Friday, June 7, 2013

Honesty Is The Best Policy....Does The Senate Have It?

More Nonsense In The Political Scene In Ottawa...

It seems that more is leaking out of the sewry Senate still about ILLEGAL SPENDING.
Pamela Wallin might be in for paying another $20,000 back to the public. My guess is, if that is the next dollar figure then she probably owes more.
I believe that the Conservative party is going to suffer tremendously for this....and I hate to say I TOLD YOU SO....
The people need to start to pressure their representatives, Conservative, Liberal, NPD or other to ask questions on their behalf. We are a highly taxed country and for paying those taxes we not only deserve an answer, WE ARE OWED ONE!!!

If you defrauded a business out of moneys in these sums where do you think you would be by now.....IN COURT of course. Justice is swift for the weak. But apparently if you are a politician, you just have to empty your pocket and pay it back. That's good enough. CHARGE THEM...THEY ARE CRIMINALS STEALING FROM YOU.
The Harper Government went on and on before its first and second term about government transparency and fairness. They also said a few months back that they would sniff out the people hiding money in tax shelters and off shore accounts so that they would pay taxes also, not just the little guy. AND NOW.....this not so visible, sneaky and hidden mess.
A Conservative MP backbencher, Brent Rathgeber has resigned from the party due to a few reasons he stated to the press.
"The former Tory MP, who announced he was quitting late Wednesday night to sit as an Independent, said staff in Harper's office — who are "half my age" — pressure the caucus to obey their talking points and vote "like trained seals."
"I do believe that the PMO has too much power, that they don't properly respect the legislators and most importantly, there is not a proper degree of separation between the legislature and the executive," he said.
The $90,000 cheque that Harper's chief of staff Nigel Wright wrote to Senator Mike Duffy to cover his improperly claimed housing allowance is a prime example of the lack of separation, he said. "

It was suggested that Rathgeber quite and run in a by-election as an independent.  Why?? So they can slip in some "Yes-Boy" to run and try and win the seat back. This is such a SICK GAME to them.
In the last election, a Liberal elected, crossed the house floor and joined the Conservative Party after calls that he should run in a by-election. DID HE?? NOT A CHANCE.
" Membership in a political party is very important to the success of a Member of Parliament, both in terms of being elected to the House of Commons, as well as gaining experience and a public profile on the national stage. This, in turn, provides leaders of a political party with considerable influence over their caucuses. Party leadership may use tactics such as promotion or demotion within the party ranks, or expulsion from the party altogether, in order to ensure that caucus members “tow the party line,” particularly in terms of how they vote in the House. The result is that Members of Parliament tend not to vote according to their own views, or even the interests of their constituency, but according to the desires of their political party.Supporters of this concentration of power tend to emphasize its benefits for a more effectively coordinated and stable government. Critics, however, contend that it raises the spectre of tyranny and corruption, in which the prime minister is able to govern with very little in the way of checks and balances, at least between general elections."

So how do we, as a people, stop this CORRUPTION OF POWER and get back to a fair and transparent government that is elected to look after all our interests and not just those with money? This is not an easy answer...and to some it may sound like mutiny.
You have the power to elect an official in your area that represents YOU.

You have the power that demands your interests be tabled on your behalf.

You have the power to make Canada the strong and free nation it should be.

YOU HAVE THE POWER.....if you choose to exercise it.

Governments around the world have been giving orders and telling the people for so long what is good for them that the people have been dumbed down to believe it......WAKE UP.

Enough said....quote of the day....

"I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office."
 Andrew Jackson
(smart dead guy)

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