Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hurrah For Nuclear Power....Our Energy Crisis Future?

Good Morning,
Once again there has been talk in Canada by the government to introduce more nuclear power plants. it seems that they feel this is the future of our energy needs. what i think the government NEEDS is to weigh the cost of the danger verses the need. New Year's Day, the government gave away tons of electricity...NO WE PAID THE AMERICANS to take it off our hands because of a surplus. then shortly into the NEW YEAR our cost of Hydro went up??? WHY???? this is mind boggling?!!
not only does the government want to invest in reactors, but we are displaying our wares to the world...URANIUM and the technology of how to build reactors.(ask Harper how his visit to India went?)
SO THIS BEING SAID.....lets have a look at the cost to build one of these puppies.
the price tag for another 'Darlington'?....only $10 billion dollars! nuclear reactors contribute 1.3% of our energy needs at the moment.

the cost of disposal :In addition to the high-level radioactive wastes produced by reactors, there are also 100 million tons of highly toxic low-level radioactive wastes, called uranium tailings, which will require disposal at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. Research on uranium tailings disposal has scarcely begun.
and on that note it seems that Sweden is willing to clean our reactor machines if we send it do we do that you ask???
well its in court right now! the government wants to ship generators via the great lakes to Sweden so the generators are reprocessed. They repeatedly assure us that there is little to worry about, even though 90 per cent of the radioactive material inside the steam generators is plutonium, a highly toxic, man made element with a lethal legacy. WHY WOULD WE ALLOW THIS....if won in court, this will be the beginning of a sea of transfers using the great lakes and potentially putting lives and the largest reservoir of fresh water in the world in danger. I don't even want fluoride in my water thank you...adding contamination is not good.
so now lets have a look at the safety aspect of nuclear plants.
1. if there is a meltdown there is no way of cleaning up the mess (just ask Russia)
2. most of the reactors are in populated areas, where do you disperse these people to?
3. natural disaster could trigger a huge problem with stability of these facilities. does the government have an action plan for this? I DOUBT IT.
4. LETS LOOK AT of the best prepared earthquake countries in the world. the latest quake was their largest ever registering 8.9. the focus now is not the cleanup, but rather how to stop 3 reactors from melting down. with no supply of water to maintain the reactors because of the quake, the Japanese nuclear commission is forced to use a "Hail Mary" pass and apply sea water to help bring the temperatures back under control. is it working? let's hope so for the millions of Japanese living there!
So if we stop and weigh all the evidence....cost, actual energy developed, safety of disposal and potential for it worth building more of these monsters?
sure it is...says the government, we can protect you, we rarely have earthquakes. not so....remember last summer, even the boys on the Hill felt the earth move.
maybe we should ask our representatives in the next election (coming soon) that if we elect them, will they represent our true voice on this subject? maybe...WE SHOULD DEMAND IT!
better yet.......let's have a REFERENDUM.....the whole country votes. if we can vote for Quebec to leave or stay, we should be able to vote on something more life threatening....DON'T YOU THINK???

Quote Of The Day.....

“The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. Our is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants.”
Omar Bradley

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