I was reading today about the platform for wage freezes that the Liberal Government wants to pass. It says after their existing contracts run out, the pay freeze will take affect for 2 yrs.
SO TELL ME SOMETHING....why is it that we are forcing the civil servant sector to take a pay freeze in the first place?? CAN YOU SAY...oops we spent too much of your money Ontario!!!!
So here is how I would like to see the politicians contribute to this mess.
1. ALL expenditures that are not "riding related" should be CUT.
2. ALL expenditures for cars and food should be CUT.
3. FLIGHTS to a "riding" should be minimized to 4 a year. (if you are in a 6 hr driving distance, use your own vehicle)
4. If you need to get home more often, it comes out of your pocket. (if you don't like the drive....MOVE YOUR FAMILY TO YOUR JOB)
5. ALL Ontario government politicians that sit in the house will take a 3 yr pay freeze as a sign of good faith to the public as a "I AM SORRY FOR WASTING YOUR MONEY."
6. ALL summer recesses will be unpaid.
SO YOU ARE PROBABLY THINKING.... why are you being so hard on the politicians???
well for lots of reasons really
1. Its not just a Liberal blunder....I blame all parties for this mess.
2. While we suffer through tax hikes, rising fuel costs, soaring hydro and food costs, these monkeys can't even stop whining enough to say...ya we need to show some solidarity with the public who is getting hit hard. (just ask the Feds, they whined when Harper threatened to cut some of their funding)
AND 3. The biggest reason of all.....THEY ARE HERE TO SERVE US. Not the other way around. Politicians seem to think that playing games with public funding is just numbers on a paper. Most of them DO NOT rely on the political wage to keep their families going.
KNOW WHAT I SAY....before they vote for things that could cost the average Joe money, before they make decisions that will reduce the quality of life for people, before they unconsciously vote for the party line and not look at the true facts, maybe they should read a plaque on their desks and is hung in ALL government houses.....I WILL DO WHAT IS BEST FOR THE PEOPLE THAT ELECTED ME TODAY!
Enough said....
Quote of the day: "You can only govern the people by serving them."
— Victor Cousin, French philosopher (1792-1867)
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