when does freedom of speech cross the line to discrimination or hate crime? i was reading an article about a nightclub comedian who is in court fighting for his right to freedom of speech. he was brought to court by a woman who felt she was being discriminated against in the nightclub during his monologue. What a crock....if you can't laugh at yourself who the hell can you laugh at. this guy has every right to say as he pleases within the limits of respectability. so your feelings were hurt, why the hell didn't she and partner just leave the nightclub or write a letter to the editor of the local paper and diss the nightclub? KNOW WHAT I SAY.....get a life. there are many more important things to be worried about in your country than your feelings getting hurt. sticks and stones....(you know the saying)
maybe we should be more worried about a soon to be implemented increase in refugees and funding for them. can our tax dollar really support this? i had a look at some statistics with regards to monthly incomes of refugees vrs Canada pensioners. its shocking really. the Canadian who has been here all his/her life paying taxes gets less per month than a new arrival refugee. why is that? what makes them more important than the person who has contributed all his life? there seems to be a problem here?! why are we not taking care of our own? why is the money not distributed the other way around.....we have customs and laws we are required to adhere to....for example, the Quebec legislature passes a law about having a bare face in the classroom. for what ever reason they saw fit to pass it, it is now law. so anyone that wishes to attend school must bare their face to the teacher. an immigrant woman has challenged that law. she wears a veil and has twice been removed from a classroom. do immigrants not get briefed on laws of the country when they arrive? are they allowed to be the acception? are they not required to integrate within the culture? maybe they should be integrating and practicing their culture and faiths in their homes. i find it unnerving and offensive that women cover their faces. it offends me that women do not seem to think that they are equal...and in this country GD we are. i guess this stems from my Atheistic beliefs that religion is a business to make the masses subservient to the few. it is a way of diminishing your individual freedoms and make you feel that to belong you have to be the same. so as much as the woman in the veil was offended at being asked to leave the class after refusing to unveil her face, i guess i am offended that she didn't.
i am not a racist....i believe your faith and culture is your own and is a private affair. but i do believe that your faith and culture should not infringe upon any others as well. Welcome to Canada....practice at home please.
more fanatics in the news again!!! the iron curtain is not without making world news today. two separate subway attacks by suicide bombers took place during peak riding times causing death and injury. what the hell is going on in the world???? you can't just go around killing innocent people for your cause? that makes you no better than America! SO HERE'S WHAT WE SHOULD DO.....displace the people of Iceland and move them to another part of the world...then move all the crazy radicals there on one island. where to the Icelanders go??...why to the land that was occupied by the crazies!! so get all the nuts on one island....put up very high fencing and razor wire and let them all deal with each other. they will either kill each other or get along. period.
ok enough good news.....
Women are angels.
And when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.
We are flexible.
night All!
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