Thursday, May 27, 2010

Money, Money and More Money.....

Hi Everyone,
i have just finished reading an article about how the Federal Government has added an extra $160 million dollars to the G8 and G20 budget. WOW! obviously the recent reccession did not affect the government unlike its people?!!

- the original budget set for these events that are back to back was 933 million!
- another 160 million has been added for food safety.
- the grand total is now 1.1 BILLION and the finance minister said this could rise yet!!!!!

every country should be paying for their own want to send a representative pay. we will cover the cost of the convention centre.
* minus 22 million
WTF??? this one i don't get? why does Toronto and Huntsville have to fix their roads to accommodate diplomats?
* minus 32 million
if you are hungry, step out to a local deli or cafe, better yet bring a homemade bag lunch with you everyone!!!
* minus 2 million for security
* minus 160 milion for food and its safety
the cost to stay in Canada will be simple. stay at your embassy and commute daily or rent a hotel room like the rest of us.
* minus 74 million
have your embassy car driven to the two sites and chauffeur you back and forth to the econolodge or motel 8.
* minus 2.3 million

THERE i have just saved the federal government $290.5 million dollars!!!

*that is still too much to pay, especially when these summits really don't benefit the people, but rather the businesses and corporations that sell to the people.
KNOW WHAT I SAY.....let the business and corporate world pay for these summits!!!!
want to elect me as your prime minister right now? I ACCEPT!

Security costs at previous summits

G8 summit Japan, October 2008: $381 million
G8 summit Gleneagles, Scotland, July 2005: $110 million
G20 summit London, April 2009: $30 million
G20 summit Pittsburgh, September 2009: $18 million US
how did Pittsburgh come off so cheaply with security costs?
maybe Harper should phone the Mayor of Pittsburgh and ask him that question?

so now for some real numbers.....
the population of CANADA is roughly 34,117,000 (this is an important number to remember)
if Harper spent this summit money on the population rather than rich diplomats, each woman, man and child (including immigrants) would receive $32.36. this could go towards bread and milk.
- a bag of milk a week for a year costs about $300.
- this money could buy milk for a year for 3,643,333.3 million people in CANADA.
- a loaf of bread a day for a year costs about $945.
- this money could buy bread for a year for 1,156,185.5 people in CANADA.
- the average monthly electrcity payment is $70.
- this could pay one bill for 15,614,285.7 homes in CANADA.


HARPER is SHOWING OFF...and he wants to bring the world to us.

no one seems to understand the beauty of conference calling?? is there not a way to do this??
it is bad enough that CANADA seems to have to foot the bill for a british woman and her husband to travel and wave at people...can we really afford this?
I SAY NO!!!! NO, NO, NO.....enough.
who's paying for these vacations??.....WE ARE!

SO AS WITH THE is a useful generic budget plan for traveling to CANADA to attend the summit.

FLY COMMERCIAL.....if you are not from a terrorist country, you have nothing to fear. if you are a terrorist there's a good chance you weren't invited anyway. hell spend a bit of your own cash and fly first class if you want to avoid the airplane drunk or the woman that never shuts up! COST = about $2000 to $2500

PRE-BOOK A HOTEL SUIT OR FLOOR OF A HOTEL....make sure you have enough rooms for your entourage based on double occupancy. i recommend hotels like Best Western, or Motel 8. they are clean with a TV, WIFI, internet and a bar fridge. COST = 1 floor $2000 to $3000.

TRANSPORTATION....use your diplomat cars, rent a car, city cabs or public transit. the TTC is not that expensive. YOU CAN AFFORD IT! COST = diplomat car $400 for gas; rented car $500; city cab $190; public transit $80.

FOOD....if you require a specific type of food due to religious reasons, bring it. Toronto has a wide variety of places to eat that have TAKE OUT! COST = $80 a day; bring your own FREE.

CANADA NEEDS TO BE SEEN AS A WORLD LEADER....but not at the expense of footing rediculous bills for people that can afford to pay for things that we dream of.

SO MR. HARPER.....maybe your finance minister needs to rethink costs and get a few extra quotes!!!!....and bring that DOLLAR VALUE FOR THE SUMMIT DOWN A BIT.

P.S.....and no more "queen trips" please...i am pinching my pennies as it is.


"I don't even know what street Canada is on. "

Al Capone

Thursday, May 20, 2010

$533 million and counting....

Good Morning,

its May 20th and on this day your federal government has once again refuse to permit a special audit of their expenses. Auditor General Sheila Fraser asked last June if her office could conduct a 'performance audit' on the 533 million spent by the House of Commons and the Senators. of course, the all Party Board of Internal Economy recently rejected the request. MPs say there is already an independent auditor that examines MPs' expenses so there is no need to dig deeper....
KNOW WHAT I SAY.....WHAT ARE YOU ALL HIDING FROM THE CANADIAN PEOPLE???? $533 million is a lot of cash to fritter away on meals and personal drivers. if you add up all members of the Commons and the senators,the total expenditures per member comes to $129,055 each! ok boys and girls....ITS TIME TO GO ON THE ROYAL VISIT BUDGET. DRIVE your own car to work and submit the gas bill (or better yet cycle, take public transit like the rest of us or walk to work), EAT at McDonald's, submit the food bill, EXERCISE at home, save the gym fees....ARE YOU GETTING THE POINT!
I AM SURE that our fair representatives all make enough money to pay their own way to work, eat and exercise. WHY AM I PAYING FOR YOUR LUXURY???? you are certainly not paying for mine? i am going to have enough problems with the new "HARMONY TAX" let alone foot your bill as well.
liberal leader michael ignatieff said "Canadians don't want us to go through receipts for this meal and that meal.....YES I DO! i am sure that mr. ignatieff doesn't have his finger on the pulse of the nation when he made that comment and it will show at the next election in his riding.
SO TELL US....what exactly don't you want us to know boys and girls? that you are spending frivolously? that you dine out way too often? that your chauffeur is making way more than the average Canadian? or that your wife won't let you buy a treadmill?

you are in the position you are in out of the GOODNESS OF THE CANADIAN VOTERS HEART...that means that you are ACCOUNTABLE to said voter for your actions. being a MP does not raise you above the laws that you create for our sake....if anything you should be scrutinized more. so get out those receipts MR. IGNATIEFF....i wanna see if McDonald's is your budget choice or not.

RCMP....what do these 4 letters tell you as a Canadian Citizen? the RCMP is once again in the headlines and is in deep doodoo. in Surrey BC an officer, one said Constable Imran Saeed has already been charged with 2 counts of assault. the RCMP revealed Wednesday that another charge may be pending for Cpl Annie Linteau who was to have allegedly assaulted a woman in February of 2009. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??? if its not TAZERS, its ASSAULT???
the article was very downplayed, but the kicker for me was this last line...of course i am going to quote it for you...
"Linteau said Saeed has been placed on administrative duties pending the outcome of the criminal process and an RCMP internal investigation." WHAT A CROCK OF SHEET THAT IS!!!!! try that in your work place and see what happens...CAN YOU HEAR THE WORDS NOW....YOU ARE FIRED. no pay or suspension...just a desk job. maybe we should be compassionate and send them to a shrink or counselling so they can be assisted in handling their over aggression and rage. don't they screen these people before they hire them?? and of course all this will get swept under the legal rug because you can't have your 'famous police' looking bad in the eyes of the nation and the world now can you.
HAVE YOU NOTICED that the ones abusing authority are the ones in authority?!!! AND HAVE YOU NOTICED that nothing is done to these privileged people?!!
just try doing that where you work and see if you get a DESK JOB.....not likely, just the unemployment line or jail.
KNOW WHAT I SAY....start presenting yourself and acting like the ethics that are in your credo and then shit like this won't appear in the news for CANADIANS to be upset about.

SHELL OIL promises Arctic drilling will be safe. WTF?? i had a look at what shell has propose for their safety add ons in the wake of the BP fiasco in the gulf. in a nutshell its says it will build a prefabricated coffer dam like the one that didn't work for BP. shell says it will increase testing on blowout preventers from 14 days to every 7 days...big deal. shell also says the company would also design a "remote hot stab system," which would allow a remotely operated vehicle, diver or support vessel to activate the blowout preventer through a cable from a sled on the sea floor a safe distance from the well.

But Marilyn Heiman, U.S. Arctic program director for the Pew Environment Group, said Shell is still not prepared to respond to a major spill.

The company instead emphasizes its previous claim that the chance for a blowout is slim, she said.
Inuvialuit seek halt to drilling licences

Meanwhile, the Inuvialuit Regional Corp., which represents the western Arctic Inuit, is urging the Canadian government to stop issuing offshore exploration licences because of concerns that oil and gas companies are not able to adequately prevent or respond to spills in the Beaufort Sea.
KNOW WHAT I SAY....Shell is dreaming if they think they can contain an oil spill in this remote area. the very idea of getting ships to this area for cleanup alone would be a burden. with these added precautions, Shell has not proved that it is capable of a quick and effective cleanup and really hasn't added to any safety features that BP had. DO WE LOOK STUPID? apparently so...its all about profit margins for these companies, people and ecosystems take a sorry back seat. to add to the pot, no one in the article has mentioned what a spill would do to the ecosystems in the arctic....I HATE TO TELL YA THIS...but it just ain't ice up there people. not only that...since BP can't seem to contain their mess and it is drifting to the American coastline with very complex ecosystems, how would a spill affect the CANADIAN coastline? i don't care about the yankees, i am CANADIAN and i care about my coastline.
these so called extra securities are not securites at all as far as i am concerned. they are just low grade reactionary measures in case there is a spill. where are the measures to prevent spills...THERE ARE NONE. and until companies can guarantee these measures...NO DRILLING IN OUR SOVEREIGN WATERS THANK YOU VERY MUCH.


Quote Of The Day

When a fellow says it ain't the money but the principle of the thing, it's the money."
Kin Hubbard

"Money's only important when you don't have any."

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Giving Immigrants A Bad Name & Mourning The Beaver....

I listen to people when they talk about immigrants in Canada. Some don't like it at all, some understand that Canada has a vastness that can accommodate these people.
I tend to look at it this way...if my country was war-torn or poverty stricken and i had a chance to move to one that offered my children and myself an opportunity to reach my potential and contribute to a society plus safety for my kids, I WOULD JUMP AT THE CHANCE. I don't begrudge immigrants a chance to live free.
NOW FOR A NEW TWIST.....let me introduce you to Mohamed Said Jama, 40 yr old Somalian man who is begging to stay in CANADA. Why you may ask is Mohamed begging?
This is not the first time the Canadian Government has TRIED to deport him. The Canada Border Services Agency made its first attempt to deport Jama last fall but the effort failed when Jama's CBSA escorts arrived with him in Nairobi, Kenya, but were unable to arrange a charter flight to Somalia. They brought Jama back to Canada where he was released on a $2,000 bond, a promise to report to monthly meetings with CBSA officers and avoid contact with known criminals.

Jama instead went underground until March 19 when Winnipeg police officers arrested him in the company of a "criminal with ties to organized crime," National Parole Board documents said.
Jama's original deportation order came after he was convicted in 2005 of aggravated assault, assault with a weapon and robbery for an armed home invasion in Winnipeg where he stabbed a man in the cheek.
So once again he is being ejected from CANADA.
KNOW WHAT I had your chance the first time and what did you do, you again committed a criminal offense. What makes Mohamed think that Canada should keep him here if all he will be is a burden to the Canadian Tax Payers?
Mohamed says he fears for his life back in Somalia, that when his cousin was deported back in 2007, he was killed on his return. Why then do you think that Mohamed fled Somalia....CAN YOU SAY evading criminal offenses?!
I personally don't want to pay for Mohamed any longer...he has chosen his path in life and decided that keeping his nose clean was not the fun way to live. Canada should put him on a direct flight back to Somalia and who ever greets him at the airport is welcome to him. We can exchange him for someone who is willing to be free, make an honest living and become a decent part of Canadian Society thank you!

P.E.I. begins beaver culling
It seems that the government of PEI is having a beaver problem? They are causing damage to roadways from dams. They have decided, in their infinite wisdom to have them culled....YES KILLED! That is the stupidest thing i have ever heard. Why not move them? See if another province will accept them. THE BEAVER is a National Symbol, a proud and noble animal with a distinct history in this country. SHAME ON YOU PEI for destroying our should be finding a way to relocate them. Of course, the government has decided to cull during a key period, spring. That means if they don't collect the entire beaver family, the babies will not survive either and probably die in the wild. OK, SO I HAVE A SOFT SPOT FOR ANIMALS. But just because we are at the top of the food chain doesn't give us the right to eliminate another creature out of convenience or that they are affecting our habitat.
Don't move next door to me.....I don't welcome killers of any kind.
Its the way I see it....

Quote Of The Day.....
"SAVE A BEAVER.....cull a trapper!"

Monday, May 10, 2010

ISRAEL....nuclear, illegally occupied Gaza strip and all that mess...

Israel continues to refuse to admit that it has nuclear stockpiles within its borders. They will not allow weapons inspectors into the country to check. The United States is walking very quietly around this issue and has for many years, generally ignoring the fact that Israel is nuclear and possesses weapons of that sort. The UN is pressuring Israel to sign a Nuclear Proliferation Treaty so that they would have to disclose their arsenal. In the wake of this pressure, Israel is choosing to ignore the demands and instead is emphasising that Iran is developing its nuclear potential.
I believe in a "NUCLEAR FREE WORLD", I am opposed to any war!
The fact that the 'HAVES' want to shut down the 'HAVE NOTS' is rather oxymoronish isn't it? "Noooooooooooo you can't have nuclear arms, you might sell them to unfavourable countries that would use them!!!!!" KNOW WHAT I SAY....didn't the Reagan government get their hands caught in the "nuclear cookie jar" in the 80s for just that thing??!!! Didn't the Soviet Union in the 60s and 70s supply Vietnam with arms to use against American GIs?!!! WHO EXACTLY SHOULD WE BE WORRIED ABOUT AGAIN???
I think the person who invented this should be dragged behind a racing horse! ANYTHING NUCLEAR has been no benefit to the world at all....CAN YOU SAY 3 Mile Island in New York? CAN YOU SAY the Love Canal??? CAN YOU SAY Chernobyl???? CAN YOU SAY Hiroshima and Nagasaki????
Israel for years has cried the blues about being misunderstood and mistreated. They play upon the sympathies of their forefathers who died in the camps. Ask a Palestinian in the Occupied Gaza Strip how he or she feels right now. Israel has turned it into one large camp. These people have no access to medical assistance, clean water or outside aid because Israel has cut it off. The curfews imposed in this area does not allow any Palestinian to leave their home (if it hasn't been bulldozed) for 19 hours of a day. Orchards and fertile crops are being bulldozed in order to establish Israeli settlements. In fact, the UN told Israel years ago that they were illegally occupying this area and that they needed to exit the Gaza Strip. Israel has never complied to this international law. Israel seems to think that occupying these new sites and setting up urban centres for new Israeli immigrants that they would in the future lay claim to lands that they are occupying. The sad truth about all this is that Jews from other countries are being encouraged to immigrate back to Israel and are being promised homes and land that were taken from Palestinian families, putting them on the front line of any unrest in that area. In short, Israel is using new Jewish immigrants as a human shield for the conflict in the Gaza Strip.
DOES ANYONE REALLY SEE WHAT ISRAEL HAS BECOME??? They have become as bad as the regime that oppressed them in the 30s and 40s. It looks like the shoe is on the other foot now and no one is taking notice.
This is all too easy to answer.......WAR AND CONFLICT IS BIGGGGGG BUSINESS and everyone wants a PIECE OF THAT ACTION. Who suffers the most from political and military conflict and war.....CIVILIANS. No war on the face of the earth has ever been fought with just soldiers....NEVER. The Casualties of War are always Civilians.
so hurts inside for me to even think of it!

Quote Of The Day.....

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

John Lennon

Pride Toronto Not To Receive Funding For 2010....

Good Morning,

What ever the government decided to do with regards to festival funding this year, I am sure they have their reasons. For pride organizers to expect cash is not very smart. The controversy swelling around this so called “festival funding crap” may or may not be related to the pride festival.
What really bothers me is that people don’t see the benefit it has to the city. Pride 2009 generated a lot of money into the Toronto economy and jobs. $100 million was added to the Ontario economy last year as a result of this event.

I don’t believe in animal cruelty, so I could say the same for the amount of money that the Calgary Stampede received last year. I am sure I could use all the metaphors that denounce this, but its pointless. The Stampede is also a “cash cow” as is the Royal Winter Fair. If funding was removed from these festivals, would you still be screaming cash cow and all the other phrases that you used to denounce gay pride? probably not.

I don’t like the Stampede, so I choose not to attend….you can always do the same too. If I didn't like Jazz, why should I pay for it? I protest that the winter fair has the world ‘royal’ in it because it lends gesture to monarchy and I don’t support that either….are you getting my point? So what exactly do you think the government should fund? What ever they do, it will upset someone.
The conservative government is homophobic...ask Mr Harper about his views on gay marriage? I am sure that if he could, he would remove some of the laws supporting gay rights.

Funding for 2009 was a slip by the conservatives who did not think that money would go to such an event because all of their members were following the party line. Diane Ablonczy didn’t seem to follow or fit into party line definitions and chose to make a descision based of revenue and finance. That mistake was not made again this year.

Pride organizers are disappointed that they did not receive funding for 2010, but they should not have banked on that money either. Pride will continue regardless of funding or no……IT IS NOT GOING AWAY! Actually, its a fun event.

People have to be realistic with regards to how the world is verses how they think it should be. We need to wake up and realize that it is not going to change just because we think it should meet our standards. Gays, Lesbians, Transgender and Transexuals are not going away any time soon....they have been around since time began and they will be long after we are dead and buried. KNOW WHAT I SAY.....learn to live with it!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day To All The Beautiful Women Who Are....

Homage To A Mother

The warmest touch is Hers
since as long as time has been.
With unwaving devotion
the likes of which unseen.

She glows a sunny colour
when all in your life is right
and cries the bitter tears of blue
when you struggle and you fight.

Her life is not Her own,
She has dedicated it to you.
And until Her dying breath
She holds this coven true.

We know Her by a simple name
Mother, Mom or Mum.
She is part of our beating heart,
someone forever we will love.

So pay great homage to this Woman,
fragile as delicate lace.
The one that has given you all your strength
with gentleness and grace.

*dedicated to the Beautiful Woman who are

called Mothers.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Climate Change???

good morning,

ok, i am having a really hard time swallowing this global movement about man made climate change. after doing some of my own research, it seems that humans only account for 1.3% of the carbon foot print around the globe. the biggest climate offender is CLOUDS AND WATER VAPOUR in our atmosphere.
now today a rep from the European Union says that CANADA should not wait to act on climate change. it should not wait for the rest of the world to come on board. KNOW WHAT I SAY....worry about your own countries Euro Union. you do not dictate CANADIAN POLICIES .....CANADA does! i think it is wise that we wait and look for more results with regards to this over funded, over emphasized and soon to be over taxed 'so called man-made phenomena.
the business of the climate change movement....and i do mean BUSINESS, is generating billions of dollars with the potential to generate even more once the policy is adopted. WHO WILL PAY FOR THIS POLICY CHANGE....well you and i will of course. WHO THE HELL ELSE?
AFTER the last ice age, ice core samples have shown around the world that the earth experienced higher temperatures than we have today. it was called the MEDIEVIL WARM PERIOD. they grew grapes in England and made wine for god sakes!! after this warm peak, the world experienced what is coined...THE LITTLE ICE AGE. a period of about 130 years where the winters were harsh and plummeted well below the average temperatures of today. hmmmmmmmmmm? CAN YOU SAY......GLOBAL CYCLES!!! yes, i do believe that the earth experiences cycles. in the real world, the earth and its geological and climatetalogical happenings are not moving in a linear fashion. everything around us works in cycles....LINEAR IS MAN MADE. think about it...there is everything from changing seasons, moon cycles to the birth and death of life...why would anyone assume that we can dictate the weather???
the business of global warming is like any other global business....over exaggerated and ready for big corporations to exploit...and exploit they will. it will all cost you BIG TIME. everything from cost at the gas pumps to changing your home to how food is shipped to you and of course let's not forget the carbon footprint fines that the UN wants to initiate. its like AIDS and is a money generating machine that profits the few and doesn't help the many. this coupled with misinformation to the public that swallow it up like a dog bone adds fuel to the fire....protests, rallies, concerts.... ALL THESE GREEN-LETS SAVE THE PLANET YUPPIES come out of the wood work to campaign for a cause they know little about leaving the public ignorant of the true facts.
don't take my word for it.....FIND OUT YOURSELF. read the papers that scientists are publishing about there thoughts on NO GLOBAL WARMING BY MAN. they are hard to find because....well you know the way it goes....WE ARE FANATICS aren't we.
i am not saying pollution reduction isn't good. i think its important...but not at the cost of millions of people....WE PAY ENOUGH!

Quote of the Day...............

"don't just believe.......THINK!"
a me quote!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Poetry In Me.....

I Hear Her Weeping

i lay among the untethered grasses.
the heat of the earth against my back.
she cries to me in a galactic pain,
"what have you wrought upon my soil?"
she is burdened by the history of mankind
and with each evolution of mind,
she weakens.
scratched by aged ice and snow,
she slept the long sleep,
awaking yet again to new faces
and to a change that would not mar her beauty.
silently she stood by
as another surge of evolution began.
creatures of land and of sea
reaching a pinnacle of their time.
and low a greatness plummeted from the heavens,
carrying with it a death so great.
depleting the life she held.
plunged into darkness once more,
another 11th hour she became.
sleep, sleep great beauty
for your time will shine again.
and the sun, still the creator of time.
broke through the waste and dust
kissing again the earth so fine
bringing the sleeping beauty to light.
a dawn of her cycle,
clinging to a new age.
this time a being so grand
fell from the trees that covered her so.
their childish fear overcome by curiousness.
a vast kingdom at their dispose.
their evolution at hand.
anything was possible.
these humble creatures were grateful
and praised the earth for her bounty.
gathering, slaying for survival,
they congregated and became of one kind,
dominating the landscape,
using her potential.
with bounty came a new face
the earth had never seen.
one no creature before had ever held.
a power so small, yet so forceful.
the power of thought and reason.
she watched in silence and in awe
as this small and insignificant grew.
their evolution flowed rapid like a great river.
she knew knowledge was their key
and with this knowledge they learned to survive
the long sleeps.
the ice and snow came and went
and this creature had not gone with it.
ever watchful now, she realized
that they were strong enough to surpass
some of her powers to cleanse.
like the grains they gathered,
they multiplied.
they traversed the land
leaving in their wake the scars and footprints.
in their 11th hour, the point of another emergence,
they changed.
becoming something beyond guardians of the cycle.
they blossomed into kingdoms.
nations formed and divisions set
lines across her great divide
and she was forgotten and unkept.
they found a new consciousness,
one of greed.
each nation hording what they reaped
and for the first time in her life
the earth wept raw.
not for the carelessness and greed
of this species,
but for something greater...
she wept for the vision of her own death.
the earth trembled in this new age.
war swept her surface like a plague.
the nations killed each other,
a sport of sorts,
no longer satisfied with just surviving.
their arrogance flowed from them
harming all it touched.
in this time,
pure knowledge still grew.
it was of an age gone by.
the enlightened ones still stirred among them.
nation mortality lengthened
and another dawn appeared.
out of sheer need
mechanised, sterilized, synthesized.
the nations pushed the boundaries
expanded to new worlds
and gave birth to pollutants
of the pure aerial ocean.
with knowledge comes consequence
and despite the warning signs,
the nations forged ahead
raping the earth of her beauty and gifts.
their was no reverence as before,
no homage paid.
an arian conscious came into being.
one of self-preservation and hunger.
gone is the day of whimsical cloudless skies,
gone is the day of pure sweet air to breathe,
gone is the day of serene tranquility.
the new animal stalled the earth,
one of hatred, greed and fear.
so strong was this new creature
that even the earth's cries went unheard.
slowly, she felt a weakening
and the power to rise and continue
drained from her.
the death of the earth began.
agonized with storms of destruction.
vengeful with rains of acid
and funnels of chaos.
waters swelled and the comfort of earth
began to change.
in her painstaking death throws,
she warns us of her ending.
do we heed her message?
do we hear her voice?
have we forsaken our roots, our birth?
the greed of a once so humbled creature
has morphed into a god-like arrogance.
the material struggle in the blindness
of what is truly needed has become
poisoned and clouded like the sky.
the exhaustion of the gifts she gave
leaves us not hollow or ashamed,
but rather only hungered.
so as i lay among the untethered grasses
i feel the earth's tears,
i hear her weeping,
i see her sorrow
and i join her in her pain.
i feel the heat of the earth against my back.

el (santi)