I have lived in Canada most of my life! It's a great country...it really is~
We have clean water, open spaces, room for others and a culture that is tolerant.......rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrscreechhhhh....DID I JUST SAY "TOLERANT"?????
So let's weigh our freedom, our water, our open spaces and our culture shall we....
Let's start with water....we are the second largest country in the world with the 3rd largest renewable water source. 3rd only to Brazil and Russia. WOW~ Unfortunately our fresh water has been decreasing over the years. Is it global warming? I THINK NOT. Is it water going missing? PROBABLY! FACT 1: GREAT LAKE levels have steadily decreased since 1997. FACT 2: due to increased population, more water is being used without being conscious of it. FACT 3: With low snowfall, evaporation and weather patterns changing the lakes will continue this trend.
HOW IMPORTANT IS WATER TO YOU>>> its worth more than your house, your cottage, your sports car, your bank account, even your job. WITHOUT WATER, WE DON'T EXIST.
What about these big companies that lure us into buying water in a bottle?? What makes their water better than what comes out of the tap? NOTHING!!!! Most of the water you see in bottles now is coming from a tap somewhere. SAVE YOURSELF THE COST OF KEEPING THEM IN BUSINESS FOR SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE FREE....use a Brita.
Let's talk a little about open spaces shall we. WE HAVE TONS OF IT!!!! But we can't live there....a majority of the population of Canada lives in cities that cling to the southern border. The average property size if you buy in or near the cities is 50 x 100 and the price could cost you up to half a million. SO MUCH FOR WIDE OPEN SPACES???
Now let's talk about tolerance....its a sad day when you read in the news that a major bank is closing accounts on people because of their place of birth....YOU READ ME RIGHT!!!!
The TD bank is closing peoples accounts with a simple letter. SORRY, but according to a government law we can no longer service you as a customer. THE END. These people, some Canadian born, with a heritage that hails from Iran are having their accounts terminated.
WE ARE NOT FREE PEOPLE.... we are registered and taxed from birth, we are forced to be educated in a system that allows the struggling to slip through the cracks, we are forced to be vaccinated or we cannot enter the educational system, we are forced to pay dearly for post secondary education, we are in or under debt before we get a real job, (if one can be found) we struggle to buy all that the big companies say we need, we live from paycheck to paycheck because jobs are going to China for 14c an hour, we pay for water, car/fishing and any other licence the government dreams about that would line the coffers, we work long hrs and work longer in life, we even pay taxes when we die!!!!
WE ARE A SLAVE TO THE SOCIETY WE HAVE CREATED AND LET IT GET OUT OF CONTROL.... we allow the rich to get richer and we allow the rich to make us poorer. We allow governments to pass any law they like because they tell us it will be good for us. We don't elect anyone with BALLS that could change the madness...and even if we could find someone like that....where would they begin???
WE ARE NOT FREE....WE ARE George Orwell's "1984" An unconscious slave to what a handful of people want.
The necessity of life is something we pay for.....WATER!
They already gotcha where it hurts.
KNOW WHAT I SAY.....STOP buying water, get a Brita and drink from the tap to start with~ STOP paying beyond your means for a mortgage that you will carry to your grave~ STOP letting politicians tell you what is good for you and START telling them what it is you want~ STOP banking where ALL CANADIANS ARE NOT TREATED EQUALLY~
STOP....just stop and think.
Enough SAID....
Quote of the Day
"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed."
Martin Luther King, Jr
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