Thursday, April 1, 2010

We've Got To Pay People What's Fair...

WOW WHAT A STATEMENT.... from one of the worst Premiers Ontario has ever elected. The McGuinty government had decided to put a wage freeze on all non-unionized workers in the public sector. OH WAIT FOR IT NOW.....with a few exceptions!! yes, tax dollars going to those that need it apparently. those fortunate few that are senior managers who will get performance pay or another group high up who will receive incentive packages.WHAT ABOUT THE NURSES THAT WORK THEIR BUTTS OFF? WHAT ABOUT SOCIAL WORKERS WHOS WORKLOAD IS SO OVERBURDENING THAT THEY ARE APPLYING FOR STRESS LEAVE? WHAT ABOUT THE AVERAGE JOE WHO NEEDS TO FEED HIS/HER FAMILY SINCE THE COST OF LIVING ISN'T GOING DOWN ANY TIME SOON? what about alllllll these people Mr. McGuinty that survive and pay taxes in this province. I SAY....shove your "grease the palms of big business loophole and your sunshine list" where the sun don't shine. help out the people that put you in to your cushy job and big retirement package. LISTEN, i am not an idiot. i understand the delicate balance between keeping jobs and industry in the province. BUT public sector workers are paid by the G O V E R N M E N T. (spell it with me now) you clowns make more than two families wages combined. if you want to freeze wages to save your debt, then freeze everyone not just the little guy. CAUSE ONE DAY..... the little guy will have enough of the political shit and it won't be picket signs, it will be rebellion on a grander does "i am not paying my taxes" sound to you?
and on the same glorious looks like the people that work in the public sector in hospitals won't get the raise, but the CEOs of the hospital boards are getting a 36% increase!!!!! YIPPEEEEEEEE.... more hospital beds closing. what the hell is going on? how can a board member of a hospital justify increasing his annual "net worthlessness" and close down beds and lay off staff. DO THEY THINK WE ARE IDIOTS? yes they do....where are you really going to go if you need surgery or medical assistance (i hate that catch phrase it makes it sound that caring for people is a cold sterile business) if you choose to boycott a hospital because of unfair wage practices? you will go there anyway, because life and death is just what it is! so what the government and CEOs are really saying are joe average who? SO BLOODY WHAT!!!!
what can be done about double standards in our government? not a whole hell of alot. why is that you may ask....WELL I WILL TELL YOU. show me one honest politician in the country, or for that matter, the WORLD and i will show you that there is still hope for "average joe".

in another article....OMG THIS ERKS ME BAD. the Us secretary of state one Hillary Clinton went beyond hinting that she would like to see Canadian Troops stay in Afganistan. KNOW WHAT I SAY.....become a citizen of CANADA Hillary and you will have every right to voice your opinion about OUR TROOPS. if you are not willing to do that, SHUT UP. THIS IS OUR COUNTRY...we are not yet an annex of the US and i hope to some one's god it stays that way!!!! Vive La Canada!!! not only did she open her mouth and suggest that our TROOPS stay there she also said that she was disappointed that the Indians were not represented for the ARCTIC TALKS. holy crap!!! this coming from a country who has theeeeeeeeeee worst track record when i comes to Indian affairs??? (ok Hillary, remove foot from mouth now) once again, what ever CANADA decides to do with regards to the ARCTIC TALKS is really none of your business. and i can't believe i am about to say this people, but here it goes....i was very PROUD finally of our Prime Minister for telling the US secretary of state that how we conduct affairs in our country is really none of your business. Coo dos to Harper, he does have some balls FINALLY! and it looks like he is going to stick to the projected date of return for our TROOPS!!!!!! come on home boys, you've done your time. its time to be a CANADIAN CITIZEN AGAIN!!!!“Whether it comes to our role in Afghanistan, our sovereignty over our Arctic or ultimately our foreign aid priorities,” Mr. Harper declared, “it is Canada and Canadians who will make Canadian decisions.”

anne coulter (and i don't capitalize her name for a reason, she's not worth it) has made it very clear that Canadians are a bunch of back bush idiots. KNOW WHAT I SAY.....GO HOME! we have no need for your propaganda views here. WE ARE NOT americans who have close minded views, unsavoury goals and or the urge to rule the world. oh let me give you a few quotes by this supposed intelligent woman with her finger on the pulse of the world:

" if you took away women's rights to vote we would never have to worry about another democratic president."

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity."

"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'"

"The average Canadian is busy dog sledding."

Enough Said....she is an idiot that the networks seem to like because of her out of this galaxy views.
I SAY.....stay home anne.

on to the QUOTE OF THE DAY.....

"Vive la Canada. This country is not for sale."
Don Sweet

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