Good Morning,
its May 20th and on this day your federal government has once again refuse to permit a special audit of their expenses. Auditor General Sheila Fraser asked last June if her office could conduct a 'performance audit' on the 533 million spent by the House of Commons and the Senators. of course, the all Party Board of Internal Economy recently rejected the request. MPs say there is already an independent auditor that examines MPs' expenses so there is no need to dig deeper....
KNOW WHAT I SAY.....WHAT ARE YOU ALL HIDING FROM THE CANADIAN PEOPLE???? $533 million is a lot of cash to fritter away on meals and personal drivers. if you add up all members of the Commons and the senators,the total expenditures per member comes to $129,055 each! ok boys and girls....ITS TIME TO GO ON THE ROYAL VISIT BUDGET. DRIVE your own car to work and submit the gas bill (or better yet cycle, take public transit like the rest of us or walk to work), EAT at McDonald's, submit the food bill, EXERCISE at home, save the gym fees....ARE YOU GETTING THE POINT!
I AM SURE that our fair representatives all make enough money to pay their own way to work, eat and exercise. WHY AM I PAYING FOR YOUR LUXURY???? you are certainly not paying for mine? i am going to have enough problems with the new "HARMONY TAX" let alone foot your bill as well.
liberal leader michael ignatieff said "Canadians don't want us to go through receipts for this meal and that meal.....YES I DO! i am sure that mr. ignatieff doesn't have his finger on the pulse of the nation when he made that comment and it will show at the next election in his riding.
SO TELL US....what exactly don't you want us to know boys and girls? that you are spending frivolously? that you dine out way too often? that your chauffeur is making way more than the average Canadian? or that your wife won't let you buy a treadmill?
you are in the position you are in out of the GOODNESS OF THE CANADIAN VOTERS HEART...that means that you are ACCOUNTABLE to said voter for your actions. being a MP does not raise you above the laws that you create for our sake....if anything you should be scrutinized more. so get out those receipts MR. IGNATIEFF....i wanna see if McDonald's is your budget choice or not.
RCMP....what do these 4 letters tell you as a Canadian Citizen? the RCMP is once again in the headlines and is in deep doodoo. in Surrey BC an officer, one said Constable Imran Saeed has already been charged with 2 counts of assault. the RCMP revealed Wednesday that another charge may be pending for Cpl Annie Linteau who was to have allegedly assaulted a woman in February of 2009. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??? if its not TAZERS, its ASSAULT???
the article was very downplayed, but the kicker for me was this last line...of course i am going to quote it for you...
"Linteau said Saeed has been placed on administrative duties pending the outcome of the criminal process and an RCMP internal investigation." WHAT A CROCK OF SHEET THAT IS!!!!! try that in your work place and see what happens...CAN YOU HEAR THE WORDS NOW....YOU ARE FIRED. no pay or suspension...just a desk job. maybe we should be compassionate and send them to a shrink or counselling so they can be assisted in handling their over aggression and rage. don't they screen these people before they hire them?? and of course all this will get swept under the legal rug because you can't have your 'famous police' looking bad in the eyes of the nation and the world now can you.
HAVE YOU NOTICED that the ones abusing authority are the ones in authority?!!! AND HAVE YOU NOTICED that nothing is done to these privileged people?!!
just try doing that where you work and see if you get a DESK JOB.....not likely, just the unemployment line or jail.
KNOW WHAT I SAY....start presenting yourself and acting like the ethics that are in your credo and then shit like this won't appear in the news for CANADIANS to be upset about.
SHELL OIL promises Arctic drilling will be safe. WTF?? i had a look at what shell has propose for their safety add ons in the wake of the BP fiasco in the gulf. in a nutshell its says it will build a prefabricated coffer dam like the one that didn't work for BP. shell says it will increase testing on blowout preventers from 14 days to every 7 days...big deal. shell also says the company would also design a "remote hot stab system," which would allow a remotely operated vehicle, diver or support vessel to activate the blowout preventer through a cable from a sled on the sea floor a safe distance from the well.
But Marilyn Heiman, U.S. Arctic program director for the Pew Environment Group, said Shell is still not prepared to respond to a major spill.
The company instead emphasizes its previous claim that the chance for a blowout is slim, she said.
Inuvialuit seek halt to drilling licences
Meanwhile, the Inuvialuit Regional Corp., which represents the western Arctic Inuit, is urging the Canadian government to stop issuing offshore exploration licences because of concerns that oil and gas companies are not able to adequately prevent or respond to spills in the Beaufort Sea.
KNOW WHAT I SAY....Shell is dreaming if they think they can contain an oil spill in this remote area. the very idea of getting ships to this area for cleanup alone would be a burden. with these added precautions, Shell has not proved that it is capable of a quick and effective cleanup and really hasn't added to any safety features that BP had. DO WE LOOK STUPID? apparently so...its all about profit margins for these companies, people and ecosystems take a sorry back seat. to add to the pot, no one in the article has mentioned what a spill would do to the ecosystems in the arctic....I HATE TO TELL YA THIS...but it just ain't ice up there people. not only that...since BP can't seem to contain their mess and it is drifting to the American coastline with very complex ecosystems, how would a spill affect the CANADIAN coastline? i don't care about the yankees, i am CANADIAN and i care about my coastline.
these so called extra securities are not securites at all as far as i am concerned. they are just low grade reactionary measures in case there is a spill. where are the measures to prevent spills...THERE ARE NONE. and until companies can guarantee these measures...NO DRILLING IN OUR SOVEREIGN WATERS THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
Quote Of The Day
When a fellow says it ain't the money but the principle of the thing, it's the money."
Kin Hubbard
"Money's only important when you don't have any."
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