Saturday, March 13, 2010

Women In Politics

i was just reading an article about Helena Guergis. if you don't know who she is, well i will tell ya. She is the Conservative MP who blew a gasket at the airport after arriving minutes before her flight. she was appalled that she would have to go through the same airport checks as the rest of us ''lowly Canadians'' and used foul language and called the city she was in a "hellhole". tsk tsk Helena. do you feel that your position excludes you from National Security because you happened to get elected? even worse, you are a woman in a career of mostly men. you are suppose to be the example for young women who may seek political careers or women in general in the limelight for that matter. so after this wonderful faux pas, what does Helena do now? Well in case you didn't know Helena is the minister for Women's Status. she pulled a no show at a conference she was suppose to attend. when her office was called, no response came forward. ANOTHER SHINING EXAMPLE.
some people were calling for resignation over the airport incident. to be honest i don't think its called for. you don't see polititians resigning for acting like children in parliment do you? if the nation actually watched CSPAN they would be ashamed of the officials elect.
so Helena is having a few bad months. her hubby was caught DUI and recieved a slap on the hands instead of the proper charges. can you say "hubby has connections!" anyway, Helena needs to make a concerted effort to fix her attitude, come down of the political high horse and start doing what she was ELECTED TO DO. WORK FOR THE PEOPLE THAT VOTED HER IN.
i will be back to do laundry

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