Friday, April 30, 2010

What A Day....

Good Afternoon,
Well it seems that the day is going to stay warm after all.

i have to tell ya i had a great breakfast this morning at the Broken Egg Cafe in Cambridge. its a nice little place with great eats. the owner was there this morning to serve me one of the best cups of coffee i have had in a very long time! The Broken Egg has a simple menu of what i like to call 'comfort food'. its the kind of food you would cook at home but may not want to make the effort to do. KNOW WHAT I SAY.....go try the place. i give it a "BIG THUMBS UP!"

i was out today taking pics again. this morning brought me a facination with flowers in Victoria Park, Kitchener. the tulips are beautiful right now. i met a dog named Lucky and had a chat with a pair of Canada Geese. (noisy buggers)

looks like the oil spill in the gulf of mexico is threatening to touch the shores of texas, lousiana and florida. only now have the americans decided to aid in the cleanup. mighty big of them. the cost should be footed by the company that wanted the oil in the first place. thats right....BP. British Petroleum is mostly responsible for this mess. if it carries on much longer without the pipe being capped then they say that the spill could be worse than the Exxon Valdez spill in alaska. this really disturbs me, not only does it destroy the environment and the ocean, but some how....some way.....the price of gas will climb because of it. MARK THIS ONE ON THE CALENDAR read it here first! GAS WILL GO UP. on the same note, i was looking at the profit margins of some of the big oil companies like Shell, Exxon, BP and others....the lowest net gain was a mere 17.1 billion dollars in 2009. LET ME NOW ASK YOU AN INTELLIGENT QUESTION.....WHY THE HELL DID THE CANADIAN AND AMERICAN GOVERNMENT FORK OVER OUR TAX DOLLARS TO BAIL OUT CAR COMPANIES WHEN THE OIL COMPANIES COULD HAVE FOOTED THAT BILL? anddddddddd since GM and FORD seen a good profit margin this quarter....WHY THE HELL AREN'T THEY REPAYING THEIR LOANS BACK TO THE GOVERNMENTS???? i tell ya....its a bitch being 'little'.

ok i am all over the page today....but i gotta show you the pic of the Canada Goose i shot this morning.

this government is spending waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much of our money so freely this year. in fact they seem to be so cash endowed that they want to loan up to $550 milion to the State of Michigan to build a bridge from Windsor to Detroit. the cash strapped state says they can't afford to come up with cash to start the infastructure so their ''friendly neighbours'' CANADA decide to just give it to them. now the Governor of Michigan says that she can go to the federal government and ask for assistance. WTF???? why is CANADA footing front money for a bridge that most CANADIANS can't cross without finger prints, cars being ripped apart, passports, ID cards, strip searches ....and then the border police say "i don't like the way you look...go home." HAS OUR GOVERNMENT LOST ITS MIND???
AND HOW WILL CANADA RECEIVE THIS PAYMENT OF THE LOAN BACK.....not by installment payments, not by the Michigan government winning Power Ball....NOPE...Canada has decided in its infinite wisdom to put toll booths on the Canadian side to recoup the loan!!!! WHAT A GREAT IDEA!!!!!.....CAN ANYONE SAY...."let's take the old bridge instead." will CANADIANS have to pay the toll coming back from the states?? do i just flash my Tim Horton's Card for proof of citizenship? PROBABLY NOT.... more likely CANADIANS will be paying the toll also and if the government of CANADA is feeling generous they may send you the money back through the mail for the toll. what a great idea!!!!! it will cost them more to send the damned toll check then it will be probably worth. Canada may be able to recoup their loan by the year 2310??? idiots...another shining example of tax dollars well spent.
not only this.....but the guy that owns the Ambassador Bridge is complaining that he had the idea to build another bridge first....boohoo. and he says that the money given by the CANADIAN government is a bribe to keep him out of competition. KNOW WHAT I SAY....haven't you made enough of the backs of Canadian/American tourists buddy?
what a wonder i am poor.

OH YA.....and finally i have two words for this new Harmony Tax. SHOVE IT!!! how come every time a party gets in to power they want to f#@* around with the GST and PST. this is just a new twist on an old story....only this time...once again....WE WILL BE PAYING MORE. maybe we should just start donating a pay check a month to the government....cause pretty soon thats what they will be getting from you and me.

Quote of the day.....
"someone once said 'the only thing certain in life are DEATH & TAXES.' i say i agree, BUT the government seems to want to reverse that...TAXES WILL BE THE DEATH OF YOU."
my quote

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Good Morning,
well i just read in the news that Queeny and her hubby are coming to Canada this summer for a 'royal visit.' KNOW WHAT I what? as far as i am concerned the queen holds no power in this country any longer except for the 'queen loving loyalists' that pepper our aging population. its not bad enough that she is coming here, but we have to foot the cost for her too. lets check her into a nice "Comfort Inn" shall we! if she and Phil don't sleep together anymore we can book a room with two double beds. in fact we can go all the way and make sure the place has an indoor pool!
the cost for her visit to Ottawa alone will cost the taxpayers of Ottawa 3 million,(yes with an 'm'.) for security alone. the federal government doesn't want to foot the bill for her for security while she is here so they seem to want to leave it to the tax payers to do. KNOW WHAT I for her yourself!!!!! i would not be willing to pay a dime for this old coot! she is not the leader of my country and serves no real purpose to us any longer. i think queeny just wants one Big Vacation before she hands it over to Charlie! She is getting old, 83 yrs to be exact and she still has the same dull hair style as she did when she was crowned queen. "Liz, come out of the royal dark ages will ya and change your doo!"
in fact if queeny ranks up there as still one of the richest women in the world. $420 million to be exact...let her pay for her own trip. if she's worried about the cost after losing on an investment last year, she can take an economy flight...LIKE THE REST OF US! SAVE SOME CASH QUEENY....and take the cheaper flight. rub elbows with the commoners for a change.
she wants to be here for Canada Day...big deal. she wants to tour Ontario, Nova Scotia and Manitoba. i know there is a Comfort Inn in each of those provinces. She and Phil can rent a compact car to see the provinces. if she is really worried about travel costs, she can to the cheaper route and camp with a tent!!!
BETTER YET....stay the hell home! save us the aggravation and you the long econo flight. save us the cost of the Comfort Inns and your Egg McMuffin every breakfast that you are here....Monarchy is just rich old people who still think they mean something to the world!
STAY HOME QUEENY AND PHIL.....we can't afford your vacation any more.
that's how i see it.....
have a great day.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Well....It's Been A While

Hi there,

yes, it has been a while since i blogged. been very busy of late.

i was over near Algonquin Park last weekend. my girlfriend and i rented a cabin. was just beautiful. peaceful and quiet...and rain. but that didn't hinder us from site seeing and painting. we headed over to the madawaska river on the saturday and followed it to a surprisingly beautiful waterfall. the river is dammed in the fall and so it runs at 1/3 its normal flow. so the river bed was what we walked on. the waterfalls was in 3 levels and if it wasn't for the rain we would have climbed to the top.

the sun shone on figures! the day we had to leave.

but after it all....i would go back again!
its never long enough is it?

i did a few paintings while we were there.
i worked on my "honey do" list at my girlfriend's house. the usual stuff, stained the deck furniture, filled some planters with flowers, cut the lawn. i also squeezed in some painting....

well i am off to watch a docu on back later

the sun shone on figures! the day we had to leave.

but after it all....i would go back again!
its never long enough is it?

i did a few paintings while we were there.
i worked on my "honey do" list at my girlfriend's house. the usual stuff, stained the deck furniture, filled some planters with flowers, cut the lawn. i also squeezed in some painting....

well i am off to watch a docu on back later

Monday, April 12, 2010

Now For Something Totally Unexpected.....

Good Morning,

all i can say is .....WOW!!
a major news agency in Australia announced Monday morning that Professor Richard Dawkins will try and have the pope arrested in the UK for crimes against humanity. He and another gentleman by the name of Christopher Hitchens have hired a team of lawyers to look into the issue. Dawkins is quoted as saying,
"This is a man whose first instinct when his priests are caught with their pants down is to cover up the scandal and damn the young victims to silence."

Professor Dawkins, who wrote The God Delusion, claims that the Pope has shielded paedophile priests from the authorities.

They do not believe the Pope will be able to claim diplomatic immunity because he is not recognised as a head of state by the United Nations.

Last year Israel's foreign minister Tzipi Livni was forced to cancel a planned trip to Britain after a British judge was persuaded by Palestinian activists to issue a warrant for her arrest over her role Israel's invasion of Gaza in 2008.

COO DOS TO THE PAIR..... maybe the world needs to see what kind of crime is being covered up in the name of faith.
So there may be some accountability yet by the Catholic Church. if not self-imposed then imposed by law.

i am amazed that this did not show up in the north American publications?!!!

oh well, looks like the north American press is too worried how tiger feels after his loss at the masters. now that's news.....NOT.


He who helps the guilty, shares the crime.


There is one, and only one, thing in modern society more hideous than crime--namely, repressive justice.

SIMONE WEIL, "Human Personally"

Saturday, April 10, 2010

This Is A Sad Sad World....with screwed up people!

its been a bad day for the world in general.....
the leader of Poland and some of his key members died in a plane crash on its way to honour heroes. the Polish President, Lech Kaczynski and 95 others died when the plane crashed not to far from the airport they were to land in. other members aboard were the head of the Central Bank of Poland, senior government officials and top ranking military advisors and aides. with the passing of the President, the new man to step in is Bronislaw Komorowski will call an election in the next 14 days. It is sad when tragedy strikes....may his family find peace.

another great person and leader died this week. most of you will never know who Wilma Mankiller is. she was the most influential leader of the Cherokee Nation. Wilma was know for her strength and gentleness.
Mankiller led the Cherokee Nation, which now has about 290,000 members, from December 1985 until 1995. Under her guidance, the tribe tripled its enrollment, doubled employment and built new health centers and children's programs.

She received the Presidential Medal of Freedom — the highest civilian honor in the country — from then-President Bill Clinton in 1998.
Just days after receiving the presidential award, for example, Mankiller was back in Oklahoma playing with her nieces and nephews on the porch of a church.

the service seen the attendance of 1,200 mourners and many more that could not get in sat outside on lawn chairs and blankets.
Wilma Mankiller will be remembered as a woman of America with wisdom and vision.

a rock star in his country with many adoring fans, the pope is feeling the heat for actions that had stayed in his closet along time ago. with even more letters appearing with his signature on it about more scandal, its hard to believe there has not been one positive thing done by this reigning pope to satisfy the world and help end the viral pedophilia that was and is being hidden away. with weak statements made on his behalf or the passing off to the minions that they should not listen to gossip, this pope is proving that sweeping things under the rug is still the way to do business. as a wonderful diversion tactic for the sheeple, the city of Turin announced that it will display the Shroud of Turin. they are expecting close to 2 million sheeple to stand and wait to see the cloth that many christians believe to be the burial cloth of jesus. what a timely event. apparently the pope will visit Turin in May to pray before the cloth. the Shroud of Turin has not been authenticated by the vatican as the burial cloth of christ, but i think this pope needs a little kneeling and some humble pie to ask his god for forgiveness.

as hope fades for the miners in Virginia, a new storm is rising there. one of anger. the mine of the disaster is under the gun to explain why it did not take care of the infractions found during the last inspection. there will be a full inquiry into these infractions to determine if any were the cause of the deaths of these men. the mine had been evacuated 60 times in one year due to potential gas leaks and other dangers. the families of the miners live in faint hope of seeing their loved ones again. what will be done for these people? will there be any justice for them and the people that perished? i guess we won't find that out until the inquires begin.

looks like the minister for the status of women is gone. Helena Guergis resigned on Friday. the Harper announced it Friday that she will not be sitting in on the conservative caucus and that he has asked the RCMP to look into the matter. amazing isn't it....poor Helena went from celeb to villain in a few months. i think it has something to do with her hubby using her office for his own shady business deals. CAN YOU SAY UNETHICAL USE OF THE POSITION. after all the whoopla, Guergis said she will still continue to represent her riding of Simcoe/Grey. i feel sorry for them, how can you trust your MP. she should be stepping down from that too. know what Helena, you've made your bed and you let your hubby sleep in it too. now you are up to your armpits in dirty sheets. so much for Harper being up in the popularity polls!

is there anything safe to consume any longer. its time to raise the cattle, chickens and pig, plant a vegetable garden and live off the land!!!first it was the maple leaf meat scare....and a major recall of their brands. second it was the Alberta supermarket scare...things began to appear in foods in the stores. now the latest is dry soup mixes that may be contaminated with salmonella . Proti diet chicken soup mix and None Chicken Noodle Soup Mix are the culprits here and all are being recalled here and across the border.
KNOW WHAT I SAY....i am sick of companies putting any old chemical in their foods. what is next...left over low grade uranium that someone can't sell? hell, if they can put fluoride in water and it is a known toxin, then they can do that. people are already being warned that eating salmon may cause a unacceptable amount of mercury to be added to your system. let's not forget the bovine growth hormone injected into cattle that is bad for you or the drugs they pump into dairy cows to produce more milk. yes the same cows that end up with infected udders that give milk, the same ones that the public consumes. hell, lets dine on all this stuff and wash it down with a glass of healthy pesticides.
i am not sure if they are just greedy, or that they are trying to just decrease the surface population? ask the UN, they threatened to control the world with food. WOW i need to stop...this is making me angry. no one cares about what they do anymore to the mass public as long as their costs go down and their profit up.


High-tech tomatoes. Mysterious milk. Supersquash. Are we supposed to eat this stuff? Or is it going to eat us?
~Annita Manning

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Canadian not timbits!

Good Morning All,
its kinda gray out its a good time to blog.
i was surfing the net last night and found some interesting STUFF about Canada. some of it you probably know, some you may not.
so here goes.....
first off some strange laws.

City Laws

Etobicoke - Bylaw states that no more than 3.5 inches of water is allowed in a bathtub.

Oshawa - It's illegal to climb trees.

Ottawa - It's illegal to eat ice-cream on Bank Street on a Sunday.

Toronto - You can't drag a dead horse down Yonge St. on a Sunday.

Toronto - You're not allowed to release 10 or more helium balloons within 24 hours.

this next bit was a survey sent out by the Moosehead Beer Company....interesting.

stranded on a desert island what would you want to take from Canada with you:

61.2% - Canadian Beer
11.5% - maple syrup
11.2% - poutine
3% - a woman
one person replied he wanted Rita McNeil?

Have you ever skinny-dipped?

75.6% - yes at some point in their life.
3.2% - took the plunge alone.
45% - took the dip with friends.
24% - took it with their spouse.

Who is the sexiest?
apparently is a landslide. Quebec have the sexiest people by a margin of 2 to 1.
Ontario, however, is the best place to party!

Defining us as CANADIANS

Canadians rank "EH" as the most common word that is used.
other unique words are....toque, poutine, mickey, two-four!


Hockey is the #1 sport in Canada!
favorite teams of most Canadians....29.2% said the Toronto Maple Leafs and 28.6% said the Montreal Canadians. in 3rd was 13.2% the Vancouver Canucks and a tie for 4th between Calgary Flames and the Edmonton Oilers.

Best place to have sex outside of your bedroom.

most Canadians responded the beach
22.2% said anywhere!
4.4% said on a zamboni


64.4% of Canadians like to sleep in the raw.
while 33.2% just wear underwear.
the underwear group said the best to wear where boxers.

Drinking Beer with a Canadian Celebrity

its no surprise 37% said they would like a cold one with Shania Twain
but the next best person on the list was a surprise as well.... the late Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau.
( Canada apologizes for the likes of Pamela Anderson and Celine Dion)

Cooling off.

42.7% of Canadians would rather have an ice cold beer than jumping in a lake, river or pool.
100% said that if they could do both at the same time it would be better. are a few more oddities you may or may not know about CANADA!

- the Mackenzie River is the 11th longest river in the world. (the Nile is the longest)

- Great Slave Lake is rated at #6 for the deepest lake in the world. 2,015ft deep.

- the highest tide in the world belongs to Canada as the Bay of Fundy the tide can rise as high as 16 meters.

- the smallest dinosaur bones ever found were in Nova Scotia at Parrsboro.

- the FIRST & ONLY tide generating electric plant in North America is in the Bay of Fundy. it generates enough electrical power to 4,500 homes.

- the longest street in the world is Younge Street in Ontario. it is 1,179 miles long.

- the biggest pool in the world is in Alberta at the West Edmonton Mall. it is a little over 5 acres in size.

-Toronto, Ontario has the biggest book store in the world which strangely enough is called "The Biggest Book Store In The World". it is owned by Indigo.

- Canada has 9% of the world's freshwater. Most of it is above the 49th parallel.

- New Brunswick is famous for the longest covered bridge in the world. 1,282 ft long.

- Terry Fox and the Terry Fox Foundation is the largest fundraiser for cancer on the earth. (be proud Canada)

- Manitoulin Lake is the only lake within a lake in the would. 42.1 miles long.

- contrary to popular opinion, Canada does not own the arctic. no one owns it, but 87.3% of the world believes Santa Claus comes from Canada.

- we have the longest national highway in the world. 7,821 miles long.

- Canada has the world's longest coastline: 202,080 km / 125,566 miles.

- Wasaga Beach on Georgian Bay is the world’s longest beach, 8.6 miles / 14 km. Wasaga Beach is located about 2 hours northwest of Toronto, Ontario.

- Inside Toronto’s Rogers Centre (formerly known as the SkyDome) you will find the largest Sony big screen, measuring 33 ft. x 110 ft. (10.0 m x 33.6 m).

- Newfoundland was the only place in North America directly attacked by German forces during WWII.

- The CN Tower has the world's largest wine cellar.

- The 1964 animated TV movie “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” was filmed in Japan, but the entire soundtrack was recorded in a studio in Toronto, Ontario.
Most of the singing and speaking cast were Canadian.
Billie Mae Richards ("Rudolph") and Paul Soles ("Hermey") are neighbours in an Ontario retirement community.

- Canada has the most freshwater islands in the world and the largest freshwater island, Manitoulin Island.

- for every 100 men there are 102 women.

- Snorri, the first North American child to be born of European parents (Thorfin and Gudrid), was born in Vinland around A.D. 1000.

- Canada has 10th of the world's forests.

- the world's largest meteor crater is in Quebec.

- there are more recreational golfers per capital in Canada than any other country.

- the geographical center of Canada is Thunder Bay Ontario.

ok...had enough?!!
time for the quote of the day.....

"We peer so suspiciously at each other that we cannot see that we Canadians are standing on the mountaintop of human wealth, freedom and privilege."

Pierre Elliott Trudeau

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

INTERESTING and unusual....

Good Morning To The Faithful Blog Followers!

its been a few days since i last put thought to the keyboard, but never fear, I AM BACK!

i just read an interesting article about Tiger Woods. You may remember he was the American Poster Boy for Golf and Sport in general. Ya, he has announced that he is going back to golf. Poor misunderstood Tiger. i am crying as i type for this guy. NOT.
lets account for his recent life. Billionaire, Beautiful Wife, Children, Athlete, Rosy Future......Sex Scandal, Crashing of Car, Wife makes him QUIT GOLF, Goes to Sex Rehab, Loses Sponsors, Decides to Golf again.
i really have no sympathy for this guy...he made his bed many times over and did lay in it. now after hiding away from the press he announces his return to golf like some "prodigal son" KNOW WHAT I SAY.....who gives a crap. He had the chance to lead a great life and as a STAR be a shining example to adults and kids every where that a nobody can become a somebody. YOU BLEW IT TIGER. maybe Tiger needs the money? maybe his financial situation has slipped into the millions rather than the billions? NO IT HASN'T! ALL Woods brand names seen a 8% increase from the time his scandal broke until mid march.
the return of Woods to golf is also affecting those greed media people. Woods said he would be back in time to play in the masters. the networks are already gearing up for "Wood-mania" they say that if he makes it through to the weekend of the masters, their network shares/ratings are projected to be higher than when he won his first masters. this guy isn't going to be the 'underdog', he's just a dog.

Sue Crowthers made the news last week. most people don't know who she is. I WILL TELL YOU.....she is of the "little people" or joe average of Canada that decided to stand up to Canadian bureaucracy and say "NO" to Stats Canada. Sue was contacted by Stats Canada for imformation. she took a workforce survey for them 3 months prior. when they called back again for an update, she said 'no thanks.' they kept calling and told Sue that she must respond. DID YOU KNOW THERE IS A LAW FOR THIS SHIT???

According to the federal Statistics Act, anyone who doesn't answer a major Statistics Canada survey faces up to three months in jail and a fine of up to $500.
"That is simply due to the importance of those current statistics to all levels of government," Statistics Canada spokesperson Sherry Wallace said.

So far no one who has refused the labour-force survey has ever been prosecuted, according to Statistics Canada.
Crowther said that she hopes she's not the first but is prepared to go to court to make her point.

"I am very proud to be a Canadian — let me rephrase that, I have been very proud to be a Canadian, only to discover that what made me the proudest is an illusion. We do not have the rights and freedoms that we think we have."
KNOW WHAT I SAY......good on ya Sue. This is the most rediculous law i have ever heard of! you can be jailed for not participating in a survey? how many times have any of us, over the phone, been hijacked to participate in a survey? would you give out private information about your assets or earnings over a phone? how do you know that its the government calling? can they prove to you over the phone that they are who they say they are? NO THEY CAN'T.... therefore the law is stupid and should be trashed. Good Luck Sue....i hope you win.

HEADLINE FROM CBC NEWS......Child-buying Allegation Stuns Suspect's Partner.
oh this is a good will show you that media sensationalism and its lack of reporting on the real issues is Alive and Well. the article goes on to interview a woman who was stunned to hear that her Patrick Molesti(the name says it all), was allegedly trying to buy a five yr old girl on line for SEX.this guy is WANTED in the states for 5 counts of attempts to commit child molestation, 2 counts of sexual exploitation of children and 2 counts of theft of firearms before fleeing the US.( you can't get into the US without your DNA registered, finger prints, passport, proof of Canadian residence and any other BS bureaucratic crap that they do you get into Canada? show them your Tim Horton's card of course!) apparently, Mr Molesti was caught in Canada when getting off a greyhound bus in Thunder Bay. he is being held at a local jail because....(and this is the great part)
Following an Immigration and Refugee Board hearing on Wednesday, Molesti will remain at the district jail in Thunder Bay for at least one week because he is considered a flight risk. He will have another detention hearing next week. (flight risk?? to where, the middle east?)

A date for an admissibility hearing — where it will be determined if Molesti was in Canada legally — is yet to be scheduled.
NOW TELL ME you really think that if a suspected CHILD MOLESTER was picked up in the US that they would detain him to see if 'he was in the US legally'?
is CBC missing the point here??? HE IS BEING CHARGED AS A POSSIBLE SEX OFFENDER!!!!! HELLO???? SEND HIM THE HELL BACK A.S.A.P. i could care less if he is here illegally, legally, cross-border shopper or coming for a Tim Horton's coffee!!!! i say this for 2 emphatic reasons people!!! 1. he is a threat to our children and society and the Yankees want him. 2. the government is wasting our tax dollars to keep him here and on a court case that has no baring what so ever on his alleged crimes. SHIP THE BASTARD BACK....NOW.

it looks like the position of Governor General of Canada will be up for grabs soon. Michaelle Jean will not be reinstated it seems by the Prime Minister. the term for a governor general is 5 years, but may be extended by 2 years if the Prime Minister wishes. I think as far as governor generals go, she did alright. why remove her? most people think that the governor general's position is just a 'fluff job'. for the most part it is. here is a run down of the job description

giving Royal Assent to bills passed in the Canadian House of Commons and Senate

reading the Speech from the Throne which outlines the Canadian federal government agenda for a new session of Parliament

executing orders-in-council or cabinet decisions

appointing superior court judges, on the advice of cabinet

summoning, closing and dissolving Parliament, on the advice of the Prime Minister

inviting the leader of the party with the most support in the House of Commons to form the government. That party leader becomes Prime Minister.

SOUNDS pretty easy right..... oh wait i left one of the duties out.

"in times of emergency or special circumstances, exercising the special personal authority of the Governor General to appoint or dismiss a prime minister or dissolve Parliament. This authority is rarely used." read it right, the governor general has the right and the power to fire the Prime Minister!! (no do you think it just a fluffy job?)

NOW FOR THE REALLY STUPID PART.....candidates for the next person to accend to the position of governor general: (some are real, some are facebook candidates. you figure out which is which)
Preston Manning (funny looking politician with a funny voice)
William Shatner (Captain Kirk)
Judith Moses ( Canadian Indian heritage)
Rick Hanson (Champion of spinal cord research)
Ben Mulroney (no more of them please)
Don Cherry (let's kick ass)
David Suzuki (evironmentalist)
Princess Anne ( isn't this an oxymoron...or is she?)
Anne Murray (as long as she doesn't sing the throne speech we will be ok)

i do believe that some of the serious candidates still are celebreties. what the hell for??? they are wealthy and they are bored? they need the government ironclad pension? its silly and if any of them get it....well that will show you the direction of the government won't it!!!)

SPEAKING OF SEX OFFENDERS..... Graham James recieved a pardon for his crimes he committed back in 1994 and 1995. WHO IS THIS GUY YOU MAY ASK.... he was tried and found guilty of sexual assaulting and molesting 2 teen boys. he was someone that parents thought they could trust....a hockey coach. Mr. James did his time...the 3.5 years given him, but was pardoned by the parol board as well. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR MR. JAMES.....a lot really. A pardon is not meant to erase or excuse a criminal act. A pardon means that the record of the conviction is kept separate and apart from other criminal records. That means the conviction doesn't show up on checks at the Canadian Police Information Centre, a database used by the RCMP and other police

In light of that pardons process, Public Safety Minister Vic Toews said the federal government will look at giving the National Parole Board more "direction."

Kinda late on the upswing there Vic!
does anyone really think that convicted child molesters and sex offenders are cured from a stay in prison? (or any other criminal for that matter) offenders like Mr. James end up doing one of 2 things: repeating their offense, or killing themselves because of the stress or urge to repeat. (just look at Col. Russell Williams who is awaiting trial for double murder who is now on suicide watch)

well enough is enough...done for now!

1st Place: "When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passangers in his car."
Alexander Pineda


Friday, April 2, 2010

They Are All Extreme Fundamentalists....

Happy Good Friday....can i say that or is that correct? who cares i am an Atheist.

well once again on one of the holiest days in christianity, all the fanatics and nuts come out. In the Phillipines, people were literally nailed to a cross to honour a religion. 23 people, or should i say crazies, volunteered to be nailed to a cross while locals and tourists watched. what next?? Wiccan burnings of the national network? the only response from the vatican rep was, and i quote "Church leaders reject such practices. The Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines said the real expression of Christian faith during Lent is through repentance and self-renewal, not flagellation or crucifixion." what a weak statement...if the vatican can dictate anti-abortion and forbid the use of condoms with possible excommunication, why aren't they doing the same for this nonsense. WANT TO KNOW WHY...cause its good press for them, thats why. 82% of the population in the Phillipines is roman sad.

a former priest in Windsor Ontario was sentenced this week in after pleading guilty to 3 counts of sex crimes upon Haitan children. he was captured in the Dominican Republic and brought back to Canada for trial. JOHN DUARTE (remember that name) received a sentence of.....HERE IT COMES.....18 months in jail with credit for 10 months already served. KNOW WHAT I are one lucky bastard. you just got away with one of the world's most heinous crimes. you MR. JOHN DUARTE should be happy that you didn't commit these acts in the middle east or other countries with stricter laws that would have seen you hung or shot. JOHN DUARTE was originally charged with 5 counts, but his lawyer struck a deal and got it reduced to 3 counts if he pled guilty.
and ofcourse the money sucking lawyer had this to say about his client.

"He's a person who can do tremendous things and help; on the other hand he had this weakness," DUARTE'S lawyer said.
HELPFUL???....DOES TREMENDOUS THINGS?....BUT HAS A 'WEAKNESS'? i don't consider pedophilia a weakness. i consider it a criminal offense. weakness my ass! how would MR DUARTE like to be left in a room with the parents of these children and some lumber so they can openly display their weakness??? i am sure he would rather not. not only did he get away with a hand slap, but he may have cause these children to have their own sexual issues when they grow up. his damage was not done and over with after his continues to damage for years to come.

and finally, not to out do the catholics, a group of 120 muslims from Austria entered a cathedral in Cordoba, Spain this week and a handful began to pray. security asked them to stop...and obviously they chose not to. a skirmish insued and a few were arrested. the cathedral was originally a mosque when the moors once ruled, but was changed to a cathedral when King Ferdinand lll ran the moors out of Spain.
KNOW WHAT I SAY..... not to long ago muslims were screaming for the head of a cartoonist that depicted them badly, even threatening his life. papers around the world in their political correctness refused to run the cartoon in case of reprisals. at the Dome of the Rock/Al Aqsa Mosque, jews are forbidden to pray inside or on the mosque grounds with end results of arrest. SO WHY IS THERE A DOUBLE STANDARAD WITH THESE can't have your cake and eat it to. i say, until you are willing to allow other denominations to use the mosque in Jerusalem, then you have no right to claim you have rights to enfringe upon anothers temple or sanctuary.

DON'T WORRY.....i did not forget the jews either. Isael has hemmed in hundreds of thousands of Palistinians in the last few years, cutting of medical, electrical and other things needed. just recently they launched a rocket attack in the Gaza Strip, they say to curb a Palistinian uprising.
The violence was sparked after the Israeli army said its forces uncovered a tunnel about 300 yards (250 meters) inside the central Gaza Strip that militants planned to use to abduct Israeli soldiers. It said a special army unit had headed to the area to destroy the tunnel. "
how exactly does the Israeli army know that the tunnel was going to be used for this? did they catch them in there? did intelligence alert them? there is no mention in the report of any of these to authenticate this claim.
i thought that religions of the world were suppose to promote PEACE AND TOLERANCE? i thought religions of the world were suppose to promote THE WELL BEING OF PEOPLE AND THEIR SOULS? nothing i have informed you about today in any way demonstrates any of these what so ever!!!!
WHAT A CROCK!!!! sex crimes around the RC church, muslims saying,"do what i say, not as i do" and jews holding those of another faith hostage in their own city.

oh wait....i forgot one denomination. yip you got it...the christian fundamentalists in america. minister ted haggard who had the ear of the white house, so he claimed, was accused of homosexual acts and using illegal drugs a while back. after first denying the claims, he later confessed to 'a few'. and of course, the white house managed to produce a statement saying that he had very few calls to the white house. ted haggard stepped out of his position and began counciling. why was dear misguided minister ted not charged with illegal drug possession?
I WILL TELL YOU WHY...... cause the "tax exempted, give me all your cash churches of america" are a powerful lobby. when they do something wrong they are protected. period.
so sad......

to end this lovely posting i will leave you with a truly humanitarian quote:

" in complete darkness we are all the same. it is only our knowledge and wisdom that separate

Thursday, April 1, 2010

We've Got To Pay People What's Fair...

WOW WHAT A STATEMENT.... from one of the worst Premiers Ontario has ever elected. The McGuinty government had decided to put a wage freeze on all non-unionized workers in the public sector. OH WAIT FOR IT NOW.....with a few exceptions!! yes, tax dollars going to those that need it apparently. those fortunate few that are senior managers who will get performance pay or another group high up who will receive incentive packages.WHAT ABOUT THE NURSES THAT WORK THEIR BUTTS OFF? WHAT ABOUT SOCIAL WORKERS WHOS WORKLOAD IS SO OVERBURDENING THAT THEY ARE APPLYING FOR STRESS LEAVE? WHAT ABOUT THE AVERAGE JOE WHO NEEDS TO FEED HIS/HER FAMILY SINCE THE COST OF LIVING ISN'T GOING DOWN ANY TIME SOON? what about alllllll these people Mr. McGuinty that survive and pay taxes in this province. I SAY....shove your "grease the palms of big business loophole and your sunshine list" where the sun don't shine. help out the people that put you in to your cushy job and big retirement package. LISTEN, i am not an idiot. i understand the delicate balance between keeping jobs and industry in the province. BUT public sector workers are paid by the G O V E R N M E N T. (spell it with me now) you clowns make more than two families wages combined. if you want to freeze wages to save your debt, then freeze everyone not just the little guy. CAUSE ONE DAY..... the little guy will have enough of the political shit and it won't be picket signs, it will be rebellion on a grander does "i am not paying my taxes" sound to you?
and on the same glorious looks like the people that work in the public sector in hospitals won't get the raise, but the CEOs of the hospital boards are getting a 36% increase!!!!! YIPPEEEEEEEE.... more hospital beds closing. what the hell is going on? how can a board member of a hospital justify increasing his annual "net worthlessness" and close down beds and lay off staff. DO THEY THINK WE ARE IDIOTS? yes they do....where are you really going to go if you need surgery or medical assistance (i hate that catch phrase it makes it sound that caring for people is a cold sterile business) if you choose to boycott a hospital because of unfair wage practices? you will go there anyway, because life and death is just what it is! so what the government and CEOs are really saying are joe average who? SO BLOODY WHAT!!!!
what can be done about double standards in our government? not a whole hell of alot. why is that you may ask....WELL I WILL TELL YOU. show me one honest politician in the country, or for that matter, the WORLD and i will show you that there is still hope for "average joe".

in another article....OMG THIS ERKS ME BAD. the Us secretary of state one Hillary Clinton went beyond hinting that she would like to see Canadian Troops stay in Afganistan. KNOW WHAT I SAY.....become a citizen of CANADA Hillary and you will have every right to voice your opinion about OUR TROOPS. if you are not willing to do that, SHUT UP. THIS IS OUR COUNTRY...we are not yet an annex of the US and i hope to some one's god it stays that way!!!! Vive La Canada!!! not only did she open her mouth and suggest that our TROOPS stay there she also said that she was disappointed that the Indians were not represented for the ARCTIC TALKS. holy crap!!! this coming from a country who has theeeeeeeeeee worst track record when i comes to Indian affairs??? (ok Hillary, remove foot from mouth now) once again, what ever CANADA decides to do with regards to the ARCTIC TALKS is really none of your business. and i can't believe i am about to say this people, but here it goes....i was very PROUD finally of our Prime Minister for telling the US secretary of state that how we conduct affairs in our country is really none of your business. Coo dos to Harper, he does have some balls FINALLY! and it looks like he is going to stick to the projected date of return for our TROOPS!!!!!! come on home boys, you've done your time. its time to be a CANADIAN CITIZEN AGAIN!!!!“Whether it comes to our role in Afghanistan, our sovereignty over our Arctic or ultimately our foreign aid priorities,” Mr. Harper declared, “it is Canada and Canadians who will make Canadian decisions.”

anne coulter (and i don't capitalize her name for a reason, she's not worth it) has made it very clear that Canadians are a bunch of back bush idiots. KNOW WHAT I SAY.....GO HOME! we have no need for your propaganda views here. WE ARE NOT americans who have close minded views, unsavoury goals and or the urge to rule the world. oh let me give you a few quotes by this supposed intelligent woman with her finger on the pulse of the world:

" if you took away women's rights to vote we would never have to worry about another democratic president."

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity."

"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'"

"The average Canadian is busy dog sledding."

Enough Said....she is an idiot that the networks seem to like because of her out of this galaxy views.
I SAY.....stay home anne.

on to the QUOTE OF THE DAY.....

"Vive la Canada. This country is not for sale."
Don Sweet