good morning,
ok, i am having a really hard time swallowing this global movement about man made climate change. after doing some of my own research, it seems that humans only account for 1.3% of the carbon foot print around the globe. the biggest climate offender is CLOUDS AND WATER VAPOUR in our atmosphere.
now today a rep from the European Union says that CANADA should not wait to act on climate change. it should not wait for the rest of the world to come on board. KNOW WHAT I SAY....worry about your own countries Euro Union. you do not dictate CANADIAN POLICIES .....CANADA does! i think it is wise that we wait and look for more results with regards to this over funded, over emphasized and soon to be over taxed 'so called man-made phenomena.
the business of the climate change movement....and i do mean BUSINESS, is generating billions of dollars with the potential to generate even more once the policy is adopted. WHO WILL PAY FOR THIS POLICY CHANGE....well you and i will of course. WHO THE HELL ELSE?
AFTER the last ice age, ice core samples have shown around the world that the earth experienced higher temperatures than we have today. it was called the MEDIEVIL WARM PERIOD. they grew grapes in England and made wine for god sakes!! after this warm peak, the world experienced what is coined...THE LITTLE ICE AGE. a period of about 130 years where the winters were harsh and plummeted well below the average temperatures of today. hmmmmmmmmmm? CAN YOU SAY......GLOBAL CYCLES!!! yes, i do believe that the earth experiences cycles. in the real world, the earth and its geological and climatetalogical happenings are not moving in a linear fashion. everything around us works in cycles....LINEAR IS MAN MADE. think about it...there is everything from changing seasons, moon cycles to the birth and death of life...why would anyone assume that we can dictate the weather???
the business of global warming is like any other global business....over exaggerated and ready for big corporations to exploit...and exploit they will. it will all cost you BIG TIME. everything from cost at the gas pumps to changing your home to how food is shipped to you and of course let's not forget the carbon footprint fines that the UN wants to initiate. its like AIDS and is a money generating machine that profits the few and doesn't help the many. this coupled with misinformation to the public that swallow it up like a dog bone adds fuel to the fire....protests, rallies, concerts.... ALL THESE GREEN-LETS SAVE THE PLANET YUPPIES come out of the wood work to campaign for a cause they know little about leaving the public ignorant of the true facts.
don't take my word for it.....FIND OUT YOURSELF. read the papers that scientists are publishing about there thoughts on NO GLOBAL WARMING BY MAN. they are hard to find because....well you know the way it goes....WE ARE FANATICS aren't we.
i am not saying pollution reduction isn't good. i think its important...but not at the cost of millions of people....WE PAY ENOUGH!
Quote of the Day...............
"don't just believe.......THINK!"
a me quote!
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