good morning,
well Chalk Up another blow for the ANTI-NUCLEAR CONSCIOUSNESS!
IN A STUNNING MOVE yesterday, 4 protesters were arrested for carrying on a peaceful protest....YOU READ IT RIGHT!! in fact, IT WAS A SILENT PROTEST.
QUOTE :"The disturbance began just after 9 a.m. ET when the protesters chained themselves together at the front of the meeting hall, then attached themselves to a nearby table with a second chain. Others held banners reading, "No nukes are safe. Stop Darlington."
QUOTE :"If you're not prepared to move we'll adjourn the hearings until such time as we can proceed in an orderly manner and a fair manner," panel chairman Alan Graham told the group before the panel left the stage."
HOW SAD IS THAT?!!! the PROTESTERS were chained together and then chained themselves to a table in front of the hearing panel in silence. How much more orderly does Alan Graham want....there was only BANNERs and SILENCE.
QUOTE :"Greenpeace spokesman Shawn Patrick Stensil said there was nothing stopping the panel from proceeding with the activists silently standing in front of them."
"They're just bearing witness to the fact that these hearings are moving forward while ignoring one of the greatest threats to future generations of Ontarians — that is a Fukushima-scale [disaster]," Stensil said."
apparently your right to protest is "NO LONGER ALLOWED."
IF an agenda about BIG BUSINESS and PROFIT is hindered by a few protesters with silence and signs....what would they do with a loud, in your face city or country protest???
i think having them arrested was wrong!!! if you don't want the opposition to show up at a PUBLIC HEARING, THEN DAH!!!!! DON'T HAVE A PUBLIC HEARING!!?
THE GREAT IRONY HERE IS : the silent protesters protesting a silent killer that has no way of being cleaned up!
Maybe Alan Graham needs to pay attention to the cost of cleaning up a disaster and its long term effects verses the greed and need for energy.
MAYBE what the government and the energy industry needs to promote is :A LIFESTYLE that is more in tune with the environment.
there ya go Ontario Government....sink the billions into alternative energies instead, so the population can be around a lot longer to keep you in your cushie jobs.
All the panel has to do is look at the current headlines to know what kind of outcome will ensue if there is a nuclear problem.
- Darlington is beside one of the largest fresh water reservoirs in the world.
- Darlington recently had a water leak into that reservoir.
- Ontario's food belt is just north of lake Ontario, a prime position for contamination.
- The mass populace of Ontario lives and works close to these nuclear areas.
- Nuclear problems will affect not only ontario, but possibly the neighbours to the south.
- contaminated water and lands cannot be cleansed.
-the long-term cost will bankrupt the nation.
Nuff Said!
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