Monday, October 29, 2012


73 Earthquakes in 2011
62 Earthquakes in 2012
Economic losses
Economic losses overall were over $5 million for direct losses, but will exceed $594 billion over the next few years, mainly in Japan, Christchurch (NZ), and Sikkim (actually affecting many countries from India, Tibet (China), Bhutan, and Nepal as far as Bangladesh.)

"The Federal Emergency Management Agency has estimated that earthquakes cost the United States, on average, over $5 billion per year,"
(this is the USA damages alone)

Japan’s government estimated the damage from this month’s record earthquake and tsunami at as much as 25 trillion yen ($309 billion), an amount almost four times the hit imposed by Hurricane Katrina on the U.S.

So why are we not paying more attention to Earthquakes? Hurricanes affect the area that they hit, while earthquakes affects are farther reaching, touching other countries other than the ones they happen in. Aftershocks are considered more deadly than the original quake and the tsunamis that could potentially be generated from them affect people oceans away. I was looking at a site online about earthquakes and oh hell I will just show you a sample of what it said. This is information about the Japan earthquake near Honshu   This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.

Magnitude 9.0

Date-Time Friday, March 11, 2011 at 05:46:24 UTC

Friday, March 11, 2011 at 02:46:24 PM at epicenter

Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones

Location: 38.297°N, 142.372°E

Depth: 30 km (18.6 miles) set by location program


Distances: 129 km (80 miles) E of Sendai, Honshu, Japan

177 km (109 miles) E of Yamagata, Honshu, Japan

177 km (109 miles) ENE of Fukushima, Honshu, Japan

373 km (231 miles) NE of TOKYO, Japan

Location Uncertainty: horizontal +/- 13.5 km (8.4 miles); depth fixed by location program

Parameters: NST=350, Nph=351, Dmin=416.3 km, Rmss=0.1 sec, Gp= 29°,

M-type=centroid moment magnitude (Mw), Version=A


Event ID usc0001xgp
If you look at the information it tells you a few important things.
Where it was, where it was centered and how deep bellow the surface of the earth it was. I am sure that there are other sites that can give you more details, but I need to ask a question here.

If we know so much about it after it happens and it is doing incredible damage and death to nations while it happens, then why are we not trying to find ways to know about it before it happens?
Earthquakes kill more people and damage more property than hurricanes annually, but we are still more interested in controlling the weather???
If we can measure the aftershock, pinpoint the center, why can't we tell the world its comming before it happens? Maybe we need to devise ways of measuring the pressure?
It is incredibly sad watching the aftermath of earthquakes. Your heart dies a bit every time it is on the news. The devastation is horrible.

STOP spending money on war in the middle east.
STOP financing terrorist attacks.
STOP building up arms.
STOP manipulating markets.
STOP worrying about material things.
Without people on this planet there would be no Material Things.
Without people on this planet there would be nothing.
I do want comfort, I would be lying to say I didn't. But how much comfort, power, goods and THINGS do we need that they become more important that PEOPLE?

STOP....and look at what will sustain us, not what will make us obsolete.
DON'T MAKE US GO THE WAY OF THE DINOSAUR....we can be much smarter than this.
Enough Said....

Friday, October 26, 2012

Coach Suspended 10 years? Maybe!/ USA Election

Hi Everyone,
I just watched a video from Quebec where a brawl broke out at a hockey game. I was rather disgusted watching it. The refs were trying to control tempers near a player's bench, when one of the coaches from behind the bench PUNCHED a player. These kids are 16 yrs old. Not long after that, two players from the apposing team jumped a ref and put him on the ice and began hitting him.
What are adults teaching their children? What has elite hockey shown these kids?
This was suppose to be a non-contact league??!!! Wow!
The coach later apologized. BIG DEAL. NHL players have been legally charged for assault, will this coach? As for the kids that began to beat up the ref....if I were Hockey Quebec, these kids would never play again.
In fact, I believe Hockey Quebec should suspend both teams for the rest of the season and not allow players to be moved to other teams.
KNOW WHAT I SAY....make an example of them to any other kid and coach that feels he wants to take his emotions out on another kid's head.
Hockey Quebec and Ontario has had problems crop up in the last few years that has disgraced the game. It's time to stop slapping their hands and saying 'now don't do that again.'
If a university can pull its entire football team out of the university league for a year to clear up doping issues, then maybe its time leagues and organizations start doing the same for hockey violence and violations.
And as for the coach, I would not let him coach my dog, let alone my child. If a coach can lose his cool and hit a kid, who else's kid has he hit. Hockey can be a highly emotional sport, but the coach has to be bigger than the situation. If he can't do that, then he should not be coaching (anyone's kid)
IT TAKES A BIG MAN TO HIT A case you didn't get that, that was sarcasm.
If it ever happens again in an arena anywhere in Canada....for god sakes, SHUT THE RINK LIGHTS OFF. That usually stops it.

NOW....on to less important news.
I really have to tell you how disappointed I am with the Canadian media coating the air and television waves with the US election.
I AM CANADIAN!!! I could care less.
If I was American, I would be exercising my right to question and possibly take over my government. What exactly has either party done for the American people other than put them farther in debt. The Republicans are run by the Military Industrial Complex and they want to spend money on WAR. The Democrats are soaking the public with social programs that benefit very few. BOTH are putting Joe Public farther in debt. CAN YOU SAY TRILLIONS??!!!!
Why is it when you steal money from someone by misinformation you are a criminal and when governments do it its for the good of foreign policy or social programs??? In the paper shuffle the loser is you.
I really don't want to know if Obama and Romney are winning or losing debates. I don't care if they resort to name calling. I don't need to see it or hear it...I HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS WITH MY OWN GOVERNMENT and its deficit that has doubled.
OK CANADIANS.... it will cost every man woman and child....$1773.42 to pay off the debt right now. So for a family of 5 it will cost you $8867.14 a family.  Do you have that kind of cash stuffed in the mattress? I know I don't. Time to start being more fiscally responsible Mr. Prime Minister.
Oh, and one last thing.....STOP BELL CANADA FROM LETTING CHINA IN!!!! It's bad enough you want to chip my passport to know where I am, I don't need China knowing also.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Another Shining Federal Government Example??!!

"Toews said he wasn't convinced part-time chaplains from other religions were an appropriate use of taxpayer money and that he would review the policy. " quote. TOO review...he just cut them.

Hi Everyone,
I just read this! UNBELIEVEABLE!!!
IF YOU ARE GOING TO CANCEL CONTRACTS FOR DENOMINATIONAL FAITH CHAPLAINS OTHER THAN CHRISTIAN....then get rid of them ALSO. I cannot emphasize enough the need for separation of CHURCH & STATE. If there is a need for inmates to have faith then let them watch services on television like every other under the poverty line senior does. In fact, save us the chaplain and give his wage to them.
Why the hell are we paying for someone to administer religious remedy for just christians??? If you give the right to ONE...then do them all. If you don't want to do that and show your obvious multi-cultural bias, then swallow your own faith and rid the system of them all.
It sickens me to think that the government is supporting christianity over anyone sickens me that the government is supporting ANY RELIGION.
Your FAITH is your freedom of choice....if you choose to be Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish or whatever, the state should not be funding you. You choose to be that....SUPPORT YOURSELF.
I did not vote for a Christian representive, I voted for someone to look out for my public interests. AND I SAID "PUBLIC" NOT RELIGIOUS.
I think what Vic Toews did was WRONG! Stop paying for something we should have no business in. If the christian community wants chaplains in the jails, let them pay to have them there to covert the wicked.
Besides the christian churches are rich enough...they do not need my money to survive....they need the lonely sad people who are shelling out cash to keep these hypocrites in the positions they have.
ENOUGH SAID..........
Quote Of The Day....

"Kill them all, for God knows His own."

— Pope Innocent III, to his troops in the Albigensian Crusade of 1209
(doesn't that just sum it up in a nutshell for ya. And that from a Pope.)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Liberals With Weak Pay Freeze For Public Sector

Hi Everyone,
I was reading today about the platform for wage freezes that the Liberal Government wants to pass. It says after their existing contracts run out, the pay freeze will take affect for 2 yrs.
SO TELL ME SOMETHING....why is it that we are forcing the civil servant sector to take a pay freeze in the first place?? CAN YOU SAY...oops we spent too much of your money Ontario!!!!
So here is how I would like to see the politicians contribute to this mess.
1. ALL expenditures that are not "riding related" should be CUT.
2. ALL expenditures for cars and food should be CUT.
3. FLIGHTS to a "riding" should be minimized to 4 a year. (if you are in a 6 hr driving distance, use your own vehicle)
4. If you need to get home more often, it comes out of your pocket. (if you don't like the drive....MOVE YOUR FAMILY TO YOUR JOB)
5. ALL Ontario government politicians that sit in the house will take a 3 yr pay freeze as a sign of good faith to the public as a "I AM SORRY FOR WASTING YOUR MONEY."
6. ALL summer recesses will be unpaid.
SO YOU ARE PROBABLY THINKING.... why are you being so hard on the politicians???
well for lots of reasons really
1. Its not just a Liberal blunder....I blame all parties for this mess.
2. While we suffer through tax hikes, rising fuel costs, soaring hydro and food costs, these monkeys can't even stop whining enough to say...ya we need to show some solidarity with the public who is getting hit hard. (just ask the Feds, they whined when Harper threatened to cut some of their funding)
AND 3. The biggest reason of all.....THEY ARE HERE TO SERVE US. Not the other way around. Politicians seem to think that playing games with public funding is just numbers on a paper. Most of them DO NOT rely on the political wage to keep their families going.
KNOW WHAT I SAY....before they vote for things that could cost the average Joe money, before they make decisions that will reduce the quality of life for people, before they unconsciously vote for the party line and not look at the true facts, maybe they should read a plaque on their desks and is hung in ALL government houses.....I WILL DO WHAT IS BEST FOR THE PEOPLE THAT ELECTED ME TODAY!
Enough said....
Quote of the day:  "You can only govern the people by serving them."

— Victor Cousin, French philosopher (1792-1867)