Good Afternoon,
Well it seems that the day is going to stay warm after all.
i have to tell ya i had a great breakfast this morning at the Broken Egg Cafe in Cambridge. its a nice little place with great eats. the owner was there this morning to serve me one of the best cups of coffee i have had in a very long time! The Broken Egg has a simple menu of what i like to call 'comfort food'. its the kind of food you would cook at home but may not want to make the effort to do. KNOW WHAT I SAY.....go try the place. i give it a "BIG THUMBS UP!"
i was out today taking pics again. this morning brought me a facination with flowers in Victoria Park, Kitchener. the tulips are beautiful right now. i met a dog named Lucky and had a chat with a pair of Canada Geese. (noisy buggers)
looks like the oil spill in the gulf of mexico is threatening to touch the shores of texas, lousiana and florida. only now have the americans decided to aid in the cleanup. mighty big of them. the cost should be footed by the company that wanted the oil in the first place. thats right....BP. British Petroleum is mostly responsible for this mess. if it carries on much longer without the pipe being capped then they say that the spill could be worse than the Exxon Valdez spill in alaska. this really disturbs me, not only does it destroy the environment and the ocean, but some how....some way.....the price of gas will climb because of it. MARK THIS ONE ON THE CALENDAR read it here first! GAS WILL GO UP. on the same note, i was looking at the profit margins of some of the big oil companies like Shell, Exxon, BP and others....the lowest net gain was a mere 17.1 billion dollars in 2009. LET ME NOW ASK YOU AN INTELLIGENT QUESTION.....WHY THE HELL DID THE CANADIAN AND AMERICAN GOVERNMENT FORK OVER OUR TAX DOLLARS TO BAIL OUT CAR COMPANIES WHEN THE OIL COMPANIES COULD HAVE FOOTED THAT BILL? anddddddddd since GM and FORD seen a good profit margin this quarter....WHY THE HELL AREN'T THEY REPAYING THEIR LOANS BACK TO THE GOVERNMENTS???? i tell ya....its a bitch being 'little'.
ok i am all over the page today....but i gotta show you the pic of the Canada Goose i shot this morning.
this government is spending waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much of our money so freely this year. in fact they seem to be so cash endowed that they want to loan up to $550 milion to the State of Michigan to build a bridge from Windsor to Detroit. the cash strapped state says they can't afford to come up with cash to start the infastructure so their ''friendly neighbours'' CANADA decide to just give it to them. now the Governor of Michigan says that she can go to the federal government and ask for assistance. WTF???? why is CANADA footing front money for a bridge that most CANADIANS can't cross without finger prints, cars being ripped apart, passports, ID cards, strip searches ....and then the border police say "i don't like the way you look...go home." HAS OUR GOVERNMENT LOST ITS MIND???
AND HOW WILL CANADA RECEIVE THIS PAYMENT OF THE LOAN BACK.....not by installment payments, not by the Michigan government winning Power Ball....NOPE...Canada has decided in its infinite wisdom to put toll booths on the Canadian side to recoup the loan!!!! WHAT A GREAT IDEA!!!!!.....CAN ANYONE SAY...."let's take the old bridge instead." will CANADIANS have to pay the toll coming back from the states?? do i just flash my Tim Horton's Card for proof of citizenship? PROBABLY NOT.... more likely CANADIANS will be paying the toll also and if the government of CANADA is feeling generous they may send you the money back through the mail for the toll. what a great idea!!!!! it will cost them more to send the damned toll check then it will be probably worth. Canada may be able to recoup their loan by the year 2310??? idiots...another shining example of tax dollars well spent.
not only this.....but the guy that owns the Ambassador Bridge is complaining that he had the idea to build another bridge first....boohoo. and he says that the money given by the CANADIAN government is a bribe to keep him out of competition. KNOW WHAT I SAY....haven't you made enough of the backs of Canadian/American tourists buddy?
what a wonder i am poor.
OH YA.....and finally i have two words for this new Harmony Tax. SHOVE IT!!! how come every time a party gets in to power they want to f#@* around with the GST and PST. this is just a new twist on an old story....only this time...once again....WE WILL BE PAYING MORE. maybe we should just start donating a pay check a month to the government....cause pretty soon thats what they will be getting from you and me.
Quote of the day.....
"someone once said 'the only thing certain in life are DEATH & TAXES.' i say i agree, BUT the government seems to want to reverse that...TAXES WILL BE THE DEATH OF YOU."
my quote