Let's see if in the news, people of the world are becoming more conscious of each other and the basic needs.
Canadians were polled about trusting scientists and their opinions.
- 71% somewhat trusted them about medicines.
- 65% somewhat trusted them about climate change.
- only 45% said they somewhat trusted them about modified foods. (genetic modification)
Swapping Guns For Groceries
In California this Christmas, swapping guns for groceries took place. (amazingly, the article appeared in BBC and not in MSNBC) thousands of handguns, rifles and semi/automatics were traded in for food cards at a grocery store. Sadly, the police noted that these people with these guns probably would not have been involved in gun deaths. This leads me to believe that America still needs the big stick to feel good.
The Fiscal Cliff
Since people and corporations of the USA seem to be getting farther apart in capitalism, the Cliff has arrived. This will determine who pays what?? The interesting part is.....will corporate finally pay?
Apple CEO
Looks like Apple CEO is taking (or was handed) a pay cut. It is down to 4.2 million. Big deal. What has this guy done for the world??? Has he fed the poor, donated to charity, cleaned up water or slowed pollution? NO. No one deserves to be paid that kind of cash.
Private Zuckerberg Family Photo
A photo of Mark Zuckerberg's sister appeared on a site. She did not seem to be happy that it went public. Sorry to tell ya, but if you create that allows public access, you bear the consequences!
FINALLY .... the world's most POLLUTING COUNTRY! Congratulations CHINA for this esteemed accolade. How sad that a country that supplies most of the material goods in the world to other countries tops this list. Most of the free world trades with or is debted to China. Who is the real superpower now?!
Is there any nice news???
Calgary man creates a giant FREE ice rink for the public...get your skates on Alberta.
Muslims and Catholics come together for a food drive in London, Ontario.
Santa uses sign language to speak to a deaf boy.
Swiss Parliament to pass legislation to BAN plastic bags. (will the rest of the world do the same?)
ALL I COULD FIND....sorry!
Happy New Year World!!!! (see if you can create some good news this year for the world)
Friday, December 28, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Guns & America....Why do they insist it is a "god given" right?
I have been reading a lot about the tragedy in the USA with regards to the latest killing spree in a school. It strikes me strangely, angrily and sadly that American people still feel the right to own multiple weapons or for that matter, a weapon at all. I have some statistics for you......
- In 2003, there were 30,136 firearm-related deaths in the United States; 16,907 (56%) suicides, 11,920 (40%) homicides (including 347 deaths due to legal intervention/war), and 962 (3%) undetermined/unintentional firearm deaths.
CDC/National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, WISQARS Injury Mortality Reports 1999-2003 http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/wisqars
Kellermann AL and Waeckerle JF. Preventing Firearm Injuries. Ann Emerg Med July 1998; 32:77-79.
- The overall firearm-related death rate among U.S. children younger than 15 years of age is nearly 12 times higher than among children in 25 other industrialized countries combined.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 1997;46:101-105.
- The United States has the highest rate of youth homicides and suicides among the 26 wealthiest nations.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Rates of homicide, suicide, and firearm-related death among children: 26 industrialized countries.
MMWR. 1997;46:101-105.
Krug EG, Dahlberg LL, Powell KE. Childhood homicide, suicide, and firearm deaths: an international comparison. World Health Stat Q.
I hope you read this carefully. in the year 2011, the USA alone accounted for 8,583 deaths by use of a firearm. So how does this compare to other countries in that year? Let's see shall we....
- Canada 143
- Switzerland 68
- Australia 59
- Japan 47
- United Kingdom 14
What the hell is going on in the United States that isn't going on in these other countries. These 5 other countries have thriving economies, they have political clout on the world scene.
The semi-automatic rifle used in the latest killings in Connecticut is sold in almost every Walmart in the country. Walmart just removed it from its online catalogue, but still holds in their stores. 13% of its firearm sales goes to the assault rifle used in this latest shooting.
"The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - there are 89 guns for every 100 Americans, compared to 6 in England and Wales."
The NRA (national rifle association) issued a vague statement saying that they would take steps to help prevent this.......BUT in the last election, the NRA contributed 25 million dollars to campaigns.
When does a country wake up and see that the interests of corporations, associations and financial sectors are being catered to and protected over and above the rights of individuals for whom the laws were made for????
1. that I live in a country that does not obsess over weapons.
2. that my country does not have to carry a big stick to gain respect.
3. that I don't feel the need to carry or posses a gun.
4. that since I don't obsess, my children will never have access to a gun.
5. that 143 deaths due to firearms in my country may be low, but it is 143 too many.
6. that I do not live in the USA.
Sorry America, it is sad, but empathy for your shootings is becoming harder and harder to show when you show no effort in fixing the problem that is so oblivious.
Quote of the day......
Gun control? We need bullet control! I think every bullet should cost 5,000 dollars. Because if a bullet cost five thousand dollar, I am sure we would think twice about wasting it on someone.
Chris Rock
Monday, December 17, 2012
December 21, 2012....Is It Significant?
I wanted to talk a bit about this particular date. The mainstream news media is buzzing about it, Christians believe it is the end of the world, others believe in the earth's poles shifting and still others say we are doomed because the governments of the world are building shelters for a select few.
So what the hell is really going to happen??
Well first, maybe we should look at significant events in the last few years to see if any of them are leaning towards one of these outcomes.
Let's first deal with mainstream media shall we.
What does the media have to do with this prolific date? NOTHING~ "What do you mean, nothing?" you ask. The media is paid to sensationalize all of the above categories to sell a story. The real purpose is to steer the populace away from real stories that are happening on this globe. "What stories?" you may ask. Just watch the national news at night and you will see. Iran and their so called uranium buildup....are they really doing it? The people of world will never know, the media is so one-sided. What about school shootings that have plagued the USA in the last few years and the need for better gun control. What about the Palestinian plight and their fight to be recognized as a country through the UN. What about the lack of information (non-existent) about the status of the Japanese nuclear plants that practically melted down.
NO PEOPLE....you won't get your answers from the media.So if not the media, what about the end of the world by some of the Christian sects? Could Armageddon or the End Times be near? The people that followed Jimmy Jones did and the cult that thought their alien brothers were going to take them to a new dimension after mass suicide. Has Christianity identified the Anti-Christ yet? Is this really the last pope to sit on the throne according to some monk? Has the 7 signs of the apocalypse begun? Probably not! The imagination of the human race does get carried away with its religious fanaticism.
So if not the religious end, then it must be the impending pole shift that will cause the almost extinction of the human race??
Are there any signs of this? Let's see.....
- one of the largest earthquakes recorded happened in Japan a little more than a year ago. Their nuclear plants all but finished. What is going on with that? Is no news good news, or is no news just a way of masking a real issue to come.
- weather shifts. snow in the middle east, severe sub zero cold in Europe, no snow in North America. Look outside, do we have snow yet?
- strange noises in the sky. People have been reporting from all over the world, and recording strange noises. Is the HARP system doing something to the ionosphere that we don't know about? Is it weakening our atmosphere and letting in cosmic sounds, or worse harmful radiation from solar flares?
- dead animals falling from the sky and beaching themselves on shorelines. Has nature figured out something we have not? Is a pole shift really causing birds to circle and drop dead? Or causing record numbers of whales, dolphins and sharks to beach themselves?
- climate change. Are the poles melting or is it just a natural occurrence that man cannot fathom because they have never witnessed it before? Is climate change really affecting our weather from pollution? Pollution at the peak of the industrial revolution when mass industry began was worse than it is now. There were no laws restricting emissions.
- volcanic eruptions. Are volcanoes to be the one natural phenomenon that will trigger a quick shifting ice age? Did the ash that entered the upper atmosphere from the Iceland eruption trigger the strangely bitter winter Europe had last year and the mild winter North America experienced? Is there some Supervolcano that is waiting to blow?
- chemtrails. Has the secret spraying of products like aluminum and other harmful chemicals into the atmosphere meant to control weather? Should mankind be so bold to think that he can control it? Are the affects of these trails in the sky meant to ignite illness to decrease the surface population to a sustainable level.
- vaccination frenzies. Do humans really need to be immunized from "potential pandemics"? Are we aware of what some of these shots are filled with? Are pharmaceutical companies using this tactic to scare the public into getting them for their profit margin?
- the impending collapse of the American market. Will this near future collapse create wide spread panic among nations? Will this be what China needs to take over as the impending power financially in the world?
- oil depletion. Is the current oil shortage or price hike real?
- mass consumerism. Do we contribute to landfills unnecessarily? Has our frenzy to consume rather than give back to earth doomed our water supply or depleted our soil?
- food shortages. Are we being scared into assuming that not enough food can be grown to sustain the population? Are we wasting valuable land to grow crops to sustain cattle rather than humans? What are the affects of chemically treated soils that can transfer into the food we consume? Has any of these chemicals triggered new diseases that never existed before?
- vitamins outlawed by the UN. Why has the UN almost all but outlawed vitamins and reintroduce deadly chemicals as safe to use in our food growth?
- Israel does no wrong. Why is the UN supporting a terrorist state like Israel? Why do countries turn a blind eye to what they are doing to the Palestinian peoples? Why does Israel scream to other nations about stopping middle eastern countries from developing their own nuclear technology when they have been developing their own program for decades?
- mass protests. Why are nations protesting in their streets against their leaders? Why is there suddenly a push for consciousness? Why are people in the USA camping out in places of finance to protest the growing gap between the lower class and upper class? Where has the middle class gone?
I have just given you lots of examples of change and questions to think about with regards to the direction that the human race is heading.
Could these be the signs people should have seen? Does it all come to a head December 21, 2012?
What I do know is that if i can name a hand full of issues that seem to be around the globe, then I am quite sure there are even more.
We need to STOP AND THINK about what is important to us, about what we need rather than what we want. Do you really need that new smartphone if the one you have is less than a year old, just because a new one is coming to market? Do you really need the generation Xbox? Do you really need a car that wastes gas? Do we really need to shut each other out with headphones rather than talk to each other? Has conveniences like the internet distanced us from each other rather than bring us together?
In the back of every skeptics mind there is that tiny voice saying....what if December 21 is it? Are you prepared?
Good Luck.
What I believe is that the world and the humans that live on it will realize they cannot control this blue ball, it controls them. I believe that a new wave of consciousness will be ushered in where people will realize materialism and all it's emptiness buys nothing but a hollow feeling. I believe that the need to reunite with the earth and stop the disease of garbage, unclean water and chemicals will be realized.
I BELIEVE THAT MANKIND WILL DO THE RIGHT THING....only after it hits bottom.
My analogy there is an alcoholic. The saying goes "you cannot cure or save an alcoholic until he/she has hit rock bottom."
Only when we hit "Rock Bottom" will be begin a new consciousness, a new way to live, a new humankind.
We will enter this new age of enlightenment....some will enter with eyes open, some will need persuasion, others will be carried in kicking and screaming and those that don't enter...they will perish like the dinosaurs before them.
Be Enlightened!
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