isn't it interesting that country after country in the Middle East has taken to the streets in protest of their long time country after the other! is anyone seeing the BIG PICTURE HERE? i think i do. it has been the dominance of dictators and rulers that have been seated there by Western Powers that is now driving these protests. you and i, are tired of just getting by while the Captain's of Industry and Politics tell them what they need. WOOOHOOOO for "THE LITTLE GUY!!!"
in a very predictable move...the King (who the hell has a king anymore? is this the middle ages?) of Saudi Arabia just announced that he was going to go on a spending spree and dump millions into the economy. he wants to boost employment, raise minimum wages, build low cost housing and give government workers a pay raise. ME THINKS THE KING IS A TAD FRIGHTENED...would you agree?
King Abdullah is old and he does not want to face an uprising of the young and oppressed. i don't think his health would survive it. so he opted to appease the masses by throwing them a bone. (while he lives in luxury) i don't feel this is a heart felt attempt to fix the problems that thrive in his country. there is a huge gap between the HAVES and HAVE NOTS. it is just a way to stave off civil unrest. i hope the people are not gullible.
WE KEEP HEARING ABOUT THE "NEW WORLD ORDER". well here it is.....people are waking up to the fact that oppression isn't all its cracked up to be and they are realizing that they can change things!!!
VIV LA CHANGE....i say!
this is your new world order....just not the kind that the DOMINATING CORPORATES WANTED. shitty for them......people do have minds and they are slowly breaking out of the hypnotic spell of MATERIALISM as a DIVERSION from the TRUTH.
Quote Of The Day......
In every age, no matter how cruel the oppression carried on by those in power, there have been those who struggled for a different world. I believe this is the genius of humankind, the thing that makes us half divine: the fact that some human beings can envision a world that has never existed.
~ Anne Braden
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