"Toews said he wasn't convinced part-time chaplains from other religions were an appropriate use of taxpayer money and that he would review the policy. " quote. TOO LATE...no review...he just cut them.
Hi Everyone,
I just read this! UNBELIEVEABLE!!!
IF YOU ARE GOING TO CANCEL CONTRACTS FOR DENOMINATIONAL FAITH CHAPLAINS OTHER THAN CHRISTIAN....then get rid of them ALSO. I cannot emphasize enough the need for separation of CHURCH & STATE. If there is a need for inmates to have faith then let them watch services on television like every other under the poverty line senior does. In fact, save us the chaplain and give his wage to them.
Why the hell are we paying for someone to administer religious remedy for just christians??? If you give the right to ONE...then do them all. If you don't want to do that and show your obvious multi-cultural bias, then swallow your own faith and rid the system of them all.
It sickens me to think that the government is supporting christianity over anyone else...it sickens me that the government is supporting ANY RELIGION.
Your FAITH is your freedom of choice....if you choose to be Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish or whatever, the state should not be funding you. You choose to be that....SUPPORT YOURSELF.
I did not vote for a Christian representive, I voted for someone to look out for my public interests. AND I SAID "PUBLIC" NOT RELIGIOUS.
I think what Vic Toews did was WRONG! Stop paying for something we should have no business in. If the christian community wants chaplains in the jails, let them pay to have them there to covert the wicked.
Besides the christian churches are rich enough...they do not need my money to survive....they need the lonely sad people who are shelling out cash to keep these hypocrites in the positions they have.
ENOUGH SAID..........
Quote Of The Day....
"Kill them all, for God knows His own."
— Pope Innocent III, to his troops in the Albigensian Crusade of 1209
(doesn't that just sum it up in a nutshell for ya. And that from a Pope.)
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