Good Morning All,
its kinda gray out its a good time to blog.
i was surfing the net last night and found some interesting STUFF about Canada. some of it you probably know, some you may not.
so here goes.....
first off some strange laws.
City Laws
Etobicoke - Bylaw states that no more than 3.5 inches of water is allowed in a bathtub.
Oshawa - It's illegal to climb trees.
Ottawa - It's illegal to eat ice-cream on Bank Street on a Sunday.
Toronto - You can't drag a dead horse down Yonge St. on a Sunday.
Toronto - You're not allowed to release 10 or more helium balloons within 24 hours.
this next bit was a survey sent out by the Moosehead Beer Company....interesting.
stranded on a desert island what would you want to take from Canada with you:
61.2% - Canadian Beer
11.5% - maple syrup
11.2% - poutine
3% - a woman
one person replied he wanted Rita McNeil?
Have you ever skinny-dipped?
75.6% - yes at some point in their life.
3.2% - took the plunge alone.
45% - took the dip with friends.
24% - took it with their spouse.
Who is the sexiest?
apparently is a landslide. Quebec have the sexiest people by a margin of 2 to 1.
Ontario, however, is the best place to party!
Defining us as CANADIANS
Canadians rank "EH" as the most common word that is used.
other unique words are....toque, poutine, mickey, two-four!
Hockey is the #1 sport in Canada!
favorite teams of most Canadians....29.2% said the Toronto Maple Leafs and 28.6% said the Montreal Canadians. in 3rd was 13.2% the Vancouver Canucks and a tie for 4th between Calgary Flames and the Edmonton Oilers.
Best place to have sex outside of your bedroom.
most Canadians responded the beach
22.2% said anywhere!
4.4% said on a zamboni
64.4% of Canadians like to sleep in the raw.
while 33.2% just wear underwear.
the underwear group said the best to wear where boxers.
Drinking Beer with a Canadian Celebrity
its no surprise 37% said they would like a cold one with Shania Twain
but the next best person on the list was a surprise as well.... the late Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau.
( Canada apologizes for the likes of Pamela Anderson and Celine Dion)
Cooling off.
42.7% of Canadians would rather have an ice cold beer than jumping in a lake, river or pool.
100% said that if they could do both at the same time it would be better. are a few more oddities you may or may not know about CANADA!
- the Mackenzie River is the 11th longest river in the world. (the Nile is the longest)
- Great Slave Lake is rated at #6 for the deepest lake in the world. 2,015ft deep.
- the highest tide in the world belongs to Canada as the Bay of Fundy the tide can rise as high as 16 meters.
- the smallest dinosaur bones ever found were in Nova Scotia at Parrsboro.
- the FIRST & ONLY tide generating electric plant in North America is in the Bay of Fundy. it generates enough electrical power to 4,500 homes.
- the longest street in the world is Younge Street in Ontario. it is 1,179 miles long.
- the biggest pool in the world is in Alberta at the West Edmonton Mall. it is a little over 5 acres in size.
-Toronto, Ontario has the biggest book store in the world which strangely enough is called "The Biggest Book Store In The World". it is owned by Indigo.
- Canada has 9% of the world's freshwater. Most of it is above the 49th parallel.
- New Brunswick is famous for the longest covered bridge in the world. 1,282 ft long.
- Terry Fox and the Terry Fox Foundation is the largest fundraiser for cancer on the earth. (be proud Canada)
- Manitoulin Lake is the only lake within a lake in the would. 42.1 miles long.
- contrary to popular opinion, Canada does not own the arctic. no one owns it, but 87.3% of the world believes Santa Claus comes from Canada.
- we have the longest national highway in the world. 7,821 miles long.
- Canada has the world's longest coastline: 202,080 km / 125,566 miles.
- Wasaga Beach on Georgian Bay is the world’s longest beach, 8.6 miles / 14 km. Wasaga Beach is located about 2 hours northwest of Toronto, Ontario.
- Inside Toronto’s Rogers Centre (formerly known as the SkyDome) you will find the largest Sony big screen, measuring 33 ft. x 110 ft. (10.0 m x 33.6 m).
- Newfoundland was the only place in North America directly attacked by German forces during WWII.
- The CN Tower has the world's largest wine cellar.
- The 1964 animated TV movie “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” was filmed in Japan, but the entire soundtrack was recorded in a studio in Toronto, Ontario.
Most of the singing and speaking cast were Canadian.
Billie Mae Richards ("Rudolph") and Paul Soles ("Hermey") are neighbours in an Ontario retirement community.
- Canada has the most freshwater islands in the world and the largest freshwater island, Manitoulin Island.
- for every 100 men there are 102 women.
- Snorri, the first North American child to be born of European parents (Thorfin and Gudrid), was born in Vinland around A.D. 1000.
- Canada has 10th of the world's forests.
- the world's largest meteor crater is in Quebec.
- there are more recreational golfers per capital in Canada than any other country.
- the geographical center of Canada is Thunder Bay Ontario.
ok...had enough?!!
time for the quote of the day.....
"We peer so suspiciously at each other that we cannot see that we Canadians are standing on the mountaintop of human wealth, freedom and privilege."
Pierre Elliott Trudeau
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