Tuesday, April 6, 2010

INTERESTING and unusual....

Good Morning To The Faithful Blog Followers!

its been a few days since i last put thought to the keyboard, but never fear, I AM BACK!

i just read an interesting article about Tiger Woods. You may remember he was the American Poster Boy for Golf and Sport in general. Ya, he has announced that he is going back to golf. Poor misunderstood Tiger. i am crying as i type for this guy. NOT.
lets account for his recent life. Billionaire, Beautiful Wife, Children, Athlete, Rosy Future......Sex Scandal, Crashing of Car, Wife makes him QUIT GOLF, Goes to Sex Rehab, Loses Sponsors, Decides to Golf again.
i really have no sympathy for this guy...he made his bed many times over and did lay in it. now after hiding away from the press he announces his return to golf like some "prodigal son" KNOW WHAT I SAY.....who gives a crap. He had the chance to lead a great life and as a STAR be a shining example to adults and kids every where that a nobody can become a somebody. YOU BLEW IT TIGER. maybe Tiger needs the money? maybe his financial situation has slipped into the millions rather than the billions? NO IT HASN'T! ALL Woods brand names seen a 8% increase from the time his scandal broke until mid march.
the return of Woods to golf is also affecting those greed media people. Woods said he would be back in time to play in the masters. the networks are already gearing up for "Wood-mania" they say that if he makes it through to the weekend of the masters, their network shares/ratings are projected to be higher than when he won his first masters. this guy isn't going to be the 'underdog', he's just a dog.

Sue Crowthers made the news last week. most people don't know who she is. I WILL TELL YOU.....she is of the "little people" or joe average of Canada that decided to stand up to Canadian bureaucracy and say "NO" to Stats Canada. Sue was contacted by Stats Canada for imformation. she took a workforce survey for them 3 months prior. when they called back again for an update, she said 'no thanks.' they kept calling and told Sue that she must respond. DID YOU KNOW THERE IS A LAW FOR THIS SHIT???

According to the federal Statistics Act, anyone who doesn't answer a major Statistics Canada survey faces up to three months in jail and a fine of up to $500.
"That is simply due to the importance of those current statistics to all levels of government," Statistics Canada spokesperson Sherry Wallace said.

So far no one who has refused the labour-force survey has ever been prosecuted, according to Statistics Canada.
Crowther said that she hopes she's not the first but is prepared to go to court to make her point.

"I am very proud to be a Canadian — let me rephrase that, I have been very proud to be a Canadian, only to discover that what made me the proudest is an illusion. We do not have the rights and freedoms that we think we have."
KNOW WHAT I SAY......good on ya Sue. This is the most rediculous law i have ever heard of! you can be jailed for not participating in a survey? how many times have any of us, over the phone, been hijacked to participate in a survey? would you give out private information about your assets or earnings over a phone? how do you know that its the government calling? can they prove to you over the phone that they are who they say they are? NO THEY CAN'T.... therefore the law is stupid and should be trashed. Good Luck Sue....i hope you win.

HEADLINE FROM CBC NEWS......Child-buying Allegation Stuns Suspect's Partner.
oh this is a good one....it will show you that media sensationalism and its lack of reporting on the real issues is Alive and Well. the article goes on to interview a woman who was stunned to hear that her partner..one Patrick Molesti(the name says it all), was allegedly trying to buy a five yr old girl on line for SEX.this guy is WANTED in the states for 5 counts of attempts to commit child molestation, 2 counts of sexual exploitation of children and 2 counts of theft of firearms before fleeing the US.( you can't get into the US without your DNA registered, finger prints, passport, proof of Canadian residence and any other BS bureaucratic crap that they demand....how do you get into Canada? show them your Tim Horton's card of course!) apparently, Mr Molesti was caught in Canada when getting off a greyhound bus in Thunder Bay. he is being held at a local jail because....(and this is the great part)
Following an Immigration and Refugee Board hearing on Wednesday, Molesti will remain at the district jail in Thunder Bay for at least one week because he is considered a flight risk. He will have another detention hearing next week. (flight risk?? to where, the middle east?)

A date for an admissibility hearing — where it will be determined if Molesti was in Canada legally — is yet to be scheduled.
NOW TELL ME CANADA.....do you really think that if a suspected CHILD MOLESTER was picked up in the US that they would detain him to see if 'he was in the US legally'?
is CBC missing the point here??? HE IS BEING CHARGED AS A POSSIBLE SEX OFFENDER!!!!! HELLO???? SEND HIM THE HELL BACK A.S.A.P. i could care less if he is here illegally, legally, cross-border shopper or coming for a Tim Horton's coffee!!!! i say this for 2 emphatic reasons people!!! 1. he is a threat to our children and society and the Yankees want him. 2. the government is wasting our tax dollars to keep him here and on a court case that has no baring what so ever on his alleged crimes. SHIP THE BASTARD BACK....NOW.

it looks like the position of Governor General of Canada will be up for grabs soon. Michaelle Jean will not be reinstated it seems by the Prime Minister. the term for a governor general is 5 years, but may be extended by 2 years if the Prime Minister wishes. I think as far as governor generals go, she did alright. why remove her? most people think that the governor general's position is just a 'fluff job'. for the most part it is. here is a run down of the job description

giving Royal Assent to bills passed in the Canadian House of Commons and Senate

reading the Speech from the Throne which outlines the Canadian federal government agenda for a new session of Parliament

executing orders-in-council or cabinet decisions

appointing superior court judges, on the advice of cabinet

summoning, closing and dissolving Parliament, on the advice of the Prime Minister

inviting the leader of the party with the most support in the House of Commons to form the government. That party leader becomes Prime Minister.

SOUNDS pretty easy right..... oh wait i left one of the duties out.

"in times of emergency or special circumstances, exercising the special personal authority of the Governor General to appoint or dismiss a prime minister or dissolve Parliament. This authority is rarely used."
YIP....you read it right, the governor general has the right and the power to fire the Prime Minister!! (no do you think it just a fluffy job?)

NOW FOR THE REALLY STUPID PART.....candidates for the next person to accend to the position of governor general: (some are real, some are facebook candidates. you figure out which is which)
Preston Manning (funny looking politician with a funny voice)
William Shatner (Captain Kirk)
Judith Moses ( Canadian Indian heritage)
Rick Hanson (Champion of spinal cord research)
Ben Mulroney (no more of them please)
Don Cherry (let's kick ass)
David Suzuki (evironmentalist)
Princess Anne ( isn't this an oxymoron...or is she?)
Anne Murray (as long as she doesn't sing the throne speech we will be ok)

i do believe that some of the serious candidates still are celebreties. what the hell for??? they are wealthy and they are bored? they need the government ironclad pension? its silly and if any of them get it....well that will show you the direction of the government won't it!!!)

SPEAKING OF SEX OFFENDERS..... Graham James recieved a pardon for his crimes he committed back in 1994 and 1995. WHO IS THIS GUY YOU MAY ASK.... he was tried and found guilty of sexual assaulting and molesting 2 teen boys. he was someone that parents thought they could trust....a hockey coach. Mr. James did his time...the 3.5 years given him, but was pardoned by the parol board as well. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR MR. JAMES.....a lot really. A pardon is not meant to erase or excuse a criminal act. A pardon means that the record of the conviction is kept separate and apart from other criminal records. That means the conviction doesn't show up on checks at the Canadian Police Information Centre, a database used by the RCMP and other police

In light of that pardons process, Public Safety Minister Vic Toews said the federal government will look at giving the National Parole Board more "direction."

Kinda late on the upswing there Vic!
does anyone really think that convicted child molesters and sex offenders are cured from a stay in prison? (or any other criminal for that matter) offenders like Mr. James end up doing one of 2 things: repeating their offense, or killing themselves because of the stress or urge to repeat. (just look at Col. Russell Williams who is awaiting trial for double murder who is now on suicide watch)

well enough is enough...done for now!

1st Place: "When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passangers in his car."
Alexander Pineda


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