Wednesday, September 11, 2013

1% Wealthy, 99% NOT, but with a dandy new phone to flash!!!

I was just reading an article about distribution of wealth in Canada. Apparently the 1% (wealthy) make 10 times more than the average Canadian.
Seems a bit unbalanced....amazing what greed will do.
The reason I mention this is because it fits in nicely with the other thing I want to talk about. Smartphones!
I also read today that Apple was going to release 2 new phones. Apparently there is a cheaper version made of plastic rather than "fancy smartphone plastic". did you get my humor there?!!
So Apple says that it made the 5C so it would be cheaper??? Have a look at the going rate for this "New Cheaper 5C"!!!

In Europe, the iPhone 5C will be as much or more than China. In the United Kingdom, it's £469 ($741); in France and Germany, it's €599 ($796). Other countries will have it for slightly less, as low as $579, but nowhere is it "cheap."

Even reading between the lines doesn't seem to make it cheaper. Well, anyway, they say "color is fun". So am I to pay that kind of price for a phone that has a new color????? Why didn't they just sell a set of colored skins with the device so anyone can have whatever color they want on any day?

Also there is a finger print feature to unlock your phone, but Apple said that they would not keep your prints on their records. Why would I want Apple to have a copy of my fingerprint???
They also say that it could be possible with developing technology that you could tie the fingerprint scanner to payments. (did they not just say they would not keep your fingerprints??)
The phone is also sporting an 8 mega pixel camera. So what, Blackberry already has that!

I am not seeing anything in this new phone that isn't already on the market other than a new price.
I am glad that I am not a phone junkie where I need to get my fix of a new phone each time some company drops one.
Apple seems to be playing catch-up with the market leader. (and it isn't doing anything fancy to capture that number one spot back) Welcome Apple, to the fickle, fussy world of the consumer. One day you are at the front of the alphabet (A is for Apple) the next you are chasing another letter of the alphabet.

I think if the consumer was smart, they would refuse to pay big bucks for a phone and stop buying them. Then maybe big corporations would have to rethink their strategy when designing and pricing the device. People are slowly seeing that maybe they don't want to waste a paycheck on a phone anymore. The time of mark-ups with 'made in somewhere else' labels needs to stop. Made in Taiwan.  That tells me that it is made for less than $100 a device. (see above for the retail price of the phone near you) I really don't call that profit....I call that robbery.
This is how the CEO of Apple gets his 1.4 million paycheck.
So getting back to the original article I read first.....maybe we should ask the Assembler in Taiwan what his annual salary is and if he is buying a new iPhone? Probably not!
More like "iPhoneU from a payphone. its cheaper!"

Quote of the Day......

" more people have access to phones than access to running water. We've never had anything like this before since the beginning of the planet."
Marc Andreessen 

A sad reflection of our society today....materialism over the well being of another human.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Syria- The Controversy Continues

Hi Everyone, So have you read the news today???

A few interesting things cropping up about Syria and what the World should do. Let's start with Britain shall we....cheers! Today the British Parliament votes read that correctly...AGAINST MILITARY ACTION. The PM David Cameron today that he would not proceed without Parliamentary approval. Even after uttering those words, Cameron still pushed publicly for some type of "tough response". Are the British getting smarter?? Are the days of "What the US says goes" behind the Brits??? I SURE AS HELL HOPE SO. I am guessing the gun shy Parliament is still feeling the ILL AFFECTS of "weapons of mass destruction". You know, that falsehood that was spread like butter on toast to feed the revenge appetites of the world.

On the other side of the pond, the US state department has issued a statement. "we are sure that chemical weapons were used and we have proof." So do you think you could SHARE this proof with us cause so far all you have presented to the world are empty airy statements about nothing you care to confirm. If you have PROOF, PRODUCE IT.

The President on the other hand says that he has not decided on a military strike against Syria. This could possibly come from cruise missiles off shore on the Mediterranean. 116 Congress members signed a letter to demand a vote before any assault on Syria. Not to be out-voiced in this crisis is the Pentagon. An official there stated that military strikes are but days away and the USA was at the point of no return. There are still UN Inspectors trying to get samples from the scene. The news agencies still have not released what the chemical was and who released it.

After a blazing admonishment of the chemical attack, Canada said it would support this. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr put on the Canadian brakes....Canada also said today that they are saddened by what is going on in Syria. Canada will support the people by sending medicine, water, food, sanitation aid and welcome a defined amount of refugees.

Russia was not to be left out in the cold of the world wide news and Syria. They have stated that they are sending an anti-submarine ship and missile cruiser to the Mediterranean. Putin has publicly warned Obama about the consequences of any form of an attack.

All we need now is fine China and a few of their military toys. KNOW WHAT I SAY....... if you can't contribute to the healing and health of this nation then stay the hell home and watch English/Russian subtitled versions of MASH.

Better yet...move all the crazy dictator buddies to the north of the country and move the fanatical rebels with them. Move all sane and peaceful women, children and men to the south part of the country. Let the north destroy each other and let the south re-establish some normalcy to their lives. THEN... the rest of the world can send food, water, clothes, medicine and any other type of aid they want.

Oh and one more item....please don't send money!!!! It never makes it to the people that can use it properly or to the people that need what is suppose to be bought with it. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! Quote of the Day.... "we have never healed a conflict of the body or nation by bullet or sword, but rather with the love and charitable nature that flows with what is truly needed."

Thursday, August 22, 2013

What Should The World Do About Syria??? Nothing

Full Earth

It was rather disturbing to watch the news last night and see what was going on in Syria. Their internal struggle is heart-wrenching.....but do we interfere???

I watched as some American politicians talked about intervention. I was stunned to think that they could even suggest this without any real facts being evident about who used them or what it was. Ask yourself who are the leading manufacturers of these chemical weapons? Why would the world need these chemical weapons? And why would any scientist in their right mind even think about developing chemical weapons. This type of weapon is the "New Bomb". It is something that once unleashed, can't be taken back or fixed.
I watched as foreign leaders talked about how irate they were about chemical weapons being used and that the world needed to step in. The PM for Australia was talking in an interview about it. Australia is one of the leading countries for Uranium. Yes the kind that can be deadly.

My question I guess is WHY? Why is it that people feel we need to step in? How is this any different than what corporations are doing to people every day all around us?  What am I talking about you ask??? Well there is Bopal, India where a corporation was negligent and killed thousands. Did a foreign power step in there? Or the Love Canal in the USA where contaminated land is still not fit for human residency because of the toxins that will linger for hundreds of years and has left hundreds sick or dead. Do we hit the ground to enforce law there?  What about the Russian government cloud seeding to stop radioactive clouds from reaching Moscow causing it to drop on unsuspecting people elsewhere without warning them? When depleted uranium was used in Iraq killing thousands, did we rally the world powers into a frenzy and step in?
No we didn't.
So you have to ask yourself, why is stepping into Syria any more important than what I mentioned in the last paragraph? It is simple really....geographical location. Why do you think countries like Russia are there supporting this dictator?

Syria has a problem....a really big one. It does not help that the masses there are violent and volatile. It does not help that the economics of the country isn't great. It does not help that their leader is a dictator and driven it into the ground with poverty, but ask yourself this question before you lace up the boots of our military and send them off packing. If you had political unrest in your country, would you want a foreign military intervening? If you were fighting a bloody civil war, would you want another country stepping in?

Who dropped the chemicals? An important question needs to be answered before anyone goes anywhere to do anything for anyone.

People are saying that Obama needs to step over the line he mentioned last year. The line that defined the use of chemical weapons. I say what goes on in Syria is none of his business, or anyone else's concern. I am sure you feel this is cold and callus, that I have no sense of humanity or sympathy. Maybe you are right, but maybe, just maybe you are wrong.
 I have great sympathy for the normal man, woman and child that is caught in any political nightmare that movers and shakers of the world create. I have great sympathy for a people that have been driven to fighting for their freedom and a simple standard of living that will allow them to survive in some comfort.
What I will not participate in is the way powers have manipulated these people into the anguish and desperation that they are in and I would not fuel it further. Will entering a foreign country create stability and peace? Ask Vietnam? Ask Korea? The only real result you get from intervention of military might.....IS MORE DEAD PEOPLE.
Sending military aid is only a BANDAID solution for a wound that is too big to cover. To stop the insanity, you have to get it at its source. Go after the manufacturers of these chemicals....I don't need to drop names, we all know who these companies are.
The world is obsessed with exposing our differences and how we dislike each other instead of focusing on the really BIG PICTURE...the real truth.
The truth is simple, but always matter your geographic location, no matter your skin colour or your religion, no matter whether you are economically stable or not....we are all the same. HUMAN BEINGS. Human being who all want the same live in peace.
And when we all start to realize this fact, like every other species has, then maybe we won't have to worry about chemical warfare, or oil hoarding, or fresh water depletion and all the other STUPID things that humans do to each other. We will just live.
Now doesn't that sound naive? You are probably thinking that it sounds insane and unachievable! You are wrong. Humans once lived like this and maybe we won't see it in our lifetime. But there is always hope that Icarus won't fly to the sun and parish. And if he does....well the rest of the creatures of this world will thrive without him.
So we have a choice....keep following this path or choose the path less followed. We just might survive that way!

Quote of the Day.....

"Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding."
Waldo Emerson

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Where Have All The Bees Gone?

Where have all the bees gone? Have you noticed in the last 5 years that there are not as many around??Why is that? Well I came across some interesting information about the links between our smartphones and bees.
Since 2008 there has been a drastic drop in the bee population in Great Britain by 50%. Even higher in North America by 70%.

Bees pollinate 70% of the food we grow. Any major decline in the population will affect food growth. But that is the least of our worries.
I am going to step away from this and discuss a related topic, the earth's resonance. The earth resonates at a frequency of 7.03hz. This is what you could call the pulse of the planet. All animals are in tune with this resonance and are guided by it. Birds and insects are believed to fly and be guided by this frequency. It is the way they navigate.

Are humans affected by this frequency? Yes we are. We are no different from other creatures. The rhythm of our heart beat resonate at 7.03hz. How amazing is that!!! We are in tune with the planet!

In the late 90s, scientists did experiments with water. Water is believed to have memory. When ordinary water with DNA content was subjected to a 7.03hz frequency....guess what?!!! DNA was replicated. When ordinary water without DNA was subjected to 7.03hz...guess what?!!! it created DNA (take that you creationists)
The magnetic field of the earth pulses at 7.03hz which helped to form a type of bacteria. They theorize that this bacteria is what evolved into what the world is today.

25 years ago, radio frequencies for cell phones were introduced to the world. The technology has evolved very quickly. 4 BILLION people now use a cell phone. All around the world huge towers have been erected to pick up and transfer signals so we can talk to each other. Is the frequency of this new age 7.03hz? No, it is not and here is where the bee thing comes in. If you have one of these towers near you, take a walk near it. Have a look for any bees pollinating. You won't find any. The frequency being generated from the tower interferes with the natural frequency the bees are use to. These new frequencies are causing bee population die off.
Alpha waves 7.03hz was discovered by a scientist named Schuman. It was also discovered that we run on the same wave in our brain. This is known as the Cicadium Rythm Are you starting to see where I am going with this???

Studies in the UK were conducted about the affect these transfer towers have on the human population. People that were experiencing ill affects from living near these towers were asked to participate in the study. The common symptoms they experienced were headaches, equilibrium imbalance, stress and mental health issues. (so far)
Just so you know, the sound machines used by police and the military for crowd control and weapons is NOT set at a frequency of 7.03hz. Just look up the news article about the pirates in the south Asian sea that were subjected to this sound. It had a rather horrific affect on the human body.

In our bodies we possess a chryptochrome molecule that regulates the Cicadium clock. They help to control the magnetic compass inside us.
The chryptochrome molecules that regulate the cicadium clock (our frequency), help balance our body-health. The exposure to frequencies other than 7.03hz can have ill affects on us. It can affect our heart and vision. It can cause headaches and nausea. It can affect our thyroid function and can cause infertility and cancer.

In the last 25 years we have been exposed to these frequencies with little or no studies by governments or the cell phone companies. How strange??
The WHO (World Health Organization) did do a study and found that using a cell phone was unhealthy and could cause tumors. This study was taken from and included only adults. The adult human skull cannot stop what the phone emits. We now arm our children with these devices, who's skulls have not fully developed. The average age of a child that has a cell phone is 8 years old. Phone companies, in their waiver of fine print, suggest that the user hold the phone 12 to 18 centimeters away from the ear. (ok?)
Our brains react to this exposure and counteract by producing a special glucose to try and combat it. 1.6 million American children use a cell phone!

One of the big side affects with the frequency change in humans is lack of sleep. Sleep is a key factor to the human body's health. When we are sick, we want to sleep more. It is a natural way for the body to heal.
When we sleep our brain releases Melatonin from the Pineal Gland. This is only secreted at night. Believe it or not, it is triggered by the darkness. Free radical cells attack regular cells and the Melatonin acts as an anti agent to fight off sickness. It is also shown to fight off potential cancer. Without this time needed for sleep and the Melatonin to work we run a high risk of our immune systems wearing down which in turn makes us sick.
These man-made frequencies block Melatonin making us open to disease.

If the bee population is dying off due to man-made frequencies that quickly, then what are the affects or long term affects it will have on the human body is unknown? Unfortunately, as always, man makes things without looking at the direct or long term affects it may have on the world.

Another question is....if life can begin by being exposed to the earth's resonating frequency of 7.03hz and help to create DNA, what exactly are these man-made frequencies doing to our DNA? Will we go the way of the bee?
Enough Said.

Quote of the day....
"If all insects were wiped from the face of the earth, within 50 years mankind would perish. If all humans were wiped from the face of the earth, within 50 years all animals would flourish."

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The People Of The World Have Had Enough

Worldwide Protesting

It has become evident in the last few years that there is a real gap between the "haves" and the "have-nots".
A funny thing happened on the way to Democracy.....the people of the world realized just how bad they have had it most of their life. With the Advent of Democracy and the rise of Social Media in some countries, with new desire comes the growing pains.
Cases in point....I can now name 6 countries that are currently in the throws of civil protesting. Brazil, Greece, Bulgaria, India, Pakistan and Turkey.
Media within each country paints a picture of the protesters as brutes, terrorists and unpatriotic citizens. They justify the use of deadly force by law enforcement and make it sound required to the world. Social Media, on the other hand has found its voice and the rest of the world is not getting glimpses of what the protesters are really protesting about.
So let's have a look shall we.
1. Brazil
The government keeps saying it is doing all it can for its citizens! How nice.
The protesters are demonstrating for the exact opposite reason. 1 .5 MILLION people have taken to the streets to show that they are not happy with what is going on in their country.
Public Service, Government Corruption, Health Care, Education, Cost of Living are just some of what they are protesting about.
"How dare they cry about this!!!!" says the government. "We will be bringing the world to Brazil in 2014!"
The cost for the World Cup to be staged in Brazil has cost BILLIONS of dollars. Money, frankly, that could have been better spent on social issues and needs of the people. Not only should the government not bid on the World Cup, but FIFA should have done a economic assessment first before handing a world-class event to a struggling country.
There is only so much that the working class can support through taxes!
2. Greece
Well what has the Greek populace not protested about in the last few years?
The current labour strike at the height of tourist season is over their Public Television Station being axed. Workers have poured into the streets to protest, shutting down media outlets, newspaper deliveries and even public transit. I am not sure why they want to protest this, but I feel that the Greeks have had a real taste for protesting as of late and anything could spark them into further actions.
3. Bulgaria
People here have been protesting for the last 6 days over election scandals and are asking the newly formed government to step down. I have always been amazed at how the majority seems to protest government, but my question is ....HOW DID THEY GET ELECTED? The battle in the streets of major cities there has become violent. Once again, law enforcement has reared its ugly head.
4. India
1 MILLION people in India walked off the job 2 days ago in protest of wage inequality and conditions. They want the government to set a minimum wage and laws in place to better protect the worker. It is unclear how long the strike will last. What is apparent again is that POLITICAL CORRUPTION stands between surviving and perishing here.
Again, Social Media is playing a big part in the protest.
5. Pakistan
This country has been up in arms for a while now over possible election rigging. People seem to be fed up with the corrupt political system. Clashes between the people and the military police has escalated and political double-speak is on the offence. I believe people have a right to a fair government.
6. Turkey
The people of Turkey have also taken to the streets to protest. What is on their agenda....nothing too pressing. Human Rights, Democracy and Environmental Issues. (if you didn't get it, I was being sarcastic)
Again, government corruption.

What do all these 6 different countries have in common with regards to their protesting??? GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION and MEDIA CONTROL. Some leaders are using social media like twitter to lie about what is going on in their countries. One leader openly tweeted that terrorist protesters were hiding from police in Mosques and not removing their shoes and drinking alcohol. WHAT CRAP!
Protesters were using the Mosque as a safe haven and medical care for people injured by the police.
The other ALARMING THEME that no one seems to see when they watch any type of sound bite is that protesters are clashing with police because they seem to be provoked. Throwing a rock at a fully shielded police man does not seem fair when protesters are being beaten, shot and tear gassed. I just can't seem to muster any sympathy for the law at this point. I am always amazed how government officials can justify beating and killing the citizen for demanding human rights. In my country it is illegal to protest with a mask on....IT'S A LAW!!!!? What if I am ugly and need to hide my face? What if it is sub-zero temperatures outside??? This is just silly, it is just another way for the governments to trace, track and keep an eye on you as "someone who does not support the political cause." What governments can't see, NO WHAT THEY DON'T WANT TO SEE is that ''governments'' are there to SUPPORT THEIR PEOPLE... if not, this is just another form of monarchy then.

Does this not strike you as WRONG????
The other major theme that crosses all protests is MONEY. Created as a standard and now has replaced the gods as '' the god'' in the political world. The political world is clinging to a fossilistic (yes dinosaur fossil) way of governing and they are deeply afraid. AND THEY SHOULD BE.
People are not demanding to be rich.....they are demanding basic fair wages, clean living environment, reasonable taxation and decent health care.
That does not sound like the craving of a ''WANNNA BE FORTUNE 500 CLUB MEMBER??!!!"
So as the world turns, countries protest for humanity, politics and its way crumbles, drones fly, weather is manipulated and people die, I leave you with a quote that struck me this week. I am unsure who said it, but....WOW...give the guy a Pulitzer!
" If every insect was wiped from the face of the earth, mankind would perish shortly after. If every human was wiped from the face of the earth...IT WOULD FLOURISH."
We are the ''riot police'' of this earth and we are destroying it with inhumanity, brute force and utter greed. ONLY humans possess the disgusting trait of greed.
So I ask you, the next time you get your 'direct deposit paycheque' and want to spend it on something you really don't need....think about those who have not and maybe support your fellow man instead.
Enough Said!
Thanks for reading.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Honesty Is The Best Policy....Does The Senate Have It?

More Nonsense In The Political Scene In Ottawa...

It seems that more is leaking out of the sewry Senate still about ILLEGAL SPENDING.
Pamela Wallin might be in for paying another $20,000 back to the public. My guess is, if that is the next dollar figure then she probably owes more.
I believe that the Conservative party is going to suffer tremendously for this....and I hate to say I TOLD YOU SO....
The people need to start to pressure their representatives, Conservative, Liberal, NPD or other to ask questions on their behalf. We are a highly taxed country and for paying those taxes we not only deserve an answer, WE ARE OWED ONE!!!

If you defrauded a business out of moneys in these sums where do you think you would be by now.....IN COURT of course. Justice is swift for the weak. But apparently if you are a politician, you just have to empty your pocket and pay it back. That's good enough. CHARGE THEM...THEY ARE CRIMINALS STEALING FROM YOU.
The Harper Government went on and on before its first and second term about government transparency and fairness. They also said a few months back that they would sniff out the people hiding money in tax shelters and off shore accounts so that they would pay taxes also, not just the little guy. AND NOW.....this not so visible, sneaky and hidden mess.
A Conservative MP backbencher, Brent Rathgeber has resigned from the party due to a few reasons he stated to the press.
"The former Tory MP, who announced he was quitting late Wednesday night to sit as an Independent, said staff in Harper's office — who are "half my age" — pressure the caucus to obey their talking points and vote "like trained seals."
"I do believe that the PMO has too much power, that they don't properly respect the legislators and most importantly, there is not a proper degree of separation between the legislature and the executive," he said.
The $90,000 cheque that Harper's chief of staff Nigel Wright wrote to Senator Mike Duffy to cover his improperly claimed housing allowance is a prime example of the lack of separation, he said. "

It was suggested that Rathgeber quite and run in a by-election as an independent.  Why?? So they can slip in some "Yes-Boy" to run and try and win the seat back. This is such a SICK GAME to them.
In the last election, a Liberal elected, crossed the house floor and joined the Conservative Party after calls that he should run in a by-election. DID HE?? NOT A CHANCE.
" Membership in a political party is very important to the success of a Member of Parliament, both in terms of being elected to the House of Commons, as well as gaining experience and a public profile on the national stage. This, in turn, provides leaders of a political party with considerable influence over their caucuses. Party leadership may use tactics such as promotion or demotion within the party ranks, or expulsion from the party altogether, in order to ensure that caucus members “tow the party line,” particularly in terms of how they vote in the House. The result is that Members of Parliament tend not to vote according to their own views, or even the interests of their constituency, but according to the desires of their political party.Supporters of this concentration of power tend to emphasize its benefits for a more effectively coordinated and stable government. Critics, however, contend that it raises the spectre of tyranny and corruption, in which the prime minister is able to govern with very little in the way of checks and balances, at least between general elections."

So how do we, as a people, stop this CORRUPTION OF POWER and get back to a fair and transparent government that is elected to look after all our interests and not just those with money? This is not an easy answer...and to some it may sound like mutiny.
You have the power to elect an official in your area that represents YOU.

You have the power that demands your interests be tabled on your behalf.

You have the power to make Canada the strong and free nation it should be.

YOU HAVE THE POWER.....if you choose to exercise it.

Governments around the world have been giving orders and telling the people for so long what is good for them that the people have been dumbed down to believe it......WAKE UP.

Enough said....quote of the day....

"I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office."
 Andrew Jackson
(smart dead guy)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Give Them A Day In Court....Just Like You Or I Would Get!

Hi All,
How sad it is that the Prime Minister has the right to appoint people to the Senate, but does not have the right to fire them.
What is the purpose of a Senate other than wasting and stealing the taxpayers money???
I don't believe the government has a right to cover up things like this, I don't believe we should be reading this in the first place. I don't think people in power have the interests of the Canadian People in mind. If they did, no one would be cheating.
If I stole $90,000 and got caught....I WOULD BE IN COURT AND THEN JAIL!!!!! Why are people like this exempt from the legal system? It is what it is...and what it is is theft pure and simple. Why can't we see these people in court.
It just sickens me to think that people like this run our National Business.
We often hear and think of corruption in other countries....Greece comes to mind. But here at home???
And you want me to vote in the next election???? I don't feel any of you are worth my trust let alone my vote.
Am I just shooting my mouth off with not solution to put forth....YES I AM. Because at the moment I don't see a solution.
Actually, I take that back....ALL PARLIAMENT MEMBERS/SENATORS MUST register all expenditures publicly. (for anyone to read) This and a regular salary. You want to for it from your salary. Parliament/Senate members work less than teachers.
So know what I say....Glass Finances! 100% visibility so I can see where I am getting BANG FOR MY BUCK.
And all you Spending Offenders....charge them legally and fire them.

Quote of the Day.....
"An inch at a time down the wrong path doesn't seem too wrong to the people traveling it.  Maybe its time to stop them from traveling."

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Stealing From The People

I just finished reading a news article about how our Senators are stealing from the people of Canada. YOU GOT IT RIGHT....stealing. Many Senators are charging housing and travel over and above what is required. As well they are claiming their riding residence as their home when they literally spend more time in Ottawa than their riding. LET'S LIST SOME OF THE THEFT SHALL WE..... 1. Harb must repay $51,000 for housing and mileage claims dating from April 2011, 2. Brazeau must repay $48,000 3. Mike Duffy says he's repaid $90,000 4. Pamela Wallin, is also being audited Liberal Senate House leader Jim Cowan told reporters that he was disappointed that the Senate committee had not recommended disciplinary action against the three senators other than reimbursement of funds inappropriately claimed. SO A SLAP ON THE WRIST IT IS???? WHY??? I want these people charged for Grand Theft of a nation. Wanna see what happens when you don't pay your taxes??? You get to go to court, you pay EXtreme interest and could possibly go to jail. Where is the sense of fair play here???? THESE ARE THE PEOPLE THAT ARE SUPPOSE TO KNOW BETTER!!! THESE ARE THE PEOPLE THAT ARE SUPPOSE TO SAFE GUARD CANADA'S FINANCES!!!! THESE ARE THE PEOPLE THAT ARE SUPPOSE TO REPRESENT ME!!!! KNOW WHAT I are ALL nothing but a pack of lying criminals that cheat the Canadian tax payer out of any luxury they can afford. YOU SHOULD ALL BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF. Here's what needs to happen. 1. It is a privilege to be a member of Parliment. 2. Build housing for these members, like an apartment complex with individual rooms. you get a bed, a sofa, a tv, a kitchenette. 3. The building is for members only. Families visiting can pay for a hotel room out of their pocket. 4.1/3 of your time should be spent in Ottawa so choose your battles for voting wisely. 5. Members should use PUBLIC TRANSIT. More than 1/3 of the people that live in Ottawa do. (I would pay for the bus pass for the year) 6. What members choose to eat and where they choose to eat comes out of their own pocket. My company doesn't buy me lunch daily, we shouldn't buy yours either. 7. Travel, unless sanctioned by the government, is payed for out of the members pocket. 8. Travel for government purposes does not include ones spouse or children. If members want a working vacation, PAY FOR IT YOURSELF. This cronic spending for personal or even professional reasons is ridiculous and not necessary. AND IT HAS TO STOP. UNLESS MR. PRIME want to give ALL Canadians a free income tax pass next year. You know....EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW! ENOUGH SAID...... Quote of the Day It’s hard to steal somebody’s shoes while they are wearing them and not have them notice. But that’s what politicians have done in this country. Not only that, but they replaced all our footwear with concrete boots.
” ― Jarod Kintz

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's My GOD Given Right To Carry A Gun.....OR IS IT?

Hi Everyone, i am just fuming at the article that i just read. READ ON PEOPLE...... this is the tragedy and the comment by the Police after the fact INFURIATES ME. THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE TRAVESTY AND PREVENTABLE. A 5-year-old Kentucky boy who received a .22-caliber rifle as a gift accidentally shot and killed his 2-year-old sister on Tuesday, according to state police. The toddler was shot at just after 1 p.m. local time on Lawson’s Bottom Road in Cumberland County, police said. The girl was taken to Cumberland County Hospital and later pronounced dead. The mother of the two children was at home at the time of the shooting, Cumberland County Coroner Gary White told the local newspaper, the Lexington Herald-Leader. He said that the family did not realize that there was a shell inside the gun. The firearm was kept in a corner, he said. “It’s a Crickett,” Cumberland County Coroner Gary White told the paper. “It’s a little rifle for a kid.” “The little boy’s used to shooting the little gun,” White said. The shooting occurred while the boy was playing with the rifle, police said. It was “just one of those crazy accidents,” White told the Herald-Leader. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY THAT THEY WOULD CONTINUE TO ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN. IS YOUR god-given RIGHT THAT IMPORTANT THAT IT JEAPORDIZES A LIFE OF A CHILD.... Know What I Say..... SHAME ON ALL OF YOU America!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Flu Shot or NOT to Flu Shot....That is the question?

Hi Everyone,
I was reading an article about health care workers in the US that have been fired for refusing to take the flu shot. I SUPPORT YOU!!!
I don't feel there is enough evidence yet to support this. There are no definitive studies that categorically state that the flu shot prevents the flu. That being said, what is in this SHOT anyway?
Workers in some hospitals that are not forced to have the shot are asked to wear masks and tell who they are treating that it is for "their" protection. I don't believe this is right either.
It is currently not mandatory for the general populace to have a flu shot, why then are health care people not considered the general populace. I believe they pay taxes just like anyone else.
I don't think ANY GOVERNMENT  has the right to tell you what you can do with or to your body.
Case in point. Many years ago I had an employee that had chronic attendance due to illness from cold and flu. She was afraid of getting the shot that was offered free by my company. At the time, (I was naive in my thoughts that the government had the best intentions for us) I encouraged her to have this shot. To demonstrate that the needle was not as bad as she imagined, I agreed to have the shot first in front of her. She did take the shot after me. I, however, was sick and off work for a week and ill for at least 2 more weeks after this shot. TELL ME AGAIN THAT ITS SAFE AND WILL HELP.
Your governments thinks that by governing your personal life, it can control nature.
HERE'S A NEWS FLASH FOR one can control nature.
Governments, over the years, have dumbed us down, taken away our "natural sense", encouraged us to overwork, pushed our youth to the point that they are suicidal if their grade point average is lower than expected. They have turned us into "DEPENDANTS". Since then, they have tried to scare us into doing and taking things that we should not, if we only stopped and thought about it. AND THERE IT IS IN A NUT SHELL PEOPLE...they have taught us how not to THINK.
Since then, they have begun to tell us what is good for us. Government is there to protect my rights, NOT TAKE THEM AWAY.
The media is not helping matters. The are scaring the public into believing that there is a pandemic of flu. That it is serious and it is causing death.
Guns in the US are causing death, is the government forcing people to turn in their guns???? More people die in the US from gun related deaths than flu. TAKE THE GUNS AWAY.... "we are only doing what is good for you!"
One quote in the article was from a person that said that if you don't want the flu shot then you should not be working in the health care profession.
Here's some interesting info for you....
If we look at “safe” and “un-safe” levels of mercury, per the FDA, we find this:
"2 ppb is the maximum amount of mercury that deems water “safe” for drinking

Anything over 200 ppb mercury is considered TOXIC [source - EPA]

After doing some math [you can check my math in the article: Vaccine Ingredients – A Comprehensive Guide], we find this:
There is up to 300 ppb mercury is in the “thimerosal-free” flu vaccine.
There is 25,000 ppb mercury given in the flu shot containing 25 mcg of thimerosal as a preservative."

"Many people, after experiencing a rough weekend of throwing up and diarrhea, come back to work and say they had an awful flu.  This is a common misconception.  The “stomach flu” is different from “the flu” that we vaccinate for.  The flu shot is ineffective against “stomach flu."
The following is a list of different years and the number of flu associated deaths in children reported to the CDC:

•1999-2000 -36 deaths [source]

•2000-2001 -30 deaths [source] 17% decrease

•2001-2002 – 25 deaths [source] 17% decrease

•2002-2003 – 29 deaths [source] 16% increase (This is the last year that the flu vaccine was considered “unsafe” by the CDC for children under 5 – now let’s watch the increase of deaths after the CDC recommends all children age 6 months to 5 years be vaccinated for Influenza.)

•2003-2004 – 153 [source] 427% increase

•2004-2005 — 47 deaths [source] 69% decrease

•2005-2006 – 46 deaths [source] 3% decrease

•2006-2007 – 68 deaths [source] 48% increase

•2007-2008 – 88 deaths [source] 29% increase

•2008-2009 – 133 deaths [source] 51% increase

•2009-2010 – 282 deaths [source] 112% increase

•2010-2011 – 115 deaths [source] 59% decrease


"Studies have shown that adequate amounts of Vitamin D during the flu months (when Vitamin D levels are at their lowest) can prevent people from contracting influenza up to 100% of the time!! And even if your Vitamin D levels aren’t as high as they need to be to completely prevent the flu, even higher than average levels of Vitamin D can greatly minimize the symptoms of the flu if you catch it. This is one of the only safe and natural ways to prevent the flu or lessen flu symptoms."
 [source][source] [source] [source University of Cambridge Medical Journals]

Quote of the Day....
The only person that can decide 100% what is right for you is you! BE INFORMED.....don't let yourself be lead without THINKING FIRST.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hockey Is Back!!!...Who Cares

Hi Everyone,
Early this morning the NHLPA and the NHL reached some kind of tentative agreement to save the hockey!
KNOW WHAT I what! All this nonsense so players and the league can have better benefits, save some money and feel better.
MY QUESTION anyone really worth the money that these people make? Are team owners really suffering? NO & NO they are not.

"Players were losing $30,000 US in salary on average per cancelled game, with owners taking an even bigger hit to their wallets."

A majority of the people that cheer and support these organizations DON'T MAKE $30,000 a year. What have you done for your LOYAL FANS Players and NHL???? NOTHING. In fact, I can bet my next pay cheque that the price of tickets will rise SHARPLY because of it. So in the end, it's the poor pathetic fan that pays for this mess so the league and the players can shake hands and step back on the ice. How sad.

What a sad quote, better yet what a sheepish attempt to make the public feel sorry for these GREEDY BASTARDS. I have no sympathy what so ever for a player who is losing that kind of money each game missed when he is making millions a year. Do you really think that this strike put a dent in Sidney Crosby's wallet. I think it is pretty safe to say IT DID NOT.
So I am sure you can assume from my comments that for me, HOCKEY IS NO LONGER MY FAVORITE CANADIAN SPORT. (kind of like the way baseball did when it decided to strike)
The people that rely on that form of entertainment can attest to that. Some sport suppliers are in hock because of this.

HERE'S WHAT I SAY....let your kid watch soccer instead!
Enough Said....

"Not everything you want is everything you really need.
The standard of society is motivated by greed."