I have been reading a lot about the tragedy in the USA with regards to the latest killing spree in a school. It strikes me strangely, angrily and sadly that American people still feel the right to own multiple weapons or for that matter, a weapon at all. I have some statistics for you......
- In 2003, there were 30,136 firearm-related deaths in the United States; 16,907 (56%) suicides, 11,920 (40%) homicides (including 347 deaths due to legal intervention/war), and 962 (3%) undetermined/unintentional firearm deaths.
CDC/National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, WISQARS Injury Mortality Reports 1999-2003 http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/wisqars
Kellermann AL and Waeckerle JF. Preventing Firearm Injuries. Ann Emerg Med July 1998; 32:77-79.
- The overall firearm-related death rate among U.S. children younger than 15 years of age is nearly 12 times higher than among children in 25 other industrialized countries combined.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 1997;46:101-105.
- The United States has the highest rate of youth homicides and suicides among the 26 wealthiest nations.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Rates of homicide, suicide, and firearm-related death among children: 26 industrialized countries.
MMWR. 1997;46:101-105.
Krug EG, Dahlberg LL, Powell KE. Childhood homicide, suicide, and firearm deaths: an international comparison. World Health Stat Q.
I hope you read this carefully. in the year 2011, the USA alone accounted for 8,583 deaths by use of a firearm. So how does this compare to other countries in that year? Let's see shall we....
- Canada 143
- Switzerland 68
- Australia 59
- Japan 47
- United Kingdom 14
What the hell is going on in the United States that isn't going on in these other countries. These 5 other countries have thriving economies, they have political clout on the world scene.
The semi-automatic rifle used in the latest killings in Connecticut is sold in almost every Walmart in the country. Walmart just removed it from its online catalogue, but still holds in their stores. 13% of its firearm sales goes to the assault rifle used in this latest shooting.
"The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - there are 89 guns for every 100 Americans, compared to 6 in England and Wales."
The NRA (national rifle association) issued a vague statement saying that they would take steps to help prevent this.......BUT in the last election, the NRA contributed 25 million dollars to campaigns.
When does a country wake up and see that the interests of corporations, associations and financial sectors are being catered to and protected over and above the rights of individuals for whom the laws were made for????
1. that I live in a country that does not obsess over weapons.
2. that my country does not have to carry a big stick to gain respect.
3. that I don't feel the need to carry or posses a gun.
4. that since I don't obsess, my children will never have access to a gun.
5. that 143 deaths due to firearms in my country may be low, but it is 143 too many.
6. that I do not live in the USA.
Sorry America, it is sad, but empathy for your shootings is becoming harder and harder to show when you show no effort in fixing the problem that is so oblivious.
Quote of the day......
Gun control? We need bullet control! I think every bullet should cost 5,000 dollars. Because if a bullet cost five thousand dollar, I am sure we would think twice about wasting it on someone.
Chris Rock
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