Hi Everyone,
I just watched a video from Quebec where a brawl broke out at a hockey game. I was rather disgusted watching it. The refs were trying to control tempers near a player's bench, when one of the coaches from behind the bench PUNCHED a player. These kids are 16 yrs old. Not long after that, two players from the apposing team jumped a ref and put him on the ice and began hitting him.
What are adults teaching their children? What has elite hockey shown these kids?
This was suppose to be a non-contact league??!!! Wow!
The coach later apologized. BIG DEAL. NHL players have been legally charged for assault, will this coach? As for the kids that began to beat up the ref....if I were Hockey Quebec, these kids would never play again.
In fact, I believe Hockey Quebec should suspend both teams for the rest of the season and not allow players to be moved to other teams.
KNOW WHAT I SAY....make an example of them to any other kid and coach that feels he wants to take his emotions out on another kid's head.
Hockey Quebec and Ontario has had problems crop up in the last few years that has disgraced the game. It's time to stop slapping their hands and saying 'now don't do that again.'
If a university can pull its entire football team out of the university league for a year to clear up doping issues, then maybe its time leagues and organizations start doing the same for hockey violence and violations.And as for the coach, I would not let him coach my dog, let alone my child. If a coach can lose his cool and hit a kid, who else's kid has he hit. Hockey can be a highly emotional sport, but the coach has to be bigger than the situation. If he can't do that, then he should not be coaching (anyone's kid)
IT TAKES A BIG MAN TO HIT A KID....in case you didn't get that, that was sarcasm.
If it ever happens again in an arena anywhere in Canada....for god sakes, SHUT THE RINK LIGHTS OFF. That usually stops it.
NOW....on to less important news.
I really have to tell you how disappointed I am with the Canadian media coating the air and television waves with the US election.
I AM CANADIAN!!! I could care less.
If I was American, I would be exercising my right to question and possibly take over my government. What exactly has either party done for the American people other than put them farther in debt. The Republicans are run by the Military Industrial Complex and they want to spend money on WAR. The Democrats are soaking the public with social programs that benefit very few. BOTH are putting Joe Public farther in debt. CAN YOU SAY TRILLIONS??!!!!
Why is it when you steal money from someone by misinformation you are a criminal and when governments do it its for the good of foreign policy or social programs??? In the paper shuffle the loser is you.
I really don't want to know if Obama and Romney are winning or losing debates. I don't care if they resort to name calling. I don't need to see it or hear it...I HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS WITH MY OWN GOVERNMENT and its deficit that has doubled.
OK CANADIANS.... it will cost every man woman and child....$1773.42 to pay off the debt right now. So for a family of 5 it will cost you $8867.14 a family. Do you have that kind of cash stuffed in the mattress? I know I don't. Time to start being more fiscally responsible Mr. Prime Minister.
Oh, and one last thing.....STOP BELL CANADA FROM LETTING CHINA IN!!!! It's bad enough you want to chip my passport to know where I am, I don't need China knowing also.
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