Monday, May 10, 2010

Pride Toronto Not To Receive Funding For 2010....

Good Morning,

What ever the government decided to do with regards to festival funding this year, I am sure they have their reasons. For pride organizers to expect cash is not very smart. The controversy swelling around this so called “festival funding crap” may or may not be related to the pride festival.
What really bothers me is that people don’t see the benefit it has to the city. Pride 2009 generated a lot of money into the Toronto economy and jobs. $100 million was added to the Ontario economy last year as a result of this event.

I don’t believe in animal cruelty, so I could say the same for the amount of money that the Calgary Stampede received last year. I am sure I could use all the metaphors that denounce this, but its pointless. The Stampede is also a “cash cow” as is the Royal Winter Fair. If funding was removed from these festivals, would you still be screaming cash cow and all the other phrases that you used to denounce gay pride? probably not.

I don’t like the Stampede, so I choose not to attend….you can always do the same too. If I didn't like Jazz, why should I pay for it? I protest that the winter fair has the world ‘royal’ in it because it lends gesture to monarchy and I don’t support that either….are you getting my point? So what exactly do you think the government should fund? What ever they do, it will upset someone.
The conservative government is homophobic...ask Mr Harper about his views on gay marriage? I am sure that if he could, he would remove some of the laws supporting gay rights.

Funding for 2009 was a slip by the conservatives who did not think that money would go to such an event because all of their members were following the party line. Diane Ablonczy didn’t seem to follow or fit into party line definitions and chose to make a descision based of revenue and finance. That mistake was not made again this year.

Pride organizers are disappointed that they did not receive funding for 2010, but they should not have banked on that money either. Pride will continue regardless of funding or no……IT IS NOT GOING AWAY! Actually, its a fun event.

People have to be realistic with regards to how the world is verses how they think it should be. We need to wake up and realize that it is not going to change just because we think it should meet our standards. Gays, Lesbians, Transgender and Transexuals are not going away any time soon....they have been around since time began and they will be long after we are dead and buried. KNOW WHAT I SAY.....learn to live with it!

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