Sunday, March 28, 2010

Earth Hour been there did that...

i was rather upset at the coverage that EARTH HOUR got on MSN. it ranked right beneath Lindsay Lohan falling down maybe drunk, the best hockey brawles of the last few decades and criminals on facebook. i read the article that appeared wayyyyyyyyy down the list about earth hour. a somewhat short one listing how all the beautiful corporate companies participated and all the famous landmarks killed some, but not all their lights. BIG DEAL....they should be doing this on a monthly basis and that may help to reduce the cost of electrcity in all countries. out of all the places like London, Paris, Athens, Sydney and other big cities the one place that impressed me the most was the Maldives. their state broadcasting station shut down for one whole hour!!! Amazing that something, somewhere managed to tame the media for one hour. You didn't see MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, the BBC OR CBC DO THAT???! (but folks who would be there to report all the 'lights-out to you if they went off the air'? idiots.
don't get me wrong, i think that this is a good thing because most of these places and landmarks serve no value added goodness by keeping the lights on. they are not traffic lights or city streetlights now are they?!!!
Corporations like Coca Cola made sure that they got their commercial name in the article too. Coke based Atlanta participated. maybe Coke needs to worry about union deaths on their own property in South America or the use of aspartame in their diet sodas and the affect it has on the people of the world. maybe Coke needs to stop stealing water in third world countries to bottle their get rich formula and leave the water to the people who need it. nobody really needs a coke.
this is the 4th year for Earth Hour....did you know that it actually existed before this year? the concept was started in "the land downunder" a few years back. good on ya Aussies for your stick-to-it idea, look what you have started!!! 4000 cities and millions of people world wide participated this year. countries like China used this platform to help save a little polluting face by making sure it had lights out. China is one of the biggest unchecked burners of fossil fuels like coal. China continues to invest in the future of coal within their borders as a electric answer. i am not sure why, they have enough powerful rivers that they can harnass to supply the entire country.
KNOW WHAT I SAY.... yeah hurray, whoha, way to go and all that electric pride waving, NOW WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO BESIDES SHUT OFF MONUMENTS WORLD?

INTERESTING....McCain is grasping at straws and trying a desparation tactic by inviting Sarah Palin to help him win his seat back in the senate.i think this might be a too little too late move. he has fallen behind in the polls and is grabbing at what he can to move himself back into contention. i laughed out loud listening to an exerpt of her speech. she placed famous american figures/ presidents like Lincoln, Washington and Jackson with the likes of Ronald Reagan?? what was so great about Ronnie....he privatized all he could get his hands on to fit his military budget. he had nothing to do with civil liberties or the good of the people? too funny.

the Pope's palm sunday speech was interesting. he said that of the latest vatican scandal... "one should not dwell on the pettiness of sin in the form of gossip." CAN YOU SAY.... "i don't want to talk about this people so i will turn the tables of blame from me to the PETTINESS of gossip sin." what the hell is that. this guy must be feeling the heat, because he was directly involved in the 90s of a coverup of pedophile priests. why don't they just hand them over to the authorities like any average joe would be.the laws of the catholic church should not supercede that of the country that an offense is purpotrated in.
so what has the pope done. he apologized to the irish, changed the statue of limitations for investigations into allegations about priests,fast tracking to defrock priests and any abuse of people under the age of 18 would be tried under church law. so what is the church law? no one seems to be able to nail that one down. so what has he accomplished, not alot really. he is a pope on the run with fear for his kingdom. ( no i did not misuse the word kingdom. the vatican is recognized as its own state) what will Benedict be known for when he dies..."the coverup King"

Nato chief wants a missile shield?? what the hell is that? now they want Europe to spend spend spend and put that same thing in place there AND include Russia. who are we protecting ourselves from? the americans have more missiles to destroy the world many times over, what are they protecting? Obama spoke to the Russian leader to sign a pact to cut weapons by 1/3, but in the same breath Obama said it would not step back from reviewing or updating their missile defense system.
not only is Obama talking to Russia, but he recieved a report from the his military advisors about Afganistan. it was stated that if the US was to stay it would need more troops and fast. I think Obama was told that this was another Vietnam, a no win situation. i think that the big corporations have exhausted their gravy train and they realize that the people have had enough dead boys come home. i am sure they will find another CONFLICT to support in the near future when the 13 year olds become of age to send somewhere.

OK, enough good news today?
to the important stuff.....QUOTE OF THE DAY!

"You can't say that civilization doesn't advance, for in every war they kill you in a new way. "
Will Rogers

"It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to settle for anything less, well, you're dead."
George Carlin

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