Good Morning,
well its suppose to be my morning anyway!?? i was trying to get some shuteye when i was abruptly awoke by the sound of lousy guitar music. Yes, its that time of year again in a University City where all the students come out to play. its getting closer to the end of the year and with the nice weather comes the stupidity that students store all winter long. Yes, they stand outside at 3am in their underwear their nice mom's gave them and scream nonsense like "i am king of the world" or "i wanna die" i am not particularly fond of any ones mental capacity or lack of it a 3am if has disrupted my own. and so it begins, houses pack with more kids and alcohol than the bylaws allowed, music that is incomprehensible with lyrics that would make your mother's hair curl and the outbursts of crying for the neighbourhood to hear that their university boyfriend just dumped them.
i have a question is it that people and their behavior like this will someday govern us? SHOOT ME NOW!!! I understand the mentality of a university city. i understand that all university students do wild things once away from apron strings. i can even understand the need to get cold cocked drunk, these are basic facts....BUT what i don't get is that they seem to feel that everyone else on the face of the planet wants to hear their bad guitar solo of a Led Zeppelin tune or that their boyfriend just dumped them so he can run around all summer.
there are large incentives for university cities and tax breaks as well because they stimulate the economics of the city. i understand the success of a university depends on their diversity and ability to promote their status. what i don't get is why parents are not responsible for the behavior of their children while they are away? here is what i propose, a few requirements upon admission to a university.
1. sound violations will be not tolerated period.
Why? : because the rest of the community actually has a real job and not everyone can work 9 to 5 like in movies students watch.
2. no toleration of drunk and disorderly in the streets.
Why? : see answer for last question.
3. pedestrian etiquette must be adhered to at all times.
Why? : because if you are old enough to buy your own alcohol, skip class and be a nuisance, you are old enough to know the laws. CROSS AT CROSSWALKS, WALK WHEN THE LITTLE MAN LIGHTS UP ON THE POST, BEWARE OF DRIVING ROAD CONDITIONS SO YOU DON'T BECOME A HOOD ORNAMENT AND MOST OF ALL....USE SOME COMMON SENSE (you know, that stuff your parents taught you when you were 6)
* upon admission to the university, along with food packages, residency and any other thing the university soaks your parents for, a student should be required to sign this agreement as well as the parents. hell, lets set up community watch groups!!! citizens of the city who patrol residential areas for students and ticket them for violations. let's even apply the "3 strikes you are out" rule then. 3 tickets and the next one is home to Mom and Dad to explain why you have been expelled from the Uni. BETTER YET.....let's end a note home on the 2nd offense and the 3rd offense a fine to be paid by the parents on behalf of their child. let's go even further with a "PUBLIC APOLOGY DAY" where serious offenders must stand up at the city center and publicly apologize for inconveniencing the fair people of the town. And if the student is a "super offender" ban them from the university city for life and his/her behavioral record should follow them from school to school.
DOES THIS SOUND EXTREME????.....or the rantings of a sleepless agitated grudging resident. i don't care what you think...its my damned BLOG anyway !!!!!
oh ya and one last thing...since i have your attention....let's ban the use of the word "LIKE". i really don't want to be old and watch CSPAN to see the future leaders of our country say....." well you know like we have to cut spending and like reduce the deficit"
rageeeeeeeeeeeeeee rage on ya'll!!!!
Quote Of The Day : "don't buy your child a guitar to take to university or college, buy him/her some etiquette."
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