Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What The Heck Is Not Going On In Elliot Lake?

So Friends,

I ask....what the hell is not going on in Elliot Lake.

The roof of a mall collapsed on Friday trapping, to date they think, 12 people. No one seems to know if they are dead or alive.

Rescue workers and miners showed up to volunteer to help in finding people in the rubble. Police have stopped them.

The search was called off Sunday evening due to NO ONE KNOWING WHAT THE HELL THEY WERE DOING!!!!!

Why was the military not deployed immediately? Why did the mayor of the town not call the Premier of Ontario and demand help immediately? Why is the Federal Government waiting to be invited to help out its own citizens on their own soil? Why wasn't someone sent there to organize and assess the problem immediately? IF ANYONE SURVIVED....it may be to late due to hesitation and bureaucratic BS now.

The citizens of Elliot Lake are furious that they have had no one come to assist them. They have been left in limbo and await the fate of anyone they knew that is under that rubble.

The government needs to spend some money where it is needed right now and it should not be to cart the fat arses of MPs to and from their offices in limos. Let them walk the 5 minute distance.

Let's stay with the government theme for a bit.....does this name sound familiar....Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau. It should, he is another of our fine government politicians that spends less time doing what he was elected to do and more of what we don't know of. Senator Brazeau has only spent 25% of his required time in his seat in the senate. WHAT THE HELL DO WE NEED A SENATE FOR ANYWAY??? When asked by a reporter to comment about his absence he chose not to and then lashed out on some web site....calling the reporter a BIATCH. NICE TO SEE THAT OUR PARLIMENTARY HONOUR is in such good hands. It was said later that he apologized. BIG WHOOPI...he still didn't answer the question....WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING INSTEAD OF BEING IN YOUR SEAT IN THE SENATE Mr. Brazeau???

The Price At The Pump....Why is it that everytime some foreign idiot in the middle east jacks his finger on a trigger and shoots something or someone out of the sky in the name of Allah, Mohammad, God or Jesus does the price of gas have to go up??? Why is Russia and NATO circling Syria/Turkey??? Let them fight it out among themselves. Let them destroy their nation and peoples. LET THEM DEGRADE THEIR COUNTRIES TO THE LOWEST OF LOW. And when they ask for help....DON'T GIVE IT TO THEM. That would be aiding and arming a conflict which you have no business being in.

Why can't war be simple....you shoot at me, I shoot back. We would be the only two involved and the WORLD COULD CONTINUE TO GO ON IT'S MERRY WAY until our STUPIDITY has finally ended.

I WILL TELL YOU WHY THIS NEVER EVER HAPPENS....because the cost of lives is minor compared to the potential in profit to be made off of someone elses misery. There is no sacredness left in being HUMAN. We are but a byproduct of our replacement.....GREED.


Quote of the Day....

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed
Mahatma Gandhi

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