i just read an article on the computer about how 80% of Canadians polled think the government should do something about Global Warming. it said that 930 people participated in a telephone poll. Canada has a population of 33+ million people...and they called 930 people to represent the demographics???? i hardly feel it is accurate. (who did they call...scientists looking for a GW research grant?)
according to this poll, Canadians feel the government should agree to a carbon tax and that they are willing to pay it??!!! uhhhhh....in case you didn't know, Canada is one of the worst Carbon Offenders in the world!!! (there's something to be proud of). in fact, they think science should be doing something to fix IT??!!!
i think this is silly.......use your common sense people!!!! Global Warming is a naturally occurring phenomenon PERIOD. are we going to carbon tax cows, horses, pigs and chickens?? (moo, neigh, oink and cluck)they are one of the worst carbon offenders that walk on legs. are we going to carbon tax a country that has an active volcano( shitty being Hawaii).....they spew out tons of carbon gas!??? are we going to carbon tax the middle east(they would have to sell one of the hotels in Dubai to pay the tax)...the largest producers of oil and carbon!???
and even better.....do people really think they can control a NATURAL PHENOMENON like Global Warming???!!! it has been happening on a regular basis for billions of years and the world has survived!!! (i emphasize the word 'WORLD' here. people are not the world...just in case you were wondering. the big round thing we stand on is!) STOPPING Global Warming would be like saying that the HUMAN RACE can stop earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. HELLO??? WE CAN'T DO THAT EITHER!!!! we are not gods (even if our egos like to lead us to believe we are)....not by a long shot! so what could ever make us think we can master Global Warming? if we did meddle in this, do we know the consequences of our actions and what affect it may have in the long run? NO WE DON'T PEOPLE. we still can't predict the affects of processed foods, pesticides and other things SCIENCE created to make our life better...HELL they can't even tell us the long term affects of manipulating the genetics of a tomatoe.("but it will be good for everyone" they tell us) so why would we trust them with Global Warming???
when is the human race going to learn that even though we are smart, creative and interesting.....WE CANNOT BE ARROGANT TO ASSUME THAT WE CAN CONTROL NATURE!! if you think you can.....i am sorry to say YOU ARE AN IDIOT. the earth has been here for billions of years before we ever evolved or were planted here by aliens.(what ever you want to believe) my point is....THE EARTH RULES, not the other way around. WE are just here, like the lions, giraffes and chickens, for the ride.
so PLEASE use your head. stop believing every little thing science says it can do. they have been working on CANCER longer than they have worried about Global Warming spending billions of dollars that could have fed the poor and starving. DO WE HAVE A CURE??? SURE WE DO!!!! its in some university's back room closet hiding, because we make more money on the illusion leading to a cure than we did the actual cure. (are you getting my point?) its called "MATERIALISM". THAT, my friends is the engine that drives the HUMAN RACE right now....and sadly, it will be our downfall if we don't WAKE UP.
SO....before my government spends BILLIONS OF MY DOLLARS to maintain the MYTH....i say....STOP BEING STUPID....feed a starving kid instead.
Quote of the Day.....
“Arrogance diminishes wisdom”
Arabian Proverb
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