when does freedom of speech cross the line to discrimination or hate crime? i was reading an article about a nightclub comedian who is in court fighting for his right to freedom of speech. he was brought to court by a woman who felt she was being discriminated against in the nightclub during his monologue. What a crock....if you can't laugh at yourself who the hell can you laugh at. this guy has every right to say as he pleases within the limits of respectability. so your feelings were hurt, why the hell didn't she and partner just leave the nightclub or write a letter to the editor of the local paper and diss the nightclub? KNOW WHAT I SAY.....get a life. there are many more important things to be worried about in your country than your feelings getting hurt. sticks and stones....(you know the saying)
maybe we should be more worried about a soon to be implemented increase in refugees and funding for them. can our tax dollar really support this? i had a look at some statistics with regards to monthly incomes of refugees vrs Canada pensioners. its shocking really. the Canadian who has been here all his/her life paying taxes gets less per month than a new arrival refugee. why is that? what makes them more important than the person who has contributed all his life? there seems to be a problem here?! why are we not taking care of our own? why is the money not distributed the other way around.....we have customs and laws we are required to adhere to....for example, the Quebec legislature passes a law about having a bare face in the classroom. for what ever reason they saw fit to pass it, it is now law. so anyone that wishes to attend school must bare their face to the teacher. an immigrant woman has challenged that law. she wears a veil and has twice been removed from a classroom. do immigrants not get briefed on laws of the country when they arrive? are they allowed to be the acception? are they not required to integrate within the culture? maybe they should be integrating and practicing their culture and faiths in their homes. i find it unnerving and offensive that women cover their faces. it offends me that women do not seem to think that they are equal...and in this country GD we are. i guess this stems from my Atheistic beliefs that religion is a business to make the masses subservient to the few. it is a way of diminishing your individual freedoms and make you feel that to belong you have to be the same. so as much as the woman in the veil was offended at being asked to leave the class after refusing to unveil her face, i guess i am offended that she didn't.
i am not a racist....i believe your faith and culture is your own and is a private affair. but i do believe that your faith and culture should not infringe upon any others as well. Welcome to Canada....practice at home please.
more fanatics in the news again!!! the iron curtain is not without making world news today. two separate subway attacks by suicide bombers took place during peak riding times causing death and injury. what the hell is going on in the world???? you can't just go around killing innocent people for your cause? that makes you no better than America! SO HERE'S WHAT WE SHOULD DO.....displace the people of Iceland and move them to another part of the world...then move all the crazy radicals there on one island. where to the Icelanders go??...why to the land that was occupied by the crazies!! so get all the nuts on one island....put up very high fencing and razor wire and let them all deal with each other. they will either kill each other or get along. period.
ok enough good news.....
Women are angels.
And when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.
night All!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Earth Hour been there did that...
i was rather upset at the coverage that EARTH HOUR got on MSN. it ranked right beneath Lindsay Lohan falling down maybe drunk, the best hockey brawles of the last few decades and criminals on facebook. i read the article that appeared wayyyyyyyyy down the list about earth hour. a somewhat short one listing how all the beautiful corporate companies participated and all the famous landmarks killed some, but not all their lights. BIG DEAL....they should be doing this on a monthly basis and that may help to reduce the cost of electrcity in all countries. out of all the places like London, Paris, Athens, Sydney and other big cities the one place that impressed me the most was the Maldives. their state broadcasting station shut down for one whole hour!!! Amazing that something, somewhere managed to tame the media for one hour. You didn't see MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, the BBC OR CBC DO THAT???! (but folks who would be there to report all the 'lights-out to you if they went off the air'? idiots.
don't get me wrong, i think that this is a good thing because most of these places and landmarks serve no value added goodness by keeping the lights on. they are not traffic lights or city streetlights now are they?!!!
Corporations like Coca Cola made sure that they got their commercial name in the article too. Coke based Atlanta participated. maybe Coke needs to worry about union deaths on their own property in South America or the use of aspartame in their diet sodas and the affect it has on the people of the world. maybe Coke needs to stop stealing water in third world countries to bottle their get rich formula and leave the water to the people who need it. nobody really needs a coke.
this is the 4th year for Earth Hour....did you know that it actually existed before this year? the concept was started in "the land downunder" a few years back. good on ya Aussies for your stick-to-it idea, look what you have started!!! 4000 cities and millions of people world wide participated this year. countries like China used this platform to help save a little polluting face by making sure it had lights out. China is one of the biggest unchecked burners of fossil fuels like coal. China continues to invest in the future of coal within their borders as a electric answer. i am not sure why, they have enough powerful rivers that they can harnass to supply the entire country.
KNOW WHAT I SAY.... yeah hurray, whoha, way to go and all that electric pride waving, NOW WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO BESIDES SHUT OFF MONUMENTS WORLD?
INTERESTING....McCain is grasping at straws and trying a desparation tactic by inviting Sarah Palin to help him win his seat back in the senate.i think this might be a too little too late move. he has fallen behind in the polls and is grabbing at what he can to move himself back into contention. i laughed out loud listening to an exerpt of her speech. she placed famous american figures/ presidents like Lincoln, Washington and Jackson with the likes of Ronald Reagan?? what was so great about Ronnie....he privatized all he could get his hands on to fit his military budget. he had nothing to do with civil liberties or the good of the people? too funny.
the Pope's palm sunday speech was interesting. he said that of the latest vatican scandal... "one should not dwell on the pettiness of sin in the form of gossip." CAN YOU SAY.... "i don't want to talk about this people so i will turn the tables of blame from me to the PETTINESS of gossip sin." what the hell is that. this guy must be feeling the heat, because he was directly involved in the 90s of a coverup of pedophile priests. why don't they just hand them over to the authorities like any average joe would be.the laws of the catholic church should not supercede that of the country that an offense is purpotrated in.
so what has the pope done. he apologized to the irish, changed the statue of limitations for investigations into allegations about priests,fast tracking to defrock priests and any abuse of people under the age of 18 would be tried under church law. so what is the church law? no one seems to be able to nail that one down. so what has he accomplished, not alot really. he is a pope on the run with fear for his kingdom. ( no i did not misuse the word kingdom. the vatican is recognized as its own state) what will Benedict be known for when he dies..."the coverup King"
Nato chief wants a missile shield?? what the hell is that? now they want Europe to spend spend spend and put that same thing in place there AND include Russia. who are we protecting ourselves from? the americans have more missiles to destroy the world many times over, what are they protecting? Obama spoke to the Russian leader to sign a pact to cut weapons by 1/3, but in the same breath Obama said it would not step back from reviewing or updating their missile defense system.
not only is Obama talking to Russia, but he recieved a report from the his military advisors about Afganistan. it was stated that if the US was to stay it would need more troops and fast. I think Obama was told that this was another Vietnam, a no win situation. i think that the big corporations have exhausted their gravy train and they realize that the people have had enough dead boys come home. i am sure they will find another CONFLICT to support in the near future when the 13 year olds become of age to send somewhere.
OK, enough good news today?
to the important stuff.....QUOTE OF THE DAY!
"You can't say that civilization doesn't advance, for in every war they kill you in a new way. "
Will Rogers
"It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to settle for anything less, well, you're dead."
George Carlin
don't get me wrong, i think that this is a good thing because most of these places and landmarks serve no value added goodness by keeping the lights on. they are not traffic lights or city streetlights now are they?!!!
Corporations like Coca Cola made sure that they got their commercial name in the article too. Coke based Atlanta participated. maybe Coke needs to worry about union deaths on their own property in South America or the use of aspartame in their diet sodas and the affect it has on the people of the world. maybe Coke needs to stop stealing water in third world countries to bottle their get rich formula and leave the water to the people who need it. nobody really needs a coke.
this is the 4th year for Earth Hour....did you know that it actually existed before this year? the concept was started in "the land downunder" a few years back. good on ya Aussies for your stick-to-it idea, look what you have started!!! 4000 cities and millions of people world wide participated this year. countries like China used this platform to help save a little polluting face by making sure it had lights out. China is one of the biggest unchecked burners of fossil fuels like coal. China continues to invest in the future of coal within their borders as a electric answer. i am not sure why, they have enough powerful rivers that they can harnass to supply the entire country.
KNOW WHAT I SAY.... yeah hurray, whoha, way to go and all that electric pride waving, NOW WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO BESIDES SHUT OFF MONUMENTS WORLD?
INTERESTING....McCain is grasping at straws and trying a desparation tactic by inviting Sarah Palin to help him win his seat back in the senate.i think this might be a too little too late move. he has fallen behind in the polls and is grabbing at what he can to move himself back into contention. i laughed out loud listening to an exerpt of her speech. she placed famous american figures/ presidents like Lincoln, Washington and Jackson with the likes of Ronald Reagan?? what was so great about Ronnie....he privatized all he could get his hands on to fit his military budget. he had nothing to do with civil liberties or the good of the people? too funny.
the Pope's palm sunday speech was interesting. he said that of the latest vatican scandal... "one should not dwell on the pettiness of sin in the form of gossip." CAN YOU SAY.... "i don't want to talk about this people so i will turn the tables of blame from me to the PETTINESS of gossip sin." what the hell is that. this guy must be feeling the heat, because he was directly involved in the 90s of a coverup of pedophile priests. why don't they just hand them over to the authorities like any average joe would be.the laws of the catholic church should not supercede that of the country that an offense is purpotrated in.
so what has the pope done. he apologized to the irish, changed the statue of limitations for investigations into allegations about priests,fast tracking to defrock priests and any abuse of people under the age of 18 would be tried under church law. so what is the church law? no one seems to be able to nail that one down. so what has he accomplished, not alot really. he is a pope on the run with fear for his kingdom. ( no i did not misuse the word kingdom. the vatican is recognized as its own state) what will Benedict be known for when he dies..."the coverup King"
Nato chief wants a missile shield?? what the hell is that? now they want Europe to spend spend spend and put that same thing in place there AND include Russia. who are we protecting ourselves from? the americans have more missiles to destroy the world many times over, what are they protecting? Obama spoke to the Russian leader to sign a pact to cut weapons by 1/3, but in the same breath Obama said it would not step back from reviewing or updating their missile defense system.
not only is Obama talking to Russia, but he recieved a report from the his military advisors about Afganistan. it was stated that if the US was to stay it would need more troops and fast. I think Obama was told that this was another Vietnam, a no win situation. i think that the big corporations have exhausted their gravy train and they realize that the people have had enough dead boys come home. i am sure they will find another CONFLICT to support in the near future when the 13 year olds become of age to send somewhere.
OK, enough good news today?
to the important stuff.....QUOTE OF THE DAY!
"You can't say that civilization doesn't advance, for in every war they kill you in a new way. "
Will Rogers
"It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to settle for anything less, well, you're dead."
George Carlin
Thursday, March 25, 2010
My Favorite Photos
These Bagels Aren't Just Bagels
Good Morning,
this Sunday past, i stopped at a little unassuming shop because i needed a pick-me-up. all i really wanted was a coffee. as i entered the place i realized this was a bagel making shop equipped with a burning wood oven and the bagels were being made before my eyes. never one to balk at something different, i ordered one. it was still oven warm and the taste was incredible. it was THE best bagel i had ever had!!! now you say, 'wait a minute? a bagel is a bagel right?' WRONG....these delicious halos of dough are the creme de la creme of bagels. in fact, i like them better than Montreal bagels. Sorry Montreal. they seem to have a natural sweetness in them, so as per me, i asked why? i was told that all good bagels are boiled before baking and the secret was in the water. oh the fountain of taste....discovered at last. this bagel place puts honey, real honey in the water. AND WHAT A DIFFERENCE IT MAKES!!!
needless to say i scooped up a half dozen for a friend. she loves bagels and i knew that her taste buds were far more sophisticated than mine. from the email i got from her....they are a hit and i guess i will be hitting this place more often on both our behalves!!! the name of the place.......KETTLEMAN'S. there are 3 or 4 locations in OTTAWA!
i had time on my week off to watch a rather unassuming documentary. i was flipping through for something to watch and typed in "nutrition and behavior" (don't ask why...i don't know) anyway, i happened upon this lecture by a Dr. Russell Blaylock. it was only 40+ minutes so i watched it. you all really should have a gander at what he has to say. i am quite sure that big PHARMA and the government don't want you to know what i found out. so he spoke about sugar, vitamins and nutrition in general and how a deficiency in the good stuff and an excess of the bad stuff affects our brain and our behavior. WOW!!!
i will give you a few stats from the lecture, maybe it will entice you to watch it. believe me this is as real as reality television gets!!!
The Brain
-it consumes 20% of the oxygen and 25% of the glucose your body takes in, but it is only 2% of the body weight.
- 1900 the average person consumed 4lbs of sugar a year.
- 2000 the average person consumed 129lbs of sugar a year.
- 2500% more! (not kidding here)
- 57% of the sugar intake is brought into the body through processed food.
- juices and sodas account for 43% of the sugar intake. (apple juice is the worst)
moms giving it to their children right from the age they can consume it.
- by 1974 the intake of soda doubled as noted by sales from the big soda distributors.
- the average recommended intake of sugar per day is 10 tsp.
- the average teen intake per day in 2000 was 54 tsp.
How The Brain Works
once a sugar excess is detected by the brain, it releases INSULIN to combat and bring the sugar level down. this causes hypoglycemia. when this occurs the body releases from the adrenal gland 2 drugs Epinephrine and Nor epinephrine. these cause the body to react in a agitated state. as well the brain releases its own glutamate which causes excitability. this is a cycle that normally regulates itself. with the addition of sugars, MSG and other things found in foods, this cycle is sped up and it causes the release of excess drugs to your system which heightens the anxious state. this anxious state can come out in the forms that we see today, schizophrenia, road rage, instant violence and other disorders or syndromes now categorized. most treatable with diet.
what Dr. Blaylock goes on to explain are the warning signs, the food that may cause this, its affect mentally and physically and how it can be treated.
* this is the link for this lecture by Dr.Russell Blaylock
copy and paste it....its worth watching.
Looks like this POPE is up to his neck in molestation and violation scandal. when will people ever learn that one of the most corrupt religions of the face of the earth is Catholic. (they all are as far as i am concerned) what is saving this guy? i will tell you what is.....the millions of sheep around the world that still believe that he is god's man on earth and the position of infallibility that is bestowed upon him. so in layman's terms...even if he is wrong, HE ISN'T. WILL THIS BE THE LAST POPE AS PREDICTED BY A MONK SOME 2 CENTURIES AGO. i hope so, because the history of the vatican shows that it has done little to no good since its conception.
its sad really. people need comfort, something to look up to and they are finding in this day and age that no one with authority can be trusted. so what do we do??? do we walk around scared and lost....HELL NO!!! here's some free advice, actually 2 words. COMMON SENSE. we all have it, even if some of our parents and elders didn't enforce it when we were young. start using it and the other thing we all share...your intelligence!
OK...on to the quote of the day....(i like this part!)
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
Eleanor Roosevelt
"What you need is sustained outrage...there's far too much unthinking respect given to authority."
Molly Ivins
this Sunday past, i stopped at a little unassuming shop because i needed a pick-me-up. all i really wanted was a coffee. as i entered the place i realized this was a bagel making shop equipped with a burning wood oven and the bagels were being made before my eyes. never one to balk at something different, i ordered one. it was still oven warm and the taste was incredible. it was THE best bagel i had ever had!!! now you say, 'wait a minute? a bagel is a bagel right?' WRONG....these delicious halos of dough are the creme de la creme of bagels. in fact, i like them better than Montreal bagels. Sorry Montreal. they seem to have a natural sweetness in them, so as per me, i asked why? i was told that all good bagels are boiled before baking and the secret was in the water. oh the fountain of taste....discovered at last. this bagel place puts honey, real honey in the water. AND WHAT A DIFFERENCE IT MAKES!!!
needless to say i scooped up a half dozen for a friend. she loves bagels and i knew that her taste buds were far more sophisticated than mine. from the email i got from her....they are a hit and i guess i will be hitting this place more often on both our behalves!!! the name of the place.......KETTLEMAN'S. there are 3 or 4 locations in OTTAWA!
i had time on my week off to watch a rather unassuming documentary. i was flipping through for something to watch and typed in "nutrition and behavior" (don't ask why...i don't know) anyway, i happened upon this lecture by a Dr. Russell Blaylock. it was only 40+ minutes so i watched it. you all really should have a gander at what he has to say. i am quite sure that big PHARMA and the government don't want you to know what i found out. so he spoke about sugar, vitamins and nutrition in general and how a deficiency in the good stuff and an excess of the bad stuff affects our brain and our behavior. WOW!!!
i will give you a few stats from the lecture, maybe it will entice you to watch it. believe me this is as real as reality television gets!!!
The Brain
-it consumes 20% of the oxygen and 25% of the glucose your body takes in, but it is only 2% of the body weight.
- 1900 the average person consumed 4lbs of sugar a year.
- 2000 the average person consumed 129lbs of sugar a year.
- 2500% more! (not kidding here)
- 57% of the sugar intake is brought into the body through processed food.
- juices and sodas account for 43% of the sugar intake. (apple juice is the worst)
moms giving it to their children right from the age they can consume it.
- by 1974 the intake of soda doubled as noted by sales from the big soda distributors.
- the average recommended intake of sugar per day is 10 tsp.
- the average teen intake per day in 2000 was 54 tsp.
How The Brain Works
once a sugar excess is detected by the brain, it releases INSULIN to combat and bring the sugar level down. this causes hypoglycemia. when this occurs the body releases from the adrenal gland 2 drugs Epinephrine and Nor epinephrine. these cause the body to react in a agitated state. as well the brain releases its own glutamate which causes excitability. this is a cycle that normally regulates itself. with the addition of sugars, MSG and other things found in foods, this cycle is sped up and it causes the release of excess drugs to your system which heightens the anxious state. this anxious state can come out in the forms that we see today, schizophrenia, road rage, instant violence and other disorders or syndromes now categorized. most treatable with diet.
what Dr. Blaylock goes on to explain are the warning signs, the food that may cause this, its affect mentally and physically and how it can be treated.
* this is the link for this lecture by Dr.Russell Blaylock
copy and paste it....its worth watching.
Looks like this POPE is up to his neck in molestation and violation scandal. when will people ever learn that one of the most corrupt religions of the face of the earth is Catholic. (they all are as far as i am concerned) what is saving this guy? i will tell you what is.....the millions of sheep around the world that still believe that he is god's man on earth and the position of infallibility that is bestowed upon him. so in layman's terms...even if he is wrong, HE ISN'T. WILL THIS BE THE LAST POPE AS PREDICTED BY A MONK SOME 2 CENTURIES AGO. i hope so, because the history of the vatican shows that it has done little to no good since its conception.
its sad really. people need comfort, something to look up to and they are finding in this day and age that no one with authority can be trusted. so what do we do??? do we walk around scared and lost....HELL NO!!! here's some free advice, actually 2 words. COMMON SENSE. we all have it, even if some of our parents and elders didn't enforce it when we were young. start using it and the other thing we all share...your intelligence!
OK...on to the quote of the day....(i like this part!)
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
Eleanor Roosevelt
"What you need is sustained outrage...there's far too much unthinking respect given to authority."
Molly Ivins
Monday, March 22, 2010
The Past Few Days....
Well Hello Again....
its been a strange few days. i arrived in OTTAWA, our lovely nations capital, on the Thursday evening. it was so nice to arrive in daylight!!! i'll get straight to Friday!!!
it was gloreeeeous sunny weather. almost balmy for OTTAWA. it was +16 with a light breeze. after a morning of business we decided to wander around. if you come to OTTAWA, i advise seening it on foot. the flavour of the people and city tastes much sweeter. it is chaotic, exciting, gentle and colourful all rolled into one!
we walked mostly in the downtown core around the Byward Market area. it looks rather plain, like early 20th century style buildings. the strange but interesting thing was that the new shiny buildings didn't really detract from their beauty, but rather enhanced it. we wandered down along the river. beware!! there is construction going on in the city at the moment. (another Harper Hype) and at times you feel like you are crawling beneath a maze of catwalks and scaffolding. its isolated to specific areas so not to worry.
first off....let me tell you "NO DON, I DID NOT GO TO THE CANADIAN MINT" there that's done. (but i did walk by it...hehehehe) what i really wanted to see is something that my father would have loved to gaze upon if he were still alive. we went to see the entrance of the canal with its 1+ century old locks.
its hard to believe that after all these years that the system still functions. we walked all over the locks, manoeuvring around joggers and bikers. what a pain!
we did walk to the other side of the canal that enters the city. if you remember the photos from Winterlude....well the canal definitely doesn't look the same right now. i hope they put water in the thing?!!! it looks like crap right now.
it was by the end of the day that i wasn't feeling so good...damn. i barely dragged my duff back and collapsed on the sofa. had a raging fever for 24+ hours. not fun, ate little....good for the waistline tho.
Sunday was simpler. we did a bit of groceries and walked around a mall called "Place D'Orleans" a big mall with commercial stuff in it...accept the SENS STORE!!!! (no Don i didn't buy anything for you there either!)
by late afternoon i was wiped...again.
today...well its cool but SUNNY!!! i am painting today. i have a big honkin canvas and i am going to town. it will be one that i paint exclusively in OTTAWA. might leave it here, not sure yet.
enough of my small life...lets talk about the world.
WOW..... big news in the USA!!! a better or revised form of health care has come down to the people by a slim margin. good for them...its about time money was spent at home rather that abroad. what i don't understand is "why all the protesting against this?" is it not a good thing that the Average Joe may get some medical cost relief for a change? is it not a good thing that the rich will be taxed a little more to help with the cost? apparently not according to the protesters on Capitol Hill??!! why? in the year 2010 this administration will hand over almost close to a trillion...(you read it right) dollars to the industrial military complex who has theeee worst track record of losing, mismanaging or wasting taxpayers money, yet the outlined budget for this 'health care package' is significantly smaller than that???? Americans complain that their tax dollars go out of country to be spent elsewhere, they complain that the cost of health care will hurt them....but they don't seem to give a sweet sh-t that their money is being used to kill hundreds and thousands of people around the world in the name of terrorism. WAKE UP AMERICA.....you are not fighting terrorists, you are fighting 3rd world countries to rape them of their resources and and control their governments to satisfy your strategic position. to be honest if ya wanna call a spade a spade...YOU ARE THE TERRORISTS. ask any person that does not live in the US and you will probably get that answer.
the other reason i don't get this obsessed backlash to health care....your previous administration forked out big bucks to failing businesses that cried wolf and bankruptcy if they didn't get a bail out. you all got scared and the government used your money again. then when they thought no one was looking, the CEOs decided to cut up the pie and enjoy "bonuses", "holidays" "pay raises". is this how you want the money spent???
you would begrudge hundreds and thousands of your 'fellow countrymen' the chance at decent health care and at the very least a bit of relief in the bills they may incur?
i say...SHAME ON YOU, YOU GREEDY CAPITALISTS. one day your "Roman Empire" nation will crumble or a new "French Revolution of America" will take place. then who will be crying?
oh ya.....just so ya know...the money you just spent on the military budget this last year could have paid for health care for all Americans COST FREE. think about that that next time you are sitting in a clinic for hours with your child in your arms waiting to see a doctor.
thought for the day....
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.
George Carlin
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
to alleviate some of my STUDENT/NOISE frustration....i am off for a week of peace and quiet. i will post again soon......from a quieter place.
TA for now!
Quote Of The This Blog : "silence is golden when duct tape is involved."
TA for now!
Quote Of The This Blog : "silence is golden when duct tape is involved."
Students And Spring...rage rage on..
Good Morning,
well its suppose to be my morning anyway!?? i was trying to get some shuteye when i was abruptly awoke by the sound of lousy guitar music. Yes, its that time of year again in a University City where all the students come out to play. its getting closer to the end of the year and with the nice weather comes the stupidity that students store all winter long. Yes, they stand outside at 3am in their underwear their nice mom's gave them and scream nonsense like "i am king of the world" or "i wanna die" i am not particularly fond of any ones mental capacity or lack of it a 3am if has disrupted my own. and so it begins, houses pack with more kids and alcohol than the bylaws allowed, music that is incomprehensible with lyrics that would make your mother's hair curl and the outbursts of crying for the neighbourhood to hear that their university boyfriend just dumped them.
i have a question here....how is it that people and their behavior like this will someday govern us? SHOOT ME NOW!!! I understand the mentality of a university city. i understand that all university students do wild things once away from apron strings. i can even understand the need to get cold cocked drunk, these are basic facts....BUT what i don't get is that they seem to feel that everyone else on the face of the planet wants to hear their bad guitar solo of a Led Zeppelin tune or that their boyfriend just dumped them so he can run around all summer.
there are large incentives for university cities and tax breaks as well because they stimulate the economics of the city. i understand the success of a university depends on their diversity and ability to promote their status. what i don't get is why parents are not responsible for the behavior of their children while they are away?
....so here is what i propose, a few requirements upon admission to a university.
1. sound violations will be not tolerated period.
Why? : because the rest of the community actually has a real job and not everyone can work 9 to 5 like in movies students watch.
2. no toleration of drunk and disorderly in the streets.
Why? : see answer for last question.
3. pedestrian etiquette must be adhered to at all times.
Why? : because if you are old enough to buy your own alcohol, skip class and be a nuisance, you are old enough to know the laws. CROSS AT CROSSWALKS, WALK WHEN THE LITTLE MAN LIGHTS UP ON THE POST, BEWARE OF DRIVING ROAD CONDITIONS SO YOU DON'T BECOME A HOOD ORNAMENT AND MOST OF ALL....USE SOME COMMON SENSE (you know, that stuff your parents taught you when you were 6)
* upon admission to the university, along with food packages, residency and any other thing the university soaks your parents for, a student should be required to sign this agreement as well as the parents. hell, lets set up community watch groups!!! citizens of the city who patrol residential areas for students and ticket them for violations. let's even apply the "3 strikes you are out" rule then. 3 tickets and the next one is home to Mom and Dad to explain why you have been expelled from the Uni. BETTER YET.....let's end a note home on the 2nd offense and the 3rd offense a fine to be paid by the parents on behalf of their child. let's go even further with a "PUBLIC APOLOGY DAY" where serious offenders must stand up at the city center and publicly apologize for inconveniencing the fair people of the town. And if the student is a "super offender" ban them from the university city for life and his/her behavioral record should follow them from school to school.
DOES THIS SOUND EXTREME????.....or the rantings of a sleepless agitated grudging resident. i don't care what you think...its my damned BLOG anyway !!!!!
oh ya and one last thing...since i have your attention....let's ban the use of the word "LIKE". i really don't want to be old and watch CSPAN to see the future leaders of our country say....." well you know like we have to cut spending and like reduce the deficit"
rageeeeeeeeeeeeeee rage on ya'll!!!!
Quote Of The Day : "don't buy your child a guitar to take to university or college, buy him/her some etiquette."
well its suppose to be my morning anyway!?? i was trying to get some shuteye when i was abruptly awoke by the sound of lousy guitar music. Yes, its that time of year again in a University City where all the students come out to play. its getting closer to the end of the year and with the nice weather comes the stupidity that students store all winter long. Yes, they stand outside at 3am in their underwear their nice mom's gave them and scream nonsense like "i am king of the world" or "i wanna die" i am not particularly fond of any ones mental capacity or lack of it a 3am if has disrupted my own. and so it begins, houses pack with more kids and alcohol than the bylaws allowed, music that is incomprehensible with lyrics that would make your mother's hair curl and the outbursts of crying for the neighbourhood to hear that their university boyfriend just dumped them.
i have a question here....how is it that people and their behavior like this will someday govern us? SHOOT ME NOW!!! I understand the mentality of a university city. i understand that all university students do wild things once away from apron strings. i can even understand the need to get cold cocked drunk, these are basic facts....BUT what i don't get is that they seem to feel that everyone else on the face of the planet wants to hear their bad guitar solo of a Led Zeppelin tune or that their boyfriend just dumped them so he can run around all summer.
there are large incentives for university cities and tax breaks as well because they stimulate the economics of the city. i understand the success of a university depends on their diversity and ability to promote their status. what i don't get is why parents are not responsible for the behavior of their children while they are away?
....so here is what i propose, a few requirements upon admission to a university.
1. sound violations will be not tolerated period.
Why? : because the rest of the community actually has a real job and not everyone can work 9 to 5 like in movies students watch.
2. no toleration of drunk and disorderly in the streets.
Why? : see answer for last question.
3. pedestrian etiquette must be adhered to at all times.
Why? : because if you are old enough to buy your own alcohol, skip class and be a nuisance, you are old enough to know the laws. CROSS AT CROSSWALKS, WALK WHEN THE LITTLE MAN LIGHTS UP ON THE POST, BEWARE OF DRIVING ROAD CONDITIONS SO YOU DON'T BECOME A HOOD ORNAMENT AND MOST OF ALL....USE SOME COMMON SENSE (you know, that stuff your parents taught you when you were 6)
* upon admission to the university, along with food packages, residency and any other thing the university soaks your parents for, a student should be required to sign this agreement as well as the parents. hell, lets set up community watch groups!!! citizens of the city who patrol residential areas for students and ticket them for violations. let's even apply the "3 strikes you are out" rule then. 3 tickets and the next one is home to Mom and Dad to explain why you have been expelled from the Uni. BETTER YET.....let's end a note home on the 2nd offense and the 3rd offense a fine to be paid by the parents on behalf of their child. let's go even further with a "PUBLIC APOLOGY DAY" where serious offenders must stand up at the city center and publicly apologize for inconveniencing the fair people of the town. And if the student is a "super offender" ban them from the university city for life and his/her behavioral record should follow them from school to school.
DOES THIS SOUND EXTREME????.....or the rantings of a sleepless agitated grudging resident. i don't care what you think...its my damned BLOG anyway !!!!!
oh ya and one last thing...since i have your attention....let's ban the use of the word "LIKE". i really don't want to be old and watch CSPAN to see the future leaders of our country say....." well you know like we have to cut spending and like reduce the deficit"
rageeeeeeeeeeeeeee rage on ya'll!!!!
Quote Of The Day : "don't buy your child a guitar to take to university or college, buy him/her some etiquette."
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Good Morning
my company arrived safe and sound. we had a late dinner and laughed the rest of the evening.
i promised you some good news today....
headline : Chinese Workers Not Willing To Settle For Sweatshop Jobs Like Their Parents Were. (what a great headline!!)
"Their attitudes and expectations are vastly different from those of their parents, who hunkered down on assembly lines for little pay and helped turn China into a manufacturing juggernaut. Many younger workers won't do the sweatshop jobs their parents did. They grew up with greater prosperity in families limited by the one-child policy. They are more used to getting their way.
"It's true that we're less willing to eat bitterness," Chen said with a chuckle, using a popular Chinese phrase for enduring hardship. "We're better educated. We know we have rights. Times have changed.""
Hoorah for the youth of China. that is very encouraging along with the olympic athlete that thanked her parents and not the state for "robotting her!"
maybe there is hope yet for China and maybe yet.....they will realize that the government only has the power to control as long as the people allow it.
This past week a large bust of an Egyptian Pharaoh was found in a mortuary temple. it was dug out of the sand and identified as Amenhotep lll. he was the grandfather of the famed boy-king Tutankhamun. the bust is carved from beautiful red granite and is believed to be the first complete face of Amenhotep ever found. nice looking King if you ask me.
Hero Of The Day!!!!
there is a great story i read this morning about a man named Luis Soriano. this is a hero! he travels by donkey toting books to villages in Columbia. his mission is simply to save rural children from illiteracy. What a GUY!!!! i am in awe of people who dedicate themselves to the education of children. to easily children slip through the cracks in schools and are left behind due to lack of funding. if i can find a site to send books or funds to Mr. Soriano i will post it.
Quote of the Day : a bad day in Spring is better than any good day in Winter.
i promised you some good news today....
headline : Chinese Workers Not Willing To Settle For Sweatshop Jobs Like Their Parents Were. (what a great headline!!)
"Their attitudes and expectations are vastly different from those of their parents, who hunkered down on assembly lines for little pay and helped turn China into a manufacturing juggernaut. Many younger workers won't do the sweatshop jobs their parents did. They grew up with greater prosperity in families limited by the one-child policy. They are more used to getting their way.
"It's true that we're less willing to eat bitterness," Chen said with a chuckle, using a popular Chinese phrase for enduring hardship. "We're better educated. We know we have rights. Times have changed.""
Hoorah for the youth of China. that is very encouraging along with the olympic athlete that thanked her parents and not the state for "robotting her!"
maybe there is hope yet for China and maybe yet.....they will realize that the government only has the power to control as long as the people allow it.
This past week a large bust of an Egyptian Pharaoh was found in a mortuary temple. it was dug out of the sand and identified as Amenhotep lll. he was the grandfather of the famed boy-king Tutankhamun. the bust is carved from beautiful red granite and is believed to be the first complete face of Amenhotep ever found. nice looking King if you ask me.
Hero Of The Day!!!!
there is a great story i read this morning about a man named Luis Soriano. this is a hero! he travels by donkey toting books to villages in Columbia. his mission is simply to save rural children from illiteracy. What a GUY!!!! i am in awe of people who dedicate themselves to the education of children. to easily children slip through the cracks in schools and are left behind due to lack of funding. if i can find a site to send books or funds to Mr. Soriano i will post it.
Quote of the Day : a bad day in Spring is better than any good day in Winter.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Tweeting During Q & A
What is this twitter crap? that's all people talk about. it seems like a glorified chat room...you know, the kind msn dumped not too long ago. well apparently everyone from celebrities to politicians are into it. Lisa Raitt our fair Minister of Labour seems to have no problem at all playing on her device and "tweeting" the twitter-addicts during our countries sessions in Parliament....during Question Period. is there nothing sacred anymore??!!!! better yet...why the hell are we paying politicians to hold office, spend our tax dollars and play on their cell phones when they should be paying attention to Q & A???? DON'T RE-ELLECT LISA RAITT...she is wasting our money!
on a lighter note, my company arrives from Ottawa today!!!! i am looking forward to seeing her. we are heading out to breakfast Sunday morning to a little eatery called "the cedar barn". i gotta tell you, for breakfast...this place rocks!!! its very casual, but the food is so good. specialty of the house "HOME MADE HASH BROWNS" to die for. if you ever get a chance to go, its at the north end of Waterloo, Ontario.
well my place smells clean and fresh. i worked hard today....time for a little siesta! zzzzzzz
maybe tomorrow i will focus on the good news in the world....sounds like Canada and world could use some.
oh ya one last thing....the 2010 military budget for Iraq/Afghanistan is $900,000,000,000!!! yip you read that right...900 BILLION. and the poor civil workers during and after 9/11 just got a court settlement of 650 million. the average wage of an enlisted man with wife and/or children is $41,021 a year.
the total spending on wages in the middle east right now is 3.10 billion. that includes enlisted and officers. where did the rest of 896.9 billion go???
* and Canada is still talking about NAFTA??? i don't know about the rest of you, but i am not particularly interested in becoming the North American Union and paying off the American Government's debt!!!!!!!
i have a few other interesting tidbits to share : LOST (ya you read that right)
-549 million dollars in spare parts in 2004.
-1 billion in equipment....guns, rifles...etc 2007.
-mismanagement and waste of funds in 2007 10 billion.
-Haliburton overcharged 1.4 billion for food and housing to the American Government.
-37.3 cents on the American dollar goes to the military
ENOUGHHHHHHHHHHHH.....time to go.adios
on a lighter note, my company arrives from Ottawa today!!!! i am looking forward to seeing her. we are heading out to breakfast Sunday morning to a little eatery called "the cedar barn". i gotta tell you, for breakfast...this place rocks!!! its very casual, but the food is so good. specialty of the house "HOME MADE HASH BROWNS" to die for. if you ever get a chance to go, its at the north end of Waterloo, Ontario.
well my place smells clean and fresh. i worked hard today....time for a little siesta! zzzzzzz
maybe tomorrow i will focus on the good news in the world....sounds like Canada and world could use some.
oh ya one last thing....the 2010 military budget for Iraq/Afghanistan is $900,000,000,000!!! yip you read that right...900 BILLION. and the poor civil workers during and after 9/11 just got a court settlement of 650 million. the average wage of an enlisted man with wife and/or children is $41,021 a year.
the total spending on wages in the middle east right now is 3.10 billion. that includes enlisted and officers. where did the rest of 896.9 billion go???
* and Canada is still talking about NAFTA??? i don't know about the rest of you, but i am not particularly interested in becoming the North American Union and paying off the American Government's debt!!!!!!!
i have a few other interesting tidbits to share : LOST (ya you read that right)
-549 million dollars in spare parts in 2004.
-1 billion in equipment....guns, rifles...etc 2007.
-mismanagement and waste of funds in 2007 10 billion.
-Haliburton overcharged 1.4 billion for food and housing to the American Government.
-37.3 cents on the American dollar goes to the military
ENOUGHHHHHHHHHHHH.....time to go.adios
Well That Didn't Take Long
it seems that the Governor of California has made the news today. he was quoted as saying "I think gay marriages should be between a man and a woman." Arnie, please....either you are getting early Alzheimer's or your steroids are finally catching up to your brain.
i think that is time Arnie gets foot out of mouth and out of politics and retire to the actors retirement home.
How is it in a time of economic crisis around the world that 3 of the top 10 billionaires in the world are making money in the market?? i think that the economic crisis is for the middle to lower class only. we are taxed to death while these money rollers pay nothing. we pay for health care, military, education, and every other thing that the government wants to roll out on off our tax backs. when do these people who can afford to pay taxes BEGIN. so much for A GOVERNMENT BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE??!!! oh ya, a little reminder folks....DON'T BE LATE PAYING YOUR INCOME TAXES.... the government will track you down and DEMAND IT.
i read about the double murder in Beleville the other day. that is so sad. what was this 18yr old thinking??? that he could shoot up the people and the place and just get away with it??? people are just going over the edge!!! i say 2 words "food aditives"
i think that is time Arnie gets foot out of mouth and out of politics and retire to the actors retirement home.
How is it in a time of economic crisis around the world that 3 of the top 10 billionaires in the world are making money in the market?? i think that the economic crisis is for the middle to lower class only. we are taxed to death while these money rollers pay nothing. we pay for health care, military, education, and every other thing that the government wants to roll out on off our tax backs. when do these people who can afford to pay taxes BEGIN. so much for A GOVERNMENT BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE??!!! oh ya, a little reminder folks....DON'T BE LATE PAYING YOUR INCOME TAXES.... the government will track you down and DEMAND IT.
i read about the double murder in Beleville the other day. that is so sad. what was this 18yr old thinking??? that he could shoot up the people and the place and just get away with it??? people are just going over the edge!!! i say 2 words "food aditives"
Women In Politics
i was just reading an article about Helena Guergis. if you don't know who she is, well i will tell ya. She is the Conservative MP who blew a gasket at the airport after arriving minutes before her flight. she was appalled that she would have to go through the same airport checks as the rest of us ''lowly Canadians'' and used foul language and called the city she was in a "hellhole". tsk tsk Helena. do you feel that your position excludes you from National Security because you happened to get elected? even worse, you are a woman in a career of mostly men. you are suppose to be the example for young women who may seek political careers or women in general in the limelight for that matter. so after this wonderful faux pas, what does Helena do now? Well in case you didn't know Helena is the minister for Women's Status. she pulled a no show at a conference she was suppose to attend. when her office was called, no response came forward. ANOTHER SHINING EXAMPLE.
some people were calling for resignation over the airport incident. to be honest i don't think its called for. you don't see polititians resigning for acting like children in parliment do you? if the nation actually watched CSPAN they would be ashamed of the officials elect.
so Helena is having a few bad months. her hubby was caught DUI and recieved a slap on the hands instead of the proper charges. can you say "hubby has connections!" anyway, Helena needs to make a concerted effort to fix her attitude, come down of the political high horse and start doing what she was ELECTED TO DO. WORK FOR THE PEOPLE THAT VOTED HER IN.
i will be back later....off to do laundry
some people were calling for resignation over the airport incident. to be honest i don't think its called for. you don't see polititians resigning for acting like children in parliment do you? if the nation actually watched CSPAN they would be ashamed of the officials elect.
so Helena is having a few bad months. her hubby was caught DUI and recieved a slap on the hands instead of the proper charges. can you say "hubby has connections!" anyway, Helena needs to make a concerted effort to fix her attitude, come down of the political high horse and start doing what she was ELECTED TO DO. WORK FOR THE PEOPLE THAT VOTED HER IN.
i will be back later....off to do laundry
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
A Painting Day
Good Evening,
today was one of those days, no real sun and kinda lazy. i wasn't lazy however. i painted today. i put aside my big landscape and opted to start a smaller one. Grrrrrrr no camera yet.
i just read an article about Sidney Crosby's hockey stick that was lost. WHO CARES? the worst part was the the famed shoe company Reebok offered a $10,000 reward for the thing. why doesn't Reebok sink $10,000 into giving shoes to kids that need it? shame on you Reebok for doing that.....guess i won't be buying any of your shoes!!!
A Canadian was attacked in Sydney Australia the other day!!! he was waiting for the subway car when he was brutally attacked on the platform. he is in critical condition and needs surgery. the subway security cameras caught it all and someone was arrested. of course the attackers are juvenile and can't be named. what crap...there is that political correctness again. if you do the crime expect the punishment!!!! these kids know the law and how it works. because of their status they are protected from the public. BULLCHIT i say. take your medicine.
oh ya...i forgot to tell you about my documentary!!!
it was facinating. i guess i should tell you that i am a "documentary junkie". its better than watching "reality TV"???? good lord.
the docu was a lecture for a professor at Carleton University in Ottawa. the topic was about global warming. not about all the BS about emisions of carbon, but rather about how the solar cycles affect our climate. he showed the correlation between solar flares and galactic radiation with regards to the fluctuation of our earth's temperature. he had all the bells, whistles and scientific data to back what he was talking about. it has been documentaries such as this that lead me to rethink the idea of global warming and the almighty dollar for our carbon footprint. i don't think people should just jump at the "Global Warming Wagon" just because some environmentalist says so. i think we need to rethink what is causing it and adjust our lifestyles accordingly. i am not saying that less emmisions isn't better...by all means we all want clean air. just do some homework before your politicians decide to tax you to death over this.....because just maybe what if global warming is wrong and it is only a cycle of the planet?
here's the link to the video...its only about an hour of your time.
you will have to copy and paste it.
time for a coffee.....have a great evening all!
today was one of those days, no real sun and kinda lazy. i wasn't lazy however. i painted today. i put aside my big landscape and opted to start a smaller one. Grrrrrrr no camera yet.
i just read an article about Sidney Crosby's hockey stick that was lost. WHO CARES? the worst part was the the famed shoe company Reebok offered a $10,000 reward for the thing. why doesn't Reebok sink $10,000 into giving shoes to kids that need it? shame on you Reebok for doing that.....guess i won't be buying any of your shoes!!!
A Canadian was attacked in Sydney Australia the other day!!! he was waiting for the subway car when he was brutally attacked on the platform. he is in critical condition and needs surgery. the subway security cameras caught it all and someone was arrested. of course the attackers are juvenile and can't be named. what crap...there is that political correctness again. if you do the crime expect the punishment!!!! these kids know the law and how it works. because of their status they are protected from the public. BULLCHIT i say. take your medicine.
oh ya...i forgot to tell you about my documentary!!!
it was facinating. i guess i should tell you that i am a "documentary junkie". its better than watching "reality TV"???? good lord.
the docu was a lecture for a professor at Carleton University in Ottawa. the topic was about global warming. not about all the BS about emisions of carbon, but rather about how the solar cycles affect our climate. he showed the correlation between solar flares and galactic radiation with regards to the fluctuation of our earth's temperature. he had all the bells, whistles and scientific data to back what he was talking about. it has been documentaries such as this that lead me to rethink the idea of global warming and the almighty dollar for our carbon footprint. i don't think people should just jump at the "Global Warming Wagon" just because some environmentalist says so. i think we need to rethink what is causing it and adjust our lifestyles accordingly. i am not saying that less emmisions isn't better...by all means we all want clean air. just do some homework before your politicians decide to tax you to death over this.....because just maybe what if global warming is wrong and it is only a cycle of the planet?
here's the link to the video...its only about an hour of your time.
you will have to copy and paste it.
time for a coffee.....have a great evening all!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Good Afternoon,
i am back!
the sun is out. the Chemtrails are there too. ugh
had coffee with a friend this morning. just love her to pieces. we stood in the sun where she works and slurpped back a William's and chatted.
i have a question for everyone.... ready?
what food do you detest? something you can't even look at let alone put in your mouth!!!
....i detest TURNIP. why? because i cannot stand the smell, let alone the taste...
(having a childhood flash back here) oh the horror! lol
i did some painting again this morning. pity my camera is somewhere else or i would take a pic and post it. guess you will have to wait till my camera arrives.
WOW!! i just glanced at the MSN homepage....what a joke. there is everything about nothingness on it. from how to breakup to parking garage nightmares. who writes this stuff??? and how relevant is it to our lives? if its not that, its about disaster, murder or bank profit margins. CAN'T WE JUST HAVE A LITTLE GOOD NEWS FOR A CHANGE?!!!
looks like Tim Hortons is getting a face lift?! they are going to start remodelling stores to the tune of $200 million. it means either 2 things: the price of coffee will skyrocket or they just want to look like starbucks and the price of coffee will skyrocket.
i really don't care if they redo their image...just don't do it on the backs of the loyal customers. I SAY: if ya want to look pretty, do it at your own expense, not the customers. i do think that Tim Hortons is a bit unnerved by the recent success of Mc's coffee. if you haven't tried it lately, you should. it is quite good. maybe Tim's is trying to get away from the Mc image of acrylic seating and bolted to the floor tables. its a COFFEE SHOP...not a restaurant. oh well, guess we will see soon whether the price of Tim's goes up. and since they posted this article, THEY CAN'T BLAME IT ON THE INCREASE IN PRICE FROM COLOMBIA! i don't care really....i like William's coffee better.
ok... done rambling. i am off to watch a documentary, will keep you informed about what it was about. most likely i will have to watch it twice. once before i fall into a midday nap and once after.
bye for now....will leave with a quote.
"He who laughs last has not yet heard the bad news."
i am back!
the sun is out. the Chemtrails are there too. ugh
had coffee with a friend this morning. just love her to pieces. we stood in the sun where she works and slurpped back a William's and chatted.
i have a question for everyone.... ready?
what food do you detest? something you can't even look at let alone put in your mouth!!!
....i detest TURNIP. why? because i cannot stand the smell, let alone the taste...
(having a childhood flash back here) oh the horror! lol
i did some painting again this morning. pity my camera is somewhere else or i would take a pic and post it. guess you will have to wait till my camera arrives.
WOW!! i just glanced at the MSN homepage....what a joke. there is everything about nothingness on it. from how to breakup to parking garage nightmares. who writes this stuff??? and how relevant is it to our lives? if its not that, its about disaster, murder or bank profit margins. CAN'T WE JUST HAVE A LITTLE GOOD NEWS FOR A CHANGE?!!!
looks like Tim Hortons is getting a face lift?! they are going to start remodelling stores to the tune of $200 million. it means either 2 things: the price of coffee will skyrocket or they just want to look like starbucks and the price of coffee will skyrocket.
i really don't care if they redo their image...just don't do it on the backs of the loyal customers. I SAY: if ya want to look pretty, do it at your own expense, not the customers. i do think that Tim Hortons is a bit unnerved by the recent success of Mc's coffee. if you haven't tried it lately, you should. it is quite good. maybe Tim's is trying to get away from the Mc image of acrylic seating and bolted to the floor tables. its a COFFEE SHOP...not a restaurant. oh well, guess we will see soon whether the price of Tim's goes up. and since they posted this article, THEY CAN'T BLAME IT ON THE INCREASE IN PRICE FROM COLOMBIA! i don't care really....i like William's coffee better.
ok... done rambling. i am off to watch a documentary, will keep you informed about what it was about. most likely i will have to watch it twice. once before i fall into a midday nap and once after.
bye for now....will leave with a quote.
"He who laughs last has not yet heard the bad news."
So a bit of Everything & Anything....
Good Morning Everyone,
i just started this blog to see if it was to my liking. i may use it to display some of my art. i think that would be cool.
so what shall i chat about today....hmmmmmm. oh i know....The government's idea to change or "glorious National Anthem"
ok here's my take on it......NO NO NO. i don't know about you, but i am getting rather tired and fed up with all the political correctness in the world. PEOPLE..its getting out of hand.the Anthem as is has served us proud and long. Don't spoil it!
Enough complaining.....weather!
oh me oh my.....what beautiful Canadian weather we are having!!! i woke up again today...(march 9th) to a exquisite sunrise...can anyone say we don't have beautiful ones?!!! the sky was a velvet haze of black and deep blue and over a period of about 20 minutes it melted into reds, pinks and yellows. not long after the morning sun shone over the crest of the horizon. Gotta love these Vitamin D days people!!!!
i have been painting again! wooohoooo!!! when it happens it happens i guess. the winter drought is over and the brush is in my hand again. i am working on a rather large landscape at the moment. it is revealing itself little by little to me. i am excited.
March Break is almost here and i have a special visitor coming!! it will be wonderful to see them again. i went to visit her in Ottawa not long ago. we went to Winterlude, an Ottawa winter festival. the amount of people on the Rideau Canal was staggering!!! we heard on the news that the day we were there, 60,000 people had attended that day....my guess that is that most of them were on the canal. Ottawa is a charming backward city. it is tightly knit and shares the spotlight with its sister-city across the river, Gatineau. careful if you cross the river and brush up on your french....there is little to no english signs to direct you!
will be right back....i need a coffee!!!
ok...i'm back!
i will drop a few paintings for you to see.....
ok time to go.....PAINTING AWAITS....catch ya on the flip side!
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