What is this twitter crap? that's all people talk about. it seems like a glorified chat room...you know, the kind msn dumped not too long ago. well apparently everyone from celebrities to politicians are into it. Lisa Raitt our fair Minister of Labour seems to have no problem at all playing on her device and "tweeting" the twitter-addicts during our countries sessions in Parliament....during Question Period. is there nothing sacred anymore??!!!! better yet...why the hell are we paying politicians to hold office, spend our tax dollars and play on their cell phones when they should be paying attention to Q & A???? DON'T RE-ELLECT LISA RAITT...she is wasting our money!
on a lighter note, my company arrives from Ottawa today!!!! i am looking forward to seeing her. we are heading out to breakfast Sunday morning to a little eatery called "the cedar barn". i gotta tell you, for breakfast...this place rocks!!! its very casual, but the food is so good. specialty of the house "HOME MADE HASH BROWNS" to die for. if you ever get a chance to go, its at the north end of Waterloo, Ontario.
well my place smells clean and fresh. i worked hard today....time for a little siesta! zzzzzzz
maybe tomorrow i will focus on the good news in the world....sounds like Canada and world could use some.
oh ya one last thing....the 2010 military budget for Iraq/Afghanistan is $900,000,000,000!!! yip you read that right...900 BILLION. and the poor civil workers during and after 9/11 just got a court settlement of 650 million. the average wage of an enlisted man with wife and/or children is $41,021 a year.
the total spending on wages in the middle east right now is 3.10 billion. that includes enlisted and officers. where did the rest of 896.9 billion go???
* and Canada is still talking about NAFTA??? i don't know about the rest of you, but i am not particularly interested in becoming the North American Union and paying off the American Government's debt!!!!!!!
i have a few other interesting tidbits to share : LOST (ya you read that right)
-549 million dollars in spare parts in 2004.
-1 billion in equipment....guns, rifles...etc 2007.
-mismanagement and waste of funds in 2007 10 billion.
-Haliburton overcharged 1.4 billion for food and housing to the American Government.
-37.3 cents on the American dollar goes to the military
ENOUGHHHHHHHHHHHH.....time to go.adios
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