Saturday, June 22, 2013
The People Of The World Have Had Enough
Worldwide Protesting
It has become evident in the last few years that there is a real gap between the "haves" and the "have-nots".
A funny thing happened on the way to Democracy.....the people of the world realized just how bad they have had it most of their life. With the Advent of Democracy and the rise of Social Media in some countries, with new desire comes the growing pains.
Cases in point....I can now name 6 countries that are currently in the throws of civil protesting. Brazil, Greece, Bulgaria, India, Pakistan and Turkey.
Media within each country paints a picture of the protesters as brutes, terrorists and unpatriotic citizens. They justify the use of deadly force by law enforcement and make it sound required to the world. Social Media, on the other hand has found its voice and the rest of the world is not getting glimpses of what the protesters are really protesting about.
So let's have a look shall we.
1. Brazil
The government keeps saying it is doing all it can for its citizens! How nice.
The protesters are demonstrating for the exact opposite reason. 1 .5 MILLION people have taken to the streets to show that they are not happy with what is going on in their country.
Public Service, Government Corruption, Health Care, Education, Cost of Living are just some of what they are protesting about.
"How dare they cry about this!!!!" says the government. "We will be bringing the world to Brazil in 2014!"
The cost for the World Cup to be staged in Brazil has cost BILLIONS of dollars. Money, frankly, that could have been better spent on social issues and needs of the people. Not only should the government not bid on the World Cup, but FIFA should have done a economic assessment first before handing a world-class event to a struggling country.
There is only so much that the working class can support through taxes!
2. Greece
Well what has the Greek populace not protested about in the last few years?
The current labour strike at the height of tourist season is over their Public Television Station being axed. Workers have poured into the streets to protest, shutting down media outlets, newspaper deliveries and even public transit. I am not sure why they want to protest this, but I feel that the Greeks have had a real taste for protesting as of late and anything could spark them into further actions.
3. Bulgaria
People here have been protesting for the last 6 days over election scandals and are asking the newly formed government to step down. I have always been amazed at how the majority seems to protest government, but my question is ....HOW DID THEY GET ELECTED? The battle in the streets of major cities there has become violent. Once again, law enforcement has reared its ugly head.
4. India
1 MILLION people in India walked off the job 2 days ago in protest of wage inequality and conditions. They want the government to set a minimum wage and laws in place to better protect the worker. It is unclear how long the strike will last. What is apparent again is that POLITICAL CORRUPTION stands between surviving and perishing here.
Again, Social Media is playing a big part in the protest.
5. Pakistan
This country has been up in arms for a while now over possible election rigging. People seem to be fed up with the corrupt political system. Clashes between the people and the military police has escalated and political double-speak is on the offence. I believe people have a right to a fair government.
6. Turkey
The people of Turkey have also taken to the streets to protest. What is on their agenda....nothing too pressing. Human Rights, Democracy and Environmental Issues. (if you didn't get it, I was being sarcastic)
Again, government corruption.
What do all these 6 different countries have in common with regards to their protesting??? GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION and MEDIA CONTROL. Some leaders are using social media like twitter to lie about what is going on in their countries. One leader openly tweeted that terrorist protesters were hiding from police in Mosques and not removing their shoes and drinking alcohol. WHAT CRAP!
Protesters were using the Mosque as a safe haven and medical care for people injured by the police.
The other ALARMING THEME that no one seems to see when they watch any type of sound bite is that protesters are clashing with police because they seem to be provoked. Throwing a rock at a fully shielded police man does not seem fair when protesters are being beaten, shot and tear gassed. I just can't seem to muster any sympathy for the law at this point. I am always amazed how government officials can justify beating and killing the citizen for demanding human rights. In my country it is illegal to protest with a mask on....IT'S A LAW!!!!? What if I am ugly and need to hide my face? What if it is sub-zero temperatures outside??? This is just silly, it is just another way for the governments to trace, track and keep an eye on you as "someone who does not support the political cause." What governments can't see, NO WHAT THEY DON'T WANT TO SEE is that ''governments'' are there to SUPPORT THEIR PEOPLE... if not, this is just another form of monarchy then.
Does this not strike you as WRONG????
The other major theme that crosses all protests is MONEY. Created as a standard and now has replaced the gods as '' the god'' in the political world. The political world is clinging to a fossilistic (yes dinosaur fossil) way of governing and they are deeply afraid. AND THEY SHOULD BE.
People are not demanding to be rich.....they are demanding basic fair wages, clean living environment, reasonable taxation and decent health care.
That does not sound like the craving of a ''WANNNA BE FORTUNE 500 CLUB MEMBER??!!!"
So as the world turns, countries protest for humanity, politics and its way crumbles, drones fly, weather is manipulated and people die, I leave you with a quote that struck me this week. I am unsure who said it, but....WOW...give the guy a Pulitzer!
" If every insect was wiped from the face of the earth, mankind would perish shortly after. If every human was wiped from the face of the earth...IT WOULD FLOURISH."
We are the ''riot police'' of this earth and we are destroying it with inhumanity, brute force and utter greed. ONLY humans possess the disgusting trait of greed.
So I ask you, the next time you get your 'direct deposit paycheque' and want to spend it on something you really don't need....think about those who have not and maybe support your fellow man instead.
Enough Said!
Thanks for reading.
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