How sad it is that the Prime Minister has the right to appoint people to the Senate, but does not have the right to fire them.
What is the purpose of a Senate other than wasting and stealing the taxpayers money???
I don't believe the government has a right to cover up things like this, I don't believe we should be reading this in the first place. I don't think people in power have the interests of the Canadian People in mind. If they did, no one would be cheating.
If I stole $90,000 and got caught....I WOULD BE IN COURT AND THEN JAIL!!!!! Why are people like this exempt from the legal system? It is what it is...and what it is is theft pure and simple. Why can't we see these people in court.
It just sickens me to think that people like this run our National Business.
We often hear and think of corruption in other countries....Greece comes to mind. But here at home???
And you want me to vote in the next election???? I don't feel any of you are worth my trust let alone my vote.
Am I just shooting my mouth off with not solution to put forth....YES I AM. Because at the moment I don't see a solution.
Actually, I take that back....ALL PARLIAMENT MEMBERS/SENATORS MUST register all expenditures publicly. (for anyone to read) This and a regular salary. You want to for it from your salary. Parliament/Senate members work less than teachers.
So know what I say....Glass Finances! 100% visibility so I can see where I am getting BANG FOR MY BUCK.
And all you Spending Offenders....charge them legally and fire them.
Quote of the Day.....
"An inch at a time down the wrong path doesn't seem too wrong to the people traveling it. Maybe its time to stop them from traveling."