Hi Everyone,
The G8 swindle is still dogging the Canadian Public. You remember...the BIG BUCKS spent on our behalf to draw industry and tourism to Canada??!!!
In the news was John Baird and Tony Clement...2 of my UNFAVORITE members of Parliament. They finally admitted that the funding was handled wrong and THE NEXT TIME it won't be.
What the hell kind of statement is that????
Boys Boys Boys....there should be no NEXT TIME!!!!
Say i go to the bank and borrow money for a new car. The bank manager will have TONS of paperwork there for me to sign! Papers for the loan, papers for interest, papers for insurance and papers for my first born puppy if i default. I would sign my life away just to drive around town and be severely accountable for it if something went wrong.
Now a new scenario.....G8 has an overblown budget. Money is not tracked by a paper trail to hold those who used it accountable.
"Auditor general raised concerns
In her last report released soon after she retired in the spring, former auditor general Sheila Fraser reported that money for the legacy fund was diverted from a border infrastructure fund without MPs knowing. When they approved $83 million for the border fund, they had no idea $50 million was being used to pay for 32 projects in Clement's riding.
The audit also found that there was no documentation from Baird’s department or others involved in the summit to show how the 32 projects were chosen out of 242 proposals. "
THAT, MY FRIENDS IS GRAND THEFT!! How can you just take money from one place and send it to another?? IS THAT CREATIVE ACCOUNTING??? How can NO PAPERWORK be visible to account for this elephant in Muskoka?
If the government diverts funds without reporting it, they say THEY WON'T DO THAT AGAIN. If a bank diverts funds without cause, WE BAIL THEM OUT. If i spend money mistakenly dropped in my chequing account by the bank...THAT IS THEFT AND I CAN BE CHARGED!!!
What is wrong with this picture???? And YOU wonder why the activists are sitting in the parks across Canada freezing their BUTTS off to protest???
Canada just lost close to 60,000 jobs. Where is the tourism and industry you promised us before the G8/G20 that would come out of it??? Liar, Liar pants on fire!
It's ok! Harper will throw the nation a bone and give you a tax cut that won't really amount to much once you figure out the fine print....and he will wipe the memory of this stain away again.
OK here is one to remember.......Prime Minister Harper say that he WILL NOT USE CANADIAN TAX DOLLARS to help bail out Greece! This is important...please remember you read it here when Canada sends cash over there in the next 6 months.
Enough said.....
"'Hello my name is the Republican Party and I got a problem. I'm addicted to spending and big government.' I'd like one of them just to stand up and say that. "
Glenn Beck
They supply you with what they call a guaranteed payday loans. They are genuinely existence savers in terms of residing about the streets or residing inside your residence.