Hi Everyone,
So have you read the news today???
A few interesting things cropping up about Syria and what the World should do.
Let's start with Britain shall we....cheers!
Today the British Parliament votes against....you read that correctly...AGAINST MILITARY ACTION. The PM David Cameron today that he would not proceed without Parliamentary approval. Even after uttering those words, Cameron still pushed publicly for some type of "tough response". Are the British getting smarter?? Are the days of "What the US says goes" behind the Brits??? I SURE AS HELL HOPE SO. I am guessing the gun shy Parliament is still feeling the ILL AFFECTS of "weapons of mass destruction". You know, that falsehood that was spread like butter on toast to feed the revenge appetites of the world.
On the other side of the pond, the US state department has issued a statement. "we are sure that chemical weapons were used and we have proof." So do you think you could SHARE this proof with us cause so far all you have presented to the world are empty airy statements about nothing you care to confirm. If you have PROOF, PRODUCE IT.
The President on the other hand says that he has not decided on a military strike against Syria. This could possibly come from cruise missiles off shore on the Mediterranean. 116 Congress members signed a letter to demand a vote before any assault on Syria.
Not to be out-voiced in this crisis is the Pentagon. An official there stated that military strikes are but days away and the USA was at the point of no return.
There are still UN Inspectors trying to get samples from the scene. The news agencies still have not released what the chemical was and who released it.
After a blazing admonishment of the chemical attack, Canada said it would support this. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr put on the Canadian brakes....Canada also said today that they are saddened by what is going on in Syria. Canada will support the people by sending medicine, water, food, sanitation aid and welcome a defined amount of refugees.
Russia was not to be left out in the cold of the world wide news and Syria. They have stated that they are sending an anti-submarine ship and missile cruiser to the Mediterranean.
Putin has publicly warned Obama about the consequences of any form of an attack.
All we need now is fine China and a few of their military toys.
KNOW WHAT I SAY....... if you can't contribute to the healing and health of this nation then stay the hell home and watch English/Russian subtitled versions of MASH.
Better yet...move all the crazy dictator buddies to the north of the country and move the fanatical rebels with them. Move all sane and peaceful women, children and men to the south part of the country. Let the north destroy each other and let the south re-establish some normalcy to their lives. THEN... the rest of the world can send food, water, clothes, medicine and any other type of aid they want.
Oh and one more item....please don't send money!!!! It never makes it to the people that can use it properly or to the people that need what is suppose to be bought with it.
Quote of the Day....
"we have never healed a conflict of the body or nation by bullet or sword, but rather with the love and charitable nature that flows with what is truly needed."
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