Saturday, February 26, 2011

$50 To Paddle Your Canoe....

Good Morning,
well it seems Transport Canada is pulling a stupid stunt on Joe Public. i just read that they are making canoers and kayakers fill out forms and pay a $50 fee to put a boat in the water. and all of this without even a good reason why. i am a bit baffled about this because.....ISN'T THE GOVERNMENT TRYING TO PROMOTE HEALTH AND EXERCISE IN YOUTH AND CANADIANS IN GENERAL???? What The Hell Is Going On?
canoeing and kayaking promotes good health and exercise. it is pollution free and its just fun. So WE Tax That???
so whats next for Transport Canada??? shall we charge $50 for walking on the sidewalks?? Shall we add another $25 if you are walking with your children? or tack another $30 on if they are using their bicycle?
Lets charge a fee of $60 to spend the day at the beach and while we are at it, another $10 for every person with you to go in the water. and heaven forbid your child pees in the lake.....$20. lets charge a fee to enter a public park. $20 please. or a $5 play fee for kids to use playground equipment. ARE YOU GETTING MY POINT TRANSPORT CANADA???
why oh why is this fee even in existence?
Mr. Harper, have you no control over your cabinet and what it does? Statistics Canada says Canadians need more exercise, our children are obese.
slap a $50 fee on the parent who don't teach their children manners and respect? why not charge them $20 for promoting XBox and nintendo instead of playing with them? LET'S JUST CONFISCATE ANY EXTRA MONEY ANYONE HAS AND CALL IT A "CATCH ALL FEE" or a "JUST IN CASE FEE."
you are taxing and feeing us to death...HELL we can't even die without a pound of flesh going to the government. income tax came into being to support WW1...the government said it was "just a temporary measure" DID THE WAR END YET???
FEES AND TAX IS GETTING RIDICULOUS.....carbon tax me for farting? health tax me for owning a canoe or breaking my arm? food tax me for wanting to survive? why not just intro a pleasure tax or fee and charge me for sex? (oh wait, then the government would be legalizing prostitution. can't have that) but in a way they already have....I AM GETTING F$%ED EVERY TIME I TRY TO DO SOMETHING AND AM CHARGED A FEE FOR IT.
i say we introduce a $50 fee for stupidity....i will be there at Parliament to hold the bucket to collect from each member before they leave the hill!!!
So remember....the next time you walk to the box to get the mail...carry a loonie. you may need to drop it in a box just to walk down the sidewalk in front of your own home.

Quote Of The Day.....
"when there is a single thief its robbery. when its a thousand thieves.....its TAXATION!"
Vanya Cohen

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Climate Change...Are We Still Harping On This?

i just read an article on the computer about how 80% of Canadians polled think the government should do something about Global Warming. it said that 930 people participated in a telephone poll. Canada has a population of 33+ million people...and they called 930 people to represent the demographics???? i hardly feel it is accurate. (who did they call...scientists looking for a GW research grant?)
according to this poll, Canadians feel the government should agree to a carbon tax and that they are willing to pay it??!!! case you didn't know, Canada is one of the worst Carbon Offenders in the world!!! (there's something to be proud of). in fact, they think science should be doing something to fix IT??!!!
i think this is silly.......use your common sense people!!!! Global Warming is a naturally occurring phenomenon PERIOD. are we going to carbon tax cows, horses, pigs and chickens?? (moo, neigh, oink and cluck)they are one of the worst carbon offenders that walk on legs. are we going to carbon tax a country that has an active volcano( shitty being Hawaii).....they spew out tons of carbon gas!??? are we going to carbon tax the middle east(they would have to sell one of the hotels in Dubai to pay the tax)...the largest producers of oil and carbon!???
and even people really think they can control a NATURAL PHENOMENON like Global Warming???!!! it has been happening on a regular basis for billions of years and the world has survived!!! (i emphasize the word 'WORLD' here. people are not the world...just in case you were wondering. the big round thing we stand on is!) STOPPING Global Warming would be like saying that the HUMAN RACE can stop earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. HELLO??? WE CAN'T DO THAT EITHER!!!! we are not gods (even if our egos like to lead us to believe we are)....not by a long shot! so what could ever make us think we can master Global Warming? if we did meddle in this, do we know the consequences of our actions and what affect it may have in the long run? NO WE DON'T PEOPLE. we still can't predict the affects of processed foods, pesticides and other things SCIENCE created to make our life better...HELL they can't even tell us the long term affects of manipulating the genetics of a tomatoe.("but it will be good for everyone" they tell us) so why would we trust them with Global Warming???
when is the human race going to learn that even though we are smart, creative and interesting.....WE CANNOT BE ARROGANT TO ASSUME THAT WE CAN CONTROL NATURE!! if you think you can.....i am sorry to say YOU ARE AN IDIOT. the earth has been here for billions of years before we ever evolved or were planted here by aliens.(what ever you want to believe) my point is....THE EARTH RULES, not the other way around. WE are just here, like the lions, giraffes and chickens, for the ride.
so PLEASE use your head. stop believing every little thing science says it can do. they have been working on CANCER longer than they have worried about Global Warming spending billions of dollars that could have fed the poor and starving. DO WE HAVE A CURE??? SURE WE DO!!!! its in some university's back room closet hiding, because we make more money on the illusion leading to a cure than we did the actual cure. (are you getting my point?) its called "MATERIALISM". THAT, my friends is the engine that drives the HUMAN RACE right now....and sadly, it will be our downfall if we don't WAKE UP.
SO....before my government spends BILLIONS OF MY DOLLARS to maintain the MYTH....i say....STOP BEING STUPID....feed a starving kid instead.

Quote of the Day.....

“Arrogance diminishes wisdom”

Arabian Proverb

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Is It Revolution?....Add An Earthquake Then.

Good Afternoon,
have you been following the middle east and what is going on there? well you should....they are doing something that has needed to be done for a long time. they are protesting on mass and trying to free themselves from the dictators and rulers that were put in place to keep the middle east MANAGEABLE! i don't use that word lightly because i feel that is what the 1st world countries have been doing for years. along with the world bank, they have manipulated 3rd world nations into hefty loans to make their "so called lives" better. most of the money gets filtered into the companies that graciously take on these projects (dam building, pipelines) and the country it self is left with the world bank debt to pay off.
you don't think this is true??? it is....just ask countries like, Guatemala, Columbia, Peru, Brazil and a few more....they all got loans from the world bank and the cash went to companies that said they would help build jobs and the economy by large building projects. in return, the workers live in poor living conditions, get paid squat and can barely survive. the project is completed, the company sucking up most of the loan as profit and the country is stuck paying back a debt that they cannot. in turn, the world bank calls in the markers and begins to rob the country of its natural resources. (that's how to keep a good man down by finance)
so the people of the middle east are beginning to see that living in a dictatorship and in crap conditions isn't all its cracked up to be. countries like Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya and Morocco are now crying and protesting in the streets for the world to see. they are DEMANDING that their leaders vacate and install a better government for the people. Can it be done? it will be tough....if after the protesting and the stepping down of leaders, the people must be persistent and demand a fair government. if they don't, the next dictator or pigeon set in place by 1st world countries will just fill the void.
i applaud their tenacity and i am proud of them for wanting something better. the resources of these countries have been monopolized for too long by those outside of the countries. it is time that they begin to fend, defend and rule themselves.
The world needs to sit and watch and take note.....someday we may need to march and protest our own revolution of power. that time may be sooner than we think.

on another note....TAKE NOTE: THIS IS THE YEAR OF year before 2012. i am going to make a few predictions.
- there will be an increase in earthquakes in highly populated areas. as well, you will see earthquakes in areas that are not know for them.
look for areas along the Great African Rift for a large one. 2 big tsunamis will follow 2 earthquakes killing more people than the quakes themselves.
- a few more countries in the world will publicly claim they are in financial need. the mismanagement of the government will be to blame.
- America will find it difficult to maintain their friendship with China as China moves again into another country to claim it as Chinese territory. Look for Taiwan to be under threat. (sounds like the 3rd Reich all over again. lest we forget.)

Quote of the Day.........
“An earthquake achieves what the law promises but does not in practice maintain - the equality of all men”

Ignazio Silon

Sunday, February 20, 2011

University Towns and Student Garbage

Hi All,
ya know, i am really getting sick of the students that attend the two universities in my city. not only are they arrogant and belligerent, but they are the worst litterbugs on the planet.
Did your parents give you permission to act like an idiot and spread garbage all over the fair city??? I am guessing NOT!!!! Did you come from families that do this? Once again......I am guessing NOT!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THESE PEOPLE???
I use to hate walking down my street near the universities and see all the garbage EVERYWHERE.....needless to that I have a is worse.
Let me give you an idea of what is on the sidewalk.....try things like: broken crack pipes; open garbage; broken beer bottles; pizza boxes; fast food containers...etc.
this is disgusting and it looks like I live at THE DUMP.
Why isn't the city fining these people? Why are the bylaw officers not up and down these university streets? Why are they allowed to do what ever the hell they feel like in my City? FINE THEM!!!!!
So who will clean this mess up?? NOT the slum lords that rent these places!(maybe they should be fined as well) NOT the citizens that have to live here!! NOT the students that create the filth!!!
NOPE NOPE AND NOPE.....the City will of course. And who will pay for the clean up??WHY YOU WILL!!!!
So ELECT ME MAYOR EVERYONE!!! I would love to make a few changes with regards to STUDENT POLICIES AND BEHAVIOR in our city.
So here is how it would go.
The Beginning
- during enrolment week, the city will staff an area at the universities making new and returning students aware of their demerits as per the new codes in place.
- each student will have to read and sign it. (regardless of where they live)
- community watchdogs will be in place to call in infractions.
- penalties will be in place to ensure student behavior.
The Infractions
- LITTERING...any garbage tossed that does not hit a garbage can in the streets.
- UNATTENDED RECYCLING/GARBAGE...recycling/garbage left lying on the curb for more than one day.
- SIDEWALK CLEARANCE...sidewalks that do not get shovelled.
- NOISE... excessive noise or late night noise in residential areas.
The Penalties
LITTERING... $25 fine for each infraction. if it exceeds $200 the student will be forces to pick up all the litter on his/her block.
UNATTENDED RECYCLING/GARBAGE...$25 fine for each infraction. if it exceeds $200 the student will be forced to pick up all the litter on his/her block.
SIDEWALK CLEARANCE...$25 fine for each infraction when snow exceeds 4cm in one snowfall. if it exceeds $200 the student will be forced to clean the length of the block.
NOISE...$200 fine for each infraction. if it exceeds $400 the student will be forced to pay the fine before his/her grades at year end are given to them.
So maybe you think that's a bit harsh....i am going over the top??
because most of them are not from here.
there is an alternative....garbage could be collected...and a nice portion would go home with each kid at year end. it would be mandatory for the parent to come get their child and THEIR GARBAGE to take home with them.
i know what you're thinking...what about the ones that don't leave and works here in the summer??? give them all a job at the local dump! let them shovel, move and smell it for the summer.
SHIT....and they say this is the Green Generation!!!!B-shit!