Friday, April 2, 2010

They Are All Extreme Fundamentalists....

Happy Good Friday....can i say that or is that correct? who cares i am an Atheist.

well once again on one of the holiest days in christianity, all the fanatics and nuts come out. In the Phillipines, people were literally nailed to a cross to honour a religion. 23 people, or should i say crazies, volunteered to be nailed to a cross while locals and tourists watched. what next?? Wiccan burnings of the national network? the only response from the vatican rep was, and i quote "Church leaders reject such practices. The Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines said the real expression of Christian faith during Lent is through repentance and self-renewal, not flagellation or crucifixion." what a weak statement...if the vatican can dictate anti-abortion and forbid the use of condoms with possible excommunication, why aren't they doing the same for this nonsense. WANT TO KNOW WHY...cause its good press for them, thats why. 82% of the population in the Phillipines is roman sad.

a former priest in Windsor Ontario was sentenced this week in after pleading guilty to 3 counts of sex crimes upon Haitan children. he was captured in the Dominican Republic and brought back to Canada for trial. JOHN DUARTE (remember that name) received a sentence of.....HERE IT COMES.....18 months in jail with credit for 10 months already served. KNOW WHAT I are one lucky bastard. you just got away with one of the world's most heinous crimes. you MR. JOHN DUARTE should be happy that you didn't commit these acts in the middle east or other countries with stricter laws that would have seen you hung or shot. JOHN DUARTE was originally charged with 5 counts, but his lawyer struck a deal and got it reduced to 3 counts if he pled guilty.
and ofcourse the money sucking lawyer had this to say about his client.

"He's a person who can do tremendous things and help; on the other hand he had this weakness," DUARTE'S lawyer said.
HELPFUL???....DOES TREMENDOUS THINGS?....BUT HAS A 'WEAKNESS'? i don't consider pedophilia a weakness. i consider it a criminal offense. weakness my ass! how would MR DUARTE like to be left in a room with the parents of these children and some lumber so they can openly display their weakness??? i am sure he would rather not. not only did he get away with a hand slap, but he may have cause these children to have their own sexual issues when they grow up. his damage was not done and over with after his continues to damage for years to come.

and finally, not to out do the catholics, a group of 120 muslims from Austria entered a cathedral in Cordoba, Spain this week and a handful began to pray. security asked them to stop...and obviously they chose not to. a skirmish insued and a few were arrested. the cathedral was originally a mosque when the moors once ruled, but was changed to a cathedral when King Ferdinand lll ran the moors out of Spain.
KNOW WHAT I SAY..... not to long ago muslims were screaming for the head of a cartoonist that depicted them badly, even threatening his life. papers around the world in their political correctness refused to run the cartoon in case of reprisals. at the Dome of the Rock/Al Aqsa Mosque, jews are forbidden to pray inside or on the mosque grounds with end results of arrest. SO WHY IS THERE A DOUBLE STANDARAD WITH THESE can't have your cake and eat it to. i say, until you are willing to allow other denominations to use the mosque in Jerusalem, then you have no right to claim you have rights to enfringe upon anothers temple or sanctuary.

DON'T WORRY.....i did not forget the jews either. Isael has hemmed in hundreds of thousands of Palistinians in the last few years, cutting of medical, electrical and other things needed. just recently they launched a rocket attack in the Gaza Strip, they say to curb a Palistinian uprising.
The violence was sparked after the Israeli army said its forces uncovered a tunnel about 300 yards (250 meters) inside the central Gaza Strip that militants planned to use to abduct Israeli soldiers. It said a special army unit had headed to the area to destroy the tunnel. "
how exactly does the Israeli army know that the tunnel was going to be used for this? did they catch them in there? did intelligence alert them? there is no mention in the report of any of these to authenticate this claim.
i thought that religions of the world were suppose to promote PEACE AND TOLERANCE? i thought religions of the world were suppose to promote THE WELL BEING OF PEOPLE AND THEIR SOULS? nothing i have informed you about today in any way demonstrates any of these what so ever!!!!
WHAT A CROCK!!!! sex crimes around the RC church, muslims saying,"do what i say, not as i do" and jews holding those of another faith hostage in their own city.

oh wait....i forgot one denomination. yip you got it...the christian fundamentalists in america. minister ted haggard who had the ear of the white house, so he claimed, was accused of homosexual acts and using illegal drugs a while back. after first denying the claims, he later confessed to 'a few'. and of course, the white house managed to produce a statement saying that he had very few calls to the white house. ted haggard stepped out of his position and began counciling. why was dear misguided minister ted not charged with illegal drug possession?
I WILL TELL YOU WHY...... cause the "tax exempted, give me all your cash churches of america" are a powerful lobby. when they do something wrong they are protected. period.
so sad......

to end this lovely posting i will leave you with a truly humanitarian quote:

" in complete darkness we are all the same. it is only our knowledge and wisdom that separate

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