Thursday, May 9, 2013

Stealing From The People

I just finished reading a news article about how our Senators are stealing from the people of Canada. YOU GOT IT RIGHT....stealing. Many Senators are charging housing and travel over and above what is required. As well they are claiming their riding residence as their home when they literally spend more time in Ottawa than their riding. LET'S LIST SOME OF THE THEFT SHALL WE..... 1. Harb must repay $51,000 for housing and mileage claims dating from April 2011, 2. Brazeau must repay $48,000 3. Mike Duffy says he's repaid $90,000 4. Pamela Wallin, is also being audited Liberal Senate House leader Jim Cowan told reporters that he was disappointed that the Senate committee had not recommended disciplinary action against the three senators other than reimbursement of funds inappropriately claimed. SO A SLAP ON THE WRIST IT IS???? WHY??? I want these people charged for Grand Theft of a nation. Wanna see what happens when you don't pay your taxes??? You get to go to court, you pay EXtreme interest and could possibly go to jail. Where is the sense of fair play here???? THESE ARE THE PEOPLE THAT ARE SUPPOSE TO KNOW BETTER!!! THESE ARE THE PEOPLE THAT ARE SUPPOSE TO SAFE GUARD CANADA'S FINANCES!!!! THESE ARE THE PEOPLE THAT ARE SUPPOSE TO REPRESENT ME!!!! KNOW WHAT I are ALL nothing but a pack of lying criminals that cheat the Canadian tax payer out of any luxury they can afford. YOU SHOULD ALL BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF. Here's what needs to happen. 1. It is a privilege to be a member of Parliment. 2. Build housing for these members, like an apartment complex with individual rooms. you get a bed, a sofa, a tv, a kitchenette. 3. The building is for members only. Families visiting can pay for a hotel room out of their pocket. 4.1/3 of your time should be spent in Ottawa so choose your battles for voting wisely. 5. Members should use PUBLIC TRANSIT. More than 1/3 of the people that live in Ottawa do. (I would pay for the bus pass for the year) 6. What members choose to eat and where they choose to eat comes out of their own pocket. My company doesn't buy me lunch daily, we shouldn't buy yours either. 7. Travel, unless sanctioned by the government, is payed for out of the members pocket. 8. Travel for government purposes does not include ones spouse or children. If members want a working vacation, PAY FOR IT YOURSELF. This cronic spending for personal or even professional reasons is ridiculous and not necessary. AND IT HAS TO STOP. UNLESS MR. PRIME want to give ALL Canadians a free income tax pass next year. You know....EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW! ENOUGH SAID...... Quote of the Day It’s hard to steal somebody’s shoes while they are wearing them and not have them notice. But that’s what politicians have done in this country. Not only that, but they replaced all our footwear with concrete boots.
” ― Jarod Kintz

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