Thursday, March 24, 2011

Who Takes The Lead??...OIL Of Course

Good Morning,
As the world cried for justice just a few weeks ago for Libyan Rebels, now the powers behind those people are close to sitting on their hands and washing them of the middle east rebellions.
the Americans did strike with bombs in Libya, but now have decided that "maybe its not the place to be!"
in a little publicized statement that Qaddafi made late last week, he said that any country that opposes his rule and sides with the rebels will not be looked on kindly when the dust settles and oil flows again. WELL?? HOW ABOUT THAT?
Cuba for the longest time, was a sworn enemy of the USA, did they invade and bomb them? did the free world jump in too?......NOPE! Egypt decided that they would rebel and rid the country of a dictator...did the USA and the free world step in?......NOPE!
Libya is in a strategic position for oil and the pipelines that carry it. Heaven forbid we compromise our energy position??!!
i understand the need for FREEDOM! i understand the need to want a BETTER LIFE!
BUT ULTERIOR engage on foreign soil is just wrong.
Just LOOK who has joined this coalition to HELP THE REBELS.....every oil deficient world power that is having energy problems. (and some because they haven't the political balls to say NO.)
the moral of the story......would these countries that need to protect their oil futures be happy about the fact that if the shoe was on the other foot, THAT THEY BE BOMBED OR INVADED???? probably not. so what to do?
KNOW WHAT I SAY.....NO BOMBING, NO TROOPS, NO FUNDING, NO PARTICIPATION. Stay the HELL out of their backyard and you won't get your hands slapped for trespassing.
ANDDDDDDD....fix your own messes at home first. work on alternative energies (no nuke), fix your healthcare, help the old people, ensure that people who retire will have a pension after working all their life. PRESERVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE!
sure Qaddafi is an Alzheimer patient ruling a nation, sure he needs to be slapped, sure his time has come, sure Libya needs some sense of democracy. LET THEM FIGURE THAT OUT! its called....HUMAN EVOLUTION AND STRUGGLE...(we were bred for this)
Quote Of The Day......

"in war, no one wins. our ability not to see this is only blinded by our human need to be supreme. what we can't see is that there is no race, creed or colour....we are ALL of the same genus HOMO SAPIEN."
Nuff Said.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Arresting Silent Protesters??..What Is This World Coming To?

good morning,
well Chalk Up another blow for the ANTI-NUCLEAR CONSCIOUSNESS!
IN A STUNNING MOVE yesterday, 4 protesters were arrested for carrying on a peaceful protest....YOU READ IT RIGHT!! in fact, IT WAS A SILENT PROTEST.

QUOTE :"The disturbance began just after 9 a.m. ET when the protesters chained themselves together at the front of the meeting hall, then attached themselves to a nearby table with a second chain. Others held banners reading, "No nukes are safe. Stop Darlington."

QUOTE :"If you're not prepared to move we'll adjourn the hearings until such time as we can proceed in an orderly manner and a fair manner," panel chairman Alan Graham told the group before the panel left the stage."
HOW SAD IS THAT?!!! the PROTESTERS were chained together and then chained themselves to a table in front of the hearing panel in silence. How much more orderly does Alan Graham want....there was only BANNERs and SILENCE.

QUOTE :"Greenpeace spokesman Shawn Patrick Stensil said there was nothing stopping the panel from proceeding with the activists silently standing in front of them."

"They're just bearing witness to the fact that these hearings are moving forward while ignoring one of the greatest threats to future generations of Ontarians — that is a Fukushima-scale [disaster]," Stensil said."

apparently your right to protest is "NO LONGER ALLOWED."
IF an agenda about BIG BUSINESS and PROFIT is hindered by a few protesters with silence and signs....what would they do with a loud, in your face city or country protest???
i think having them arrested was wrong!!! if you don't want the opposition to show up at a PUBLIC HEARING, THEN DAH!!!!! DON'T HAVE A PUBLIC HEARING!!?
THE GREAT IRONY HERE IS : the silent protesters protesting a silent killer that has no way of being cleaned up!
Maybe Alan Graham needs to pay attention to the cost of cleaning up a disaster and its long term effects verses the greed and need for energy.
MAYBE what the government and the energy industry needs to promote is :A LIFESTYLE that is more in tune with the environment.
there ya go Ontario Government....sink the billions into alternative energies instead, so the population can be around a lot longer to keep you in your cushie jobs.
All the panel has to do is look at the current headlines to know what kind of outcome will ensue if there is a nuclear problem.
- Darlington is beside one of the largest fresh water reservoirs in the world.
- Darlington recently had a water leak into that reservoir.
- Ontario's food belt is just north of lake Ontario, a prime position for contamination.
- The mass populace of Ontario lives and works close to these nuclear areas.
- Nuclear problems will affect not only ontario, but possibly the neighbours to the south.
- contaminated water and lands cannot be cleansed.
-the long-term cost will bankrupt the nation.

Nuff Said!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Riots In The Middle East Have Leaders There Running Scared

isn't it interesting that country after country in the Middle East has taken to the streets in protest of their long time country after the other! is anyone seeing the BIG PICTURE HERE? i think i do. it has been the dominance of dictators and rulers that have been seated there by Western Powers that is now driving these protests. you and i, are tired of just getting by while the Captain's of Industry and Politics tell them what they need. WOOOHOOOO for "THE LITTLE GUY!!!"
in a very predictable move...the King (who the hell has a king anymore? is this the middle ages?) of Saudi Arabia just announced that he was going to go on a spending spree and dump millions into the economy. he wants to boost employment, raise minimum wages, build low cost housing and give government workers a pay raise. ME THINKS THE KING IS A TAD FRIGHTENED...would you agree?
King Abdullah is old and he does not want to face an uprising of the young and oppressed. i don't think his health would survive it. so he opted to appease the masses by throwing them a bone. (while he lives in luxury) i don't feel this is a heart felt attempt to fix the problems that thrive in his country. there is a huge gap between the HAVES and HAVE NOTS. it is just a way to stave off civil unrest. i hope the people are not gullible.
WE KEEP HEARING ABOUT THE "NEW WORLD ORDER". well here it is.....people are waking up to the fact that oppression isn't all its cracked up to be and they are realizing that they can change things!!!
VIV LA CHANGE....i say!
this is your new world order....just not the kind that the DOMINATING CORPORATES WANTED. shitty for them......people do have minds and they are slowly breaking out of the hypnotic spell of MATERIALISM as a DIVERSION from the TRUTH.

Quote Of The Day......

In every age, no matter how cruel the oppression carried on by those in power, there have been those who struggled for a different world. I believe this is the genius of humankind, the thing that makes us half divine: the fact that some human beings can envision a world that has never existed.

~ Anne Braden

WOW!! I Told Ya So.....

So it seems that Japan has a huge and deadly problem on their hands. reactors that are not cooling down after multiple days and attempts. brace yourself world! Japan has been monitoring levels of radiation and they are finding food that has above normal levels. GUESS WHAT PEOPLE??? if the food has will the soil. RADIATION just doesn't dissolve away hangs in there quietly for the long term damage. ASK the people that lived near Chernobyl!
California reported that radiation was detected that came from Japan. the Canadian government said that the levels detected in British Columbia were nothing to worry about, in fact they said that it was equal to what we would be exposed to on a daily basis. REALLY? isn't that what the Japanese said to their people the day they announced that they were having issues with the cooling???
Japan right now is a ROCK IN A HARD PLACE.....why? well i will tell you why. they assured the world that their nuclear facilities could withstand an earthquake. (at the 7 level). the quake registered almost 9. EXPLAIN SAFE NOW? not only have they endangered their own people, but their neighbours as well. they are trying to dig out of this crisis and it will cost them BILLIONS. unfortunately, these leaks are not going to help their EXPORTS. WHO WOULD BY ANYTHING FROM JAPAN RIGHT NOW FOR FEAR OF CONTAMINATION???? will they survive...economically, its slim.
RADIATION knows no boundaries, no race, no religion. IT KILLS WITHOUT BIAS.
IT MAKES ME WONDER.....does CANADA still want to add new nuclear reactors to its soil?? I SAY.....LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON THAT!!!! ASK OTTAWA...there was another quake there this week!!!
do we GAMBLE and opt to be materialistic to maintain a lifestyle that is doomed to fail anyway? OR DO WE SAY NO....and use another kind of power option that has been sitting in some research closet and not patented yet, for fear that the BIG COMPANIES lose their strangle hold and profits over us?
OH AND JUST SO YOU KNOW.....the Pickering Plant in Ontario leaked contaminated water into Lake Ontario. Do you still want generators shipped to Sweden via the Great Lakes now? I DON'T! NOT IF IT MEANS contaminating the largest FRESH WATER DEPOSIT in the world.
Have A Nice Day!

Cancer...The Money Maker

Good Morning,
what's in the news......CANCER. OHIP decided to not pay for a drug treatment called HERCEPTIN for a woman diagnosed with a tumor. Jill Anzarut's breast tumor is just over a half centimeter. OHIP said the drug can only be used on larger tumors. the Ontario Ombudsman is looking into the case. if Jill lived in British Columbia, Alberta or Saskatchewan her medicare would cover it.
"Herceptin funding is limited to patients whose tumours are larger than one centimetre, because the guideline is based on clinical trials, and nearly all were conducted on women with larger tumours, according to Cancer Care Ontario. " IS THIS A REASON TO REJECT HER??? if you look carefully at the quote, what it is saying is that the drug was used on larger tumors in a clinical trial....SO WHAT??? ONLY PEOPLE WITH LARGER TUMORS GET IT BASED ON THE TRIALS??? what kind of MEDICAL LOGIC is that???? let me add a bit more of this article for is full of contradictions and misinformation....sick.
"Ontario Health Minister Deb Matthews said later that making an exception in Anzarut's case would be unfair to people in similar circumstances who don't get their stories in the media." SO THE MINISTER THINKS ITS UNFAIR TO CURE CANCER?? WHY WOULD IT BE WITHELD FROM ANYONE IF ITS AFFECTIVE?

Matthews said Anzarut and others with small tumours have other drug and treatment options, adding it shouldn't be up to politician to decide who gets a drug and who doesn't." the minister here is really and truly a POLITICIAN FIRST! first she says no its not fair, then she says its not up to politicians to decide. HOW DID SHE GET THIS JOB....oh i know how...ITS CALLED DOUBLE SPEAK to save your ass.

Diane McArthur, who heads Ontario's public drug program, has also said she has asked experts to look for any additional evidence that might change the province's guideline for Herceptin.

In the meantime, Anzarut says she's considering paying to have the drug administered through a private clinic — at a cost of about $40,000. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? 40 GRAND FOR A DRUG??? We DONATE millions of dollars to CANCER RESEARCH (Canadians being the most generous when it comes to this disease) and the pharmacutical companies have the nerve to put this kind of PRICE TAG on it? IS THERE NO MORALITY IN THE WORLD???

Herceptin is an antibody that blocks a protein on human skin cells — the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2).

It is thought that excessive amounts of the protein HER2 increase the growth of breast cancer. SO LETS LOOK AT THIS.....i don't see a study in any medical paper stating this in this article. should Jill wait till her tumor reaches a bigger size to be taken seriously.

Advocates say early use of Herceptin can be extremely effective in battling the disease.
WELL JILL ANZARUT..... look for an alternative therapy. there is a clinic in Mexico that uses Diet to change the face of cancer. check it out and spend your 40 GRAND to go there instead.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hurrah For Nuclear Power....Our Energy Crisis Future?

Good Morning,
Once again there has been talk in Canada by the government to introduce more nuclear power plants. it seems that they feel this is the future of our energy needs. what i think the government NEEDS is to weigh the cost of the danger verses the need. New Year's Day, the government gave away tons of electricity...NO WE PAID THE AMERICANS to take it off our hands because of a surplus. then shortly into the NEW YEAR our cost of Hydro went up??? WHY???? this is mind boggling?!!
not only does the government want to invest in reactors, but we are displaying our wares to the world...URANIUM and the technology of how to build reactors.(ask Harper how his visit to India went?)
SO THIS BEING SAID.....lets have a look at the cost to build one of these puppies.
the price tag for another 'Darlington'?....only $10 billion dollars! nuclear reactors contribute 1.3% of our energy needs at the moment.

the cost of disposal :In addition to the high-level radioactive wastes produced by reactors, there are also 100 million tons of highly toxic low-level radioactive wastes, called uranium tailings, which will require disposal at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. Research on uranium tailings disposal has scarcely begun.
and on that note it seems that Sweden is willing to clean our reactor machines if we send it do we do that you ask???
well its in court right now! the government wants to ship generators via the great lakes to Sweden so the generators are reprocessed. They repeatedly assure us that there is little to worry about, even though 90 per cent of the radioactive material inside the steam generators is plutonium, a highly toxic, man made element with a lethal legacy. WHY WOULD WE ALLOW THIS....if won in court, this will be the beginning of a sea of transfers using the great lakes and potentially putting lives and the largest reservoir of fresh water in the world in danger. I don't even want fluoride in my water thank you...adding contamination is not good.
so now lets have a look at the safety aspect of nuclear plants.
1. if there is a meltdown there is no way of cleaning up the mess (just ask Russia)
2. most of the reactors are in populated areas, where do you disperse these people to?
3. natural disaster could trigger a huge problem with stability of these facilities. does the government have an action plan for this? I DOUBT IT.
4. LETS LOOK AT of the best prepared earthquake countries in the world. the latest quake was their largest ever registering 8.9. the focus now is not the cleanup, but rather how to stop 3 reactors from melting down. with no supply of water to maintain the reactors because of the quake, the Japanese nuclear commission is forced to use a "Hail Mary" pass and apply sea water to help bring the temperatures back under control. is it working? let's hope so for the millions of Japanese living there!
So if we stop and weigh all the evidence....cost, actual energy developed, safety of disposal and potential for it worth building more of these monsters?
sure it is...says the government, we can protect you, we rarely have earthquakes. not so....remember last summer, even the boys on the Hill felt the earth move.
maybe we should ask our representatives in the next election (coming soon) that if we elect them, will they represent our true voice on this subject? maybe...WE SHOULD DEMAND IT!
better yet.......let's have a REFERENDUM.....the whole country votes. if we can vote for Quebec to leave or stay, we should be able to vote on something more life threatening....DON'T YOU THINK???

Quote Of The Day.....

“The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. Our is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants.”
Omar Bradley