THE HELL THEY WERE DOING!!!!!

Why was the military not deployed immediately? Why did the mayor of the town not call the Premier of Ontario and demand help immediately? Why is the Federal Government waiting to be invited to help out its own citizens on their own soil? Why wasn't someone sent there to organize and assess the problem immediately? IF ANYONE may be to late due to hesitation and bureaucratic BS now.

The citizens of Elliot Lake are furious that they have had no one come to assist them. They have been left in limbo and await the fate of anyone they knew that is under that rubble.

The government needs to spend some money where it is needed right now and it should not be to cart the fat arses of MPs to and from their offices in limos. Let them walk the 5 minute distance.

Let's stay with the government theme for a bit.....does this name sound familiar....Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau. It should, he is another of our fine government politicians that spends less time doing what he was elected to do and more of what we don't know of. Senator Brazeau has only spent 25% of his required time in his seat in the senate. WHAT THE HELL DO WE NEED A SENATE FOR ANYWAY??? When asked by a reporter to comment about his absence he chose not to and then lashed out on some web site....calling the reporter a BIATCH. NICE TO SEE THAT OUR PARLIMENTARY HONOUR is in such good hands. It was said later that he apologized. BIG WHOOPI...he still didn't answer the question....WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING INSTEAD OF BEING IN YOUR SEAT IN THE SENATE Mr. Brazeau???

The Price At The Pump....Why is it that everytime some foreign idiot in the middle east jacks his finger on a trigger and shoots something or someone out of the sky in the name of Allah, Mohammad, God or Jesus does the price of gas have to go up??? Why is Russia and NATO circling Syria/Turkey??? Let them fight it out among themselves. Let them destroy their nation and peoples. LET THEM DEGRADE THEIR COUNTRIES TO THE LOWEST OF LOW. And when they ask for help....DON'T GIVE IT TO THEM. That would be aiding and arming a conflict which you have no business being in.

Why can't war be shoot at me, I shoot back. We would be the only two involved and the WORLD COULD CONTINUE TO GO ON IT'S MERRY WAY until our STUPIDITY has finally ended.

I WILL TELL YOU WHY THIS NEVER EVER HAPPENS....because the cost of lives is minor compared to the potential in profit to be made off of someone elses misery. There is no sacredness left in being HUMAN. We are but a byproduct of our replacement.....GREED.


Quote of the Day....

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed
Mahatma Gandhi